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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #140

    Probably just Sarge's sick sense of humour. I doubt he meant any harm by it though.
  2. Grazza

    What is your favorite Horror movie?

    Plan Nine from Outer Space. To be honest, horror movies don't really do much for me, though I find some of them entertaining (e.g. Final Destination). When I was a kid I found Nightmare on Elm Street a bit scary though, but funny too. The only film that really disturbed me in recent years was Seven.
  3. Grazza

    multiple switches in vanilla

    Or arrange it so the player picks up blue or green armour just before triggering the blast. That should be enough to help the voodoo doll survive a small blast, and means that the player doesn't suddenly get a big health boost from nowhere.
  4. No, he's right. Alien Vendetta sucks because it doesn't require a port.
  5. Grazza


    Yes, it's an online journal kind of thing, and you add to it by starting a new thread in the Blogs forum. Some people just use it as a nice quite place to spam though, which leads to some weird-looking Blogs. Info here and at the start of this thread. The Blogs system went through a few changes early on, which is why some of the older comments about Blogs are now a bit misleading.
  6. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #140

    Did you rebirth recently, perhaps?
  7. Grazza

    Doom Music

    You'll probably find this page interesting.
  8. Grazza

    How cool is Doomworld?

    A salutory lesson for anyone who thinks these are secret ballots.
  9. Grazza

    High bridges & higher ceilings

    Try:deusf -app yourpwad.wadThat doesn't change your iwad, but just adds the necessary stuff from the iwad to the pwad. You shouldn't release the pwad with those sprites appended, of course.
  10. Grazza

    How cool is Doomworld?

    I don't think this thread quite belongs in hell, but I'll close it to stop the spam. Oh, and I did the 1337455101 stuff, but I didn't change cheese to impse.
  11. And avoiding some Doom2.exe tricks that don't work in some of the OpenGL ports.
  12. I really hate that newproject tag. It's certainly inappropriate in this instance, since Deathman has shown himself to be fully capable of doing big projects on his own, and is just inviting people to contribute to this one if they wish to. BTW, I don't know what could be considered "sloppy" in DSV4.
  13. Grazza

    Direct Picture Posting

    Have you tried renaming your pictures with a .txt extension? (e.g. change mypic.gif to mypic.txt). That seems to work for a lot of people.
  14. I didn't see them myself, but I think go*tse-themed images could hardly have enhanced the picture story. I presume Electro was disappointed that people had derailed the story with them, rather than with the fact that the inappropriate content got removed. Moderators get to choose their own title, but I think it's only admins who can change other people's. So I can't help you there.
  15. I bet that wouldn't have happened if you'd posted it in fanpics. :p People don't piss about as much there.
  16. Grazza

    yup its me, sorry folks

    So that explains why I was banned from here for no reason so long ago. I think it was just AOL proxies that were banned, since otherwise AOLers could easily evade bans. AOL users could still access Doomworld by using IE, rather than the AOL browser. That's my understanding of it anyway; I might have got it totally cock-eyed. ;)
  17. Grazza

    Looking for an old WAD

    I've got a wad with that name. From 1994; four maps (E2M1-E2M4). It's by David G. Shrock. I could e-mail it to you if you like.
  18. I don't recall that particular site, but here are a couple of sites that contain quite a lot of Doom wads, some of them not in the Community Archive: http://www.filelibrary.com/Contents/DOS/104/3.html http://www.giffer.com/public/dos/
  19. If you'd like this thread moving to fanfics/fanpics, just say so.
  20. Grazza

    How cool is Doomworld?

    It's not dead; it's pinin' for the fjords.
  21. Grazza

    yup its me, sorry folks

    I thought Newdoom recently switched to vBulletin.
  22. Grazza

    yup its me, sorry folks

    Apparently, they're disabled for Great Justice(tm).
  23. Grazza

    How cool is Doomworld?

    OMG cheese is popular around here! ;)
  24. Heh. Anyway, the basic point is that the claim that E=mc^2 implies that the total energy of the universe depends purely on the total mass of the universe, is misguided. Actually, like fraggle, I wasn't at all sure what the article was getting at in any case. It's not the first time I've seen E=mc^2 abused either. :( Has anyone noticed that my title is a sort of crappy paradox?
  25. Telling someone to go fuck themself, even as a joke, is not an ideal way to promote harmony. Nor is "light-hearted counter-trolling". I understand you were provoked, but I'd like to stop this thread becoming a flamewar.