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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    Strange Plutonia Demo

    On the subject of pl12, has anyone tried Sedlo's route (from his 15pl TAS run) without tool assistance? Is it just too difficult (or impossible without MBF)? If not, then it could cut a fair bit off the pacifist time.
  2. Grazza

    Strange Plutonia Demo

    mbflmpc can analyse this demo. From the header info, it appears to be a PrBoom default complevel demo. Perhaps that is the reason for differences in some of the game physics. Judging from gametics like GB127 SL50 TL1 it is indeed -turbo 255, with permanent strafe-50 while turning - so either built (unlikely given all the WTs at the start and all the unnecessary turning) or made with Budko's PrBoom (or some other modified engine that hasn't been released) with various TAS features turned on. Sounds like it's someone just jerking you around. An early April Fool maybe? If you watch it with slow motion, then you get the "Player is turbo!" message. At normal speed you don't see it only because there are other messages that take priority.
  3. Grazza

    Kama Sutra Demopack [Released!]

    Altima: If you didn't spot the links given at the start of this thread, the ksutra-n page (complete with tables) is here. AFAIK, Radeg's map09 Max that Anima refers to is the only one listed there that only works with the initial release of the wad and not the current (final?) one.
  4. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #227

    No, because this is a news post. Attemtping to edit it as if it were a normal post can have weird effects, and has no impact on the actual news story on the main site.
  5. Grazza

    Use of MP3

    A music credit on the intermission screen might be a nice touch, if you plan on customizing it. By way of precedent, Eternal gave the name of the piece of music in addition to the level name and the map author's name. But of course a simple credit in the text file would be the standard and fully sufficient approach.
  6. Grazza


    You could try this listing.
  7. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #227

    I thought Crimson Canyon was almost a very good wad indeed. The last two übercramped maps didn't feel like they belonged there at all, while generally the excessive amounts of health and ammo and a few silly traps detracted from the gameplay. Still worth playing overall. Regarding Kama Sutra, one point DD didn't mention is that there are a great many possible trick-based shortcuts that the authors deliberately allowed, meaning many of the maps can be exited very quickly, if you so choose (and find the trick, and get it to work, obviously). Then, like with the original HR, try skill 1. That's designed to be fun, and not at all difficult. Having said that, even on skill 4 the earlier maps don't play as unforgivingly as HR typically does. Uh, CC+KS = 44 good SP maps - not exactly a small week on their own. Screenshots are here, BTW, if you don't want to wait until the links are fixed.
  8. Grazza

    How do I delete My stuff from the FTP sites?

    /incoming is for uploads only, which is why you can't modify or delete the files yourself. If there was a bad upload, then Ty will reject it, so nothing to worry about. Just reupload once he has done so. However, I see that one of your files has been accepted, so you'll need to contact Ty Halderman to ask him to remove it (quoted from here): BTW, it would be a good idea to choose a different file-name than DECLIPSE1.ZIP, as the long file-name will probably get it rejected even if you do upload it successfully.
  9. Grazza

    Cold Blooded Killa

    Being gassed, perhaps?
  10. Grazza

    The poop is dead.

    You hadn't even indicated that you were quoting from news reports (etc.) though.
  11. Grazza

    God Mode

    I normally IDCLEVXX at the start of a new level because it's a quicker way to get a pistol start than using -warp XX. Otherwise, I only use cheats for testing purposes or planning routes. I regard savegames as a form of cheating.
  12. Grazza

    The poop is dead.

    I've edited in Fodders's missing source attributions. Please always remember to do this yourself.
  13. Grazza

    Favorite Weapon

    The Doom marine's two main weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency. Er, and his speed and the fact that there is an intelligent mind in control of him. "Blue Key" seems to be the normal answer when that question crops up.
  14. Grazza

    Use of MP3

    If you're planning to upload it to the Doom Community Archive, then the relevant rule (from here) is this: There's also this: Of course, the requirement to get permission before using other people's stuff is not just a rule of the archive.
  15. Grazza

    The poop is dead.

    I'd imagine Ian Paisley's site would be a good option for anyone seeking English-language criticism of Roman Catholicism.
  16. Grazza

    There's something about Doom

    This is a true statement. Have you tried the tools listed here?
  17. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    AFAIK Andrey hasn't made any changes to demo compatibility. Which one(s) failed? In which version(s) of Prboom? I don't recall problems playing back AV demos. Are you using the right version of the wad (there were two releases, the initial release in late 2001 and the final one in late 2002)? Janizdreg: There is a chasecam in Eternity and in Prboom 2.3.x, so there may be some ready-made code that could be borrowed. BTW, I've been finding 226_7 pretty stable, so the various changes since 226_3 have mostly solved whatever the problems were w.r.t. my system.
  18. Grazza

    Doom2 Episode 1 UV Speed 3:30 (BUILT)

    Regarding the map01 time, Cam's built/TAS 0:04 was for (TAS)MBF, and relied on MBF allowing wallrunning in a direction that Doom2.exe doesn't (north to south). On the other hand, he didn't use S50 while turning and the last second was TAS rather than built - don't know if that would be enough to make the difference though (the wallrun apparently saved two gametics). Cam did say "I'm sure it's possible with the original engine", but that is yet to be demonstrated.
  19. Grazza

    Demo bug in prboom?

    Just a guess, but perhaps the RNG isn't being reinitialized correctly. Or the gametic counter (whatever it's called) - I recall Donce mentioning that the gametic number is used to determine whether revenant missiles are homing or not. Rather than doing a lot of programming, it would seem simpler just to set up a more efficient way to launch the program quickly (clever batch files, or whatnot). BTW, it doesn't seem quite right to call this a bug in Prboom, given that neither the Prboom team nor Andrey Budko had claimed it could be used in this fashion (i.e. demos reloaded without a restart of the program itself).
  20. Grazza

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    A couple more, both ending with the player dead and no harm caused to monsters: Map10 NM100S (+ Pacifist) in 0:38. There are five secrets to visit, and I skip the red key and use a dead exit instead. Perhaps it would be a little bit quicker to use the pool room rather than the dining room, but I don't think there's much in it (but a big difference healthwise). I've done a few more Icarus strollers, but I'm only happy with one of them: Map15 (secret exit) UV Stroller in 0:31. Uses the same basic route as my NM run, but features a funny trick to overcome the fact that I can't skip a one-time-only teleport linedef by running over it.
  21. Grazza

    Kama Sutra Demopack [Released!]

    The link for your UV Speed on map21 is wrong. It should be http://www.ksutra-n.wz.cz/speed/ks21-026dobber.zip (it currently points to http://www.ksutra-n.wz.cz/pacifist/ks21-026dobber.zipp).
  22. There's a thread about it, but no file download (with it not being a valid entry).
  23. Grazza

    Pope given Last Rites

    That reminds me that there was an episode of Spitting Image where one of the cardinals played an April Fool on the pope, claiming that Jesus had returned, sending JP2 into a panic to try to cover up all the illicit stuff that was apparently going on.
  24. Grazza

    ATi or nVidia

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_tracing Or use Google to find other info.
  25. Grazza

    But the Pope's Husband is Opposed!

    They'll be claiming eggs is eggs and that bears shit in the woods next.