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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    old Sandy Petersen Interview

    I'm always baffled by the hatred so many people express for Sandy Petersen's maps. He made a lot of great maps, more or less pioneering the "wide-open space" approach. Many of the best pwads follow his overall aethos of mapping just as much as the Romero approach - probably more so, unless you're talking of Romero's map29, E4M2 and E4M6 style. After all, how many E1-style maps can you play before it starts to become monotonous?
  2. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #376

    Why? If they had been uploaded as separate 1-level wads, then each map would have been reviewed. So why not when they are uploaded as a single wad? Does that make them any less interesting or worthy of attention? Having said that, in the case of really bad maps such as most of those in wit.wad are, I would have been tempted to say rather less about them.
  3. Grazza

    ngmvmt1 demos [-complevel 9]

    No, because they are only pseudo random numbers. The game is completely deterministic: exactly the same actions will always lead to exactly the same outcome. Boom demos do include a seed for the PRNG, which is needed for playback, but that is all.
  4. Grazza

    Claustrophobia 1024 Demos

  5. Grazza

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    Please bear in mind that the purpose of this thread is for you all to claw each other eyes outto discuss this release in whatever way you see fit, and not to rake over and reignite old arguments from another forum (such as the Zdoom forums).
  6. Grazza

    Eternal demos [-complevel 2]

    Eternal map31 features a spechits overflow that affects playback on (almost?) all demos recorded on this map. That's almost certainly the problem here - I'm guessing ToD has different settings for spechits overflow emulation in the various installations of prboom+ versions that he has. It's nothing to do with different versions (of port or wad), but rather the cfg files that are associated with them. Just turn spechits overflow emulation on in all cases - spechits overflow emulation works well, and has never caused any crashes to my knowledge, or to have broken any maps. ToD's new et31 demos plays back OK if spechits overflow emulation is turned off, so presumably he recorded it with it turned off. So emulation needs to be temporarily turned off to play it back.
  7. Grazza

    Bad habits from Doom

    I run as fast as I can into the outer walls of banks, hoping to grab the cash through the wall. No luck as yet.
  8. Grazza

    Doom 4 should have...

    [Two very similar threads merged. Please check if there is a currently active thread on the topic you wish to raise before starting a new one.]
  9. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    I'll second that feature request (as an option, of course), and in the form described in your last two sentences (with a USE tic), so that the stats appear immediately. Thanks for the reminder about the DHT3 section in the archive.
  10. Well that's a tough one. Most of the following have demos, but they haven't received as much demo exposure as the likes of MM2, Icarus and Final Doom: Darkcvnt AllHell AOD-Doom Osiris Trooper's Playground (ttp103) System Vices (aboosysv) dyst3
  11. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Yes, the dates of the lmp and the wad suggest that this was recorded on an earlier version. The wad needed was called ddoptions.wad (info from my autoloading patterns). I have tried to find some info from searching the forums, but no luck so far. Will post again if I have anything relevant. But clearly not a prboom-plus issue. Edit: the download link was in this post, but it is now dead, and not available on Internet Archive either.
  12. I gave the angles and speeds in this post: kimo's visual method is very useful to remember - I have used the "screen edge" mnemonic for many years when trying to line up a Strafe-50 run/jump. But note that if you are playing with a widescreen monitor with aspect ratio correction, it will be not the edge of the screen, but rather the end of the status bar. Varying between strafe-40 and strafe-50 is a useful way to make slight changes of direction, though of course if you don't coordinate your actions well enough, you can end up making some absurd manoeuvres. With practice, that can be avoided though. Don't try to work Strafe-50 into your play too extensively if you are only just starting out with it. Try to use it here and there, particularly when you have a long straight run through open space. Once you are comfortable with your control set-up, you'll find yourself using it to good effect more often, and with greater fluency. You'll probably also find that one direction (SR50 or SL50) feels more natural to you than the other. While being "ambidextrous" in this respect would sometimes be useful, even the best Doomers tend to do it mostly one way or the other. One more tip: running at full strafe-50 speed makes you more likely to skip linedefs. That's great if you are trying to skip them, but sometimes you definitely want to trigger them (e.g. skipping an exit linedef can ruin an attempt in aggravating fashion). If you drop out of strafe-50 just a moment before reaching the linedef, you are much less likely to skip it. Just a note about terminology:SR40, SR50, SL40 and SL50 are from Uwe Girlich's LMPC program, and are the way it represents gametics where the player strafes left or right at these speeds. (e.g. SL40 = strafe left at speed 40; actually it's an acceleration rather than a speed, but let's not be too picky.) GF50 means running forwards (also from LMPC). Strafe-50 is usually used to refer to running forwards and strafing, that is GF50 plus SR50 or SL50 (with strafe-40 meaning GF50 plus SR40 or SL40). Thus it is a bit of an abuse of language to use SR50 to mean strafe-50, but it generally doesn't cause any real confusion.
  13. Grazza

    Official Demo Request Thread

    Yeah, I recall trying that one when we did the original stroller pack. It should be feasible with enough attempts, but possibly not too much fun. Another stroller in a slightly similar vein is ksutra map23.
  14. Grazza

    TEUTiC question

    -complevel 1 (emulating Doom 1.666) could be a neat solution. It is pretty much the same behaviour as -complevel 2, but won't require the user to force a complevel for playback.
  15. Grazza

    Information Privacy

    Two of the most obvious dangers arising from having your personal information harvested are identity theft and phishing (which obviously has a better chance of working if it is "personalized").
  16. Drag and drop was introduced in Boom 2.02, more than twelve years ago. A lot of ports support it. Threads merged, because having two separate threads would just cause confusion and lead to a messy discussion.
  17. Grazza


    Most people will probably find Plutonia easier than HR but it depends on your skill set and playing style, and what difficulty level you're playing on. While Plutonia no doubt helped inspire HR, they represent somewhat different genres of Doom mapping. For the most part, Plutonia creates problems for the player by using smaller numbers of monsters and forcing the player to run the gauntlet and make good use of resources. HR (in its harder maps) obliges the player to use dynamic tactics and create his own region of safety. BTW, I don't think the secret levels (of either wad) are particularly representative of the typical challenges and difficulty level throughout the wad. In particular, HR map31's secret exit will just irritate people who don't typically use Strafe-50. Yes, HR works fine with vanilla, with the minor exception that you won't be able to save in some maps until you have thinned out the monsters a fair bit.
  18. Grazza

    Information Privacy

    If you hate Google's tendency to invade your privacy (and the smug "It's OK because we're nice people and wouldn't do anything bad with it" attitude of Google's spokespeople) and don't like the alternative Internet search engines, use Scroogle ... that is, once they have solved the current technical problem Google has thrown at them. :(
  19. Grazza

    Recommended Legacy-Only Single Player WADs?

    There's also DSV4.
  20. Grazza

    good Head Shop name?

    Well, clumping still happens when it is modeled mathematically, which suggests it is more than a problem of driver psychology. Though in fairness, I don't recall whether they built "asshole" tendencies into the AI. :p
  21. Please note that the forum rules require that at least an effort is made to use proper English. We understand that not everyone's English is perfect, and that the occasional typo is inevitable, but deliberately bad English is not OK. This isn't an AOL chat room.
  22. Grazza

    Eternal demos [-complevel 2]

    I love that map too! It's always nice to see Eternal demos.
  23. Grazza

    Coolest Dooming moment ever...

    Actually, I found Plutonia to be the first wad that really punished players for not learning to strafe well. Most other wads from the early years could be handled (albeit awkwardly) without strafing - even Hell Revealed up to a point.
  24. Yes, it's -app to append stuff from the iwad to the pwad. Don't use -merge, as this alters your iwad, which is highly undesirable.
  25. If the sprites worked when they were in the iwad, but not when in the pwad, then it sounds like the problem isn't with the sprites or colors themselves. So, this sounds like it is because the sprites all need to be in the same wad for the original Doom exe to use them. To solve this, you'll need to use deusf (you probably already have it; if not, you can download it). The command line is as follows: deusf -app MyHack.wad This needs to be run with the iwad (doom.wad) in the same folder as deusf.exe and MyHack.wad (or whatever you have called your pwad). It does not change the iwad - it adds stuff from it to your pwad. Then it should work. But note that you shouldn't upload the wad with the sprites appended in this way. Distribute it with deusf.exe included and note in the text-file that this will be needed if you want to use doom.exe. Most port users won't need to bother, while this will be a familiar process to those who use Doom.exe.