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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I'll close this before it really turns to junk.
  2. Grazza

    Resurrection Part 2...

    That's got to be good news. <small>But it belongs in WADS and Mods.</small>
  3. Grazza

    Looking forward to?

    Armadosia, Kama Sutra and Scythe2 have already been released in 2005 - they're more than a year's worth of great wads alone. I'm looking forward to:A rerelease of Armadosia, with some bugs/issues fixed (not sure if this will happen) Plutonia 2 (if it's still on) Shtbag's as yet still unnamed megawad (I hope he hasn't lost interest in finishing this) Thomas van der Velden's "Harmony" Deus Vult II
  4. Grazza

    Quake stuff

    You might find the links I gave here useful.
  5. Grazza

    What's your favorite food?

    Hot curries, such as a phal. Or strong cheese, such as vintage cheddar or Danish gammel ost. As long as it causes physical pain, it's worth trying.
  6. No. Is it cool? The thing I really like about this number is when you look at it geometrically. The area enclosed within a little loop between two curves (with no straight edges) is equal (up to a factor of two) to a series of little rectangular blocks underneath one of those same curves. I should also confess that I didn't do the proof of the identity myself, but just suggested a few ideas for it. It used induction with two parameters, IIRC, and relied on a lot of terms being zero.
  7. The one I gave the name koppa. Note to the last few posters: integers are not transcendental.
  8. Grazza

    Doom movie gets rated....

    They're all there on the site. Use the "Search Titles" feature and be sure to choose the relevant categories. The ones you mentioned just aren't recent enough to be in the "recent decisions" list.
  9. Grazza

    Doom movie gets rated....

    Here is a list of recent decisions. Strong violence and language (or very strong violence on its own) seems to be sufficient to get an 18.
  10. Grazza

    Compet-N mentioned at 1up.com.

    In the context of an upwards jump, rather than a horizontal speed boost, that's probably correct, isn't it? It's seems like quite a good article to me. I'm not convinced the guy fully understands all the techniques he's writing about, but he appears to have researched it from good sources. It's a good job Compet-n was updated recently - otherwise people following the link might have thought the site was dead, which would have been rather counterproductive.
  11. Trollish pimping of ports will land you in Losers. Don't do it a third time. In case you really don't get it: Stating your preferences and your reasons for them: OK Proclaiming something as objectively "best" without further comment, when it is a matter of personal preference and priorities: Not OK
  12. Grazza

    How much DOOM shit do you own?

    I've just acquired something else, and it lives up to the thread title quite nicely too: D!Zone (two floppy disks, without the box - a friend gave them to me for free yesterday). It features an incredible 75 wads, and 15 of them even have text-files.
  13. Grazza

    is somebody selling this?

  14. Grazza

    Sir Mick Jagger

    Pop stars pretending to be politicians is almost as sad as politicians pretending to be pop stars. But unfortunately it's a lot more common.
  15. Grazza

    /Newstuff cut-off

    SlatheDoomer: I understand your frustration that many of the review comments in the idgames database are immature rants. However, don't take this personally: there are a lot of comments of that type even for well-established good-quality wads too. Try to ignore them, and focus on the more constructive comments. Also, rather than releasing a wad to the archive, try posting about it in the forums, and inviting comments upon it (making it available by putting it on your own webspace or e-mailing it upon request). If you say something like: "I'm new to this, and would like to become better. Please provide helpful comments on this map I have made.", then you'll probably get a better response. Also, if someone makes unprovoked attacks on you in the forums, they cannot do so anonymously, and the mods will be able to take appropriate action against them and their flames. But please avoid being confrontational in this. Few things cause as much annoyance here as a new mapper who appears and starts pimping his "amazing wads" that turn out to be unplayable messes. Not saying you're doing that or that your wads fit that description, but just be aware of the danger.
  16. Grazza

    Vegans and The Greater Good - Mk.2

    No; my point was exactly that beliefs, morals or whatever of that nature might not play any part in this. For instance, I presume you don't generally eat earthworms or whale semen (and perhaps you don't eat much seaweed either): is that for moral reasons? And this distinction is at the heart of the discussion you are proposing. If something is just a preference ("I choose not to do this, but I could do it if I wanted to on a specific instance and for a specific reason") rather than a firm principle ("I refuse to do this because I consider it fundamentally wrong"), then clearly this makes a big difference to how you might behave in a situation where there is something to be gained deviating from your normal behaviour, and in how you might feel about your conduct afterwards.
  17. Grazza

    Vegans and The Greater Good - Mk.2

    You're assuming that his decision to be a (sort of) vegan is based on beliefs of some sort. It could just be a preference - which seems quite likely if he was willing to suspend it just for some silly gameshow. This is obviously different from a genuine survival situation, where it is more to be expected that people will do whatever it takes in order to avoid death (e.g. the several documented cases of people resorting to cannibalism as a last resort, such as the Donner Party).
  18. I don't think any of them sucked - I enjoyed watching them all. Some good low-health situations, and the chronic ammo shortage map was a scream. Well, I quite enjoy that kind of thing anyway - but there should have been a swarm of demons to non-berserk too. BTW, it might be an idea not to give the demopack's zip file the same name as that for the wad. ;)
  19. Grazza

    Quake stuff

    I've tended to use glquake, and have been pretty happy with it overall, but have just decided to try JoeQuake, now that I watch Quake demos quite a lot.
  20. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #245

    That's because they were initially put in the wrong place in the archive, and then moved to their correct place. There are new pages in the idgames database for these wads: Demon's Lair The Final Gathering - actually that one is not a new page; it had been the one for the older version, and still has the previous text-file. If you get this problem for other wads, the simplest solution is to Search for the file-name.
  21. Grazza

    Armadosia Megawad Demo

    What's the size of the file you downloaded? It should be 9.92 MB. You could try using a download manager if you're not already doing so.
  22. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #245

    Informative, helpful reviews - good work. The earlier version of The Final Gathering [gather2] (19-Apr-1995) that funduke has unearthed is historically significant, since it places it before Waterfront [wtrfront] (31-May-1995) as the first intentional use of the arch-vile (ghosts) bug - unless anyone can point to an earlier one, and assuming the date-stamps are correct. These were left in by mistake (the author tested the map in Legacy) and he has since uploaded an amended version, replacing the version that had the voodoo dolls. Funnily enough, the voodoo dolls made it much easier to speedrun this map.
  23. Grazza

    DOOM movie question

    Search for the many many threads there have already been about the Doom movie for information and speculation about these points.
  24. TVR! by Thomas van der Velden, map26 (Phragmobasidium) UV Speed in 0:29. This compares with the time of 1:28 from my speed demo pack from late 2002. I don't think I'm three times faster now than I was then, but I'm probably a fair bit better at finding tricks and shortcuts. And if you're wondering what Phragmobasidium means, read this.