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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I've split it off so that it can't derail the Vanguard demos thread. All demos are welcome in this forum, and if people wish to define their own categories, then that's fine. Of course, whenever one of Phml's "NotMax" demos is also a valid standard Max, then it makes sense to call it a Max. I'd tend to agree with dew's thoughts on this rather odd category, but it is a clearly defined category, so as far as I can see there is no problem with posting "NotMax" demos in the thread most appropriate to them.
  2. Agreed. Off-topic posts split off.
  3. Grazza

    Freely licensed PWADs?

    But one needs to be aware that in many cases when people use the template unaltered, they are making false statements - they have not obtained the permissions they are claiming to have done. So some detective work may still be needed, particularly in cases where the wad contains any resources in addition to the basic map data.
  4. Rain effect: TVR! maps 02 and 18, Icarus map19, S.Q.W.I.R.E.L. (the oil rig map), and no doubt others. Forests: many, including Grove, Skyewood and Real.
  5. The problem isn't with the mirrors or with the links: the file is missing from the main archive. Normally that would mean that Ty Halderman had removed it for some reason - in most cases that means by request of the author. He is the only person who can resolve this for you if you want Dark7 to be in the archive.
  6. Grazza

    Mods with heavy infighting...

    Use the little dehacked file I posted earlier in this thread - then the cybers will happily kill each other. And be sure to disable emulation of intercepts overflows if you are using -complevel 2.
  7. Grazza

    What are you playing now?

    Apart from some notable exceptions (mostly ones that were in the HR2 beta), that pretty much sums it up.
  8. Grazza

    Mods with heavy infighting...

    Unlikely. My Nuts NM Pacifist features more than 4800 monster deaths, all due to infighting, in 52 seconds.
  9. Grazza

    Mods with heavy infighting...

    There's a vastly simpler way that also works with the original game.Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 Doom version = 19 Patch format = 6 Misc 0 Monsters Infight = 221This makes a Max on Nuts.wad fairly straightforward.
  10. Grazza

    Mods with heavy infighting...

    Some TAS Pacifist demos features impressive amounts of infighting. Perhaps the most striking is Cameron Prosser's Nightmare Pacifist on HR map22. One map that I found nice for infighting was hellroom. My UV -fast Pacifist wasn't far off being a Max. In fact, it must be technically feasible to do a Pacifist Max on this map, using the archies' splash damage to rob them of their last scraps of health. But there are many monster-heavy maps that allow a lot of scope for infighting, provided the player has enough room to manoeuvre.
  11. I looked into the question of misplaced secret exits ages ago, and found some slighty surprising behaviour:
  12. Grazza

    Cobra Episodes

    Bear in mind that the wads at dlw have in most cases been altered, often introducing problems large or small, or just changing things for little reason. However, the files there can be useful by providing text-files that weren't included with the original packages.
  13. Grazza

    What are you playing now?

    You'll find a download link on this page, as there are demos that require the older version. The map that got axed is in the map25 slot.
  14. Grazza

    Vile Flesh demos [-complevel 9]

    I don't think anyone has ever been through the wad systematically to check for any problems with -complevel 2. (It's a big wad, and this would be a very major undertaking.) There are some known problems (map17 and map28; maybe map22 too), but many maps where there might be problems large (map breaking) or small (visual glitches or something not working quite as intended). If you record on any map where there isn't already a -complevel 2 demo, then you should regard it as a bit of an experiment. And even when there is a -complevel 2 demo, it is possible that the player used an unintended route option without even realizing it, due to some small difference in behaviour. Gwyn didn't use any Boom features in the maps, but did all his testing with Boom 2.02. So that allows for "Boomisms" and issues related to floor motion (in particular) if you play the maps with Doom2.exe behaviour. Some of the differences are quite subtle and surprising (like this, for instance). Personally, I would use -complevel 9, or else check very carefully that the intended route works the same in both cases. Remember that a -nomonsters run won't pick up all issues, as in Boom a floor can lower even if there are live monsters imbedded in it - with vanilla behaviour, it won't. Long story short: your summary is right. The problem is that there are many maps where it isn't yet known if there are issues (including those that have been assumed not to). Perhaps the question to ask is: Is there any particular reason not to use -complevel 9?
  15. Grazza

    What are you playing now?

    Or try -skill 2 (or even -skill 1). HR was designed to be quite easily "runnable" on those skill levels. More fun than using god mode, and you're at least getting a taste of the authors' intended gameplay.
  16. Grazza

    What are you playing now?

    My initial view of One Flew Over the Caco's Nest (av21) was somewhat similar, but at the time I didn't appreciate that it was that way because it was the first map of an episode (for compet-n episode runs, you start on map01, map11 or map21). If you make a point of playing it from a pistol start, then it is quite a nice map, with plenty of scope for punching, and not too badly balanced. And it is pretty. That said, I still found it odd that when a new map24 was brought in, it was Anders Johnsen's original av25 that got the axe, and not av21. I suppose that as project leader, he felt more comfortable removing one of his own maps.
  17. Grazza

    Vanguard.wad - now on idgames!

    Given the almost universal praise for this wad, and the fact that it contains quite a decent number of levels, I think you could consider submitting this as a news item. If you do, be sure to read these instructions.
  18. Grazza

    Cobra Episodes

    I've uploaded a couple of the later ones that contained at least some rudimentary documentation: http://www.4shared.com/file/2L4yMD6q/cobra2.html http://www.4shared.com/file/Ykt0mur6/cobra23.html These are the 2nd and 3rd Cobra wads for Doom2. I got them from some site (maybe ftp://ftp.mayn.de/pub/really_old_stuff/incubus/) that apparently had got them from here: http://ftp.mayn.de/pub/incubus/UDBase/game/indiz/doom
  19. Grazza

    Cobra Episodes

    They were compilation wads, made up of other people's wads (mostly single levels) thrown together into megawads. This wasn't always done with permission (and unauthorized changes may have been made to the maps), so these wads aren't entirely legitimate, and that is probably why they are mostly missing from the archive. As far as I know, they were made freely available, rather than the compilers charging money for them. I could be wrong on that though. They certainly weren't a commercial product resulting from any permission being granted by id. One of the Cobra wads can be found here (stolen, and without any credits for the compilers or the original mappers - it shouldn't really be in the archive). Map01 is a version of Tiger Den, and I'm sure wad historians will be able to identify many of the others. Edit: A few links: http://cd.textfiles.com/sprintos5/WADS/DOOMAC/COBRA1.ZIP http://cd.textfiles.com/sprintos5/WADS/DOOMAC/COBRA2.ZIP http://cd.textfiles.com/sprintos5/WADS/DOOMAC/COBRA3.ZIP
  20. In answer to the question in the thread title: Yes, all my FB friends do precisely that, but only by virtue of the fact that I don't have any FB friends. You're really troubled by this crap? Really?! This should be firmly placed in "don't give a flying fuck" territory.
  21. Grazza

    Why do you like Doom?

    He made the post in Blogs, but it was then moved out of Blogs. But I'm afraid I ruined it when I edited the thread title to make it more meaningful. That automatically resets the icon.
  22. Grazza

    Biggest U.S. BitTorrent Lawsuit Ever

    The prices aren't so bad if you choose your times carefully. At most local ones I know of, it's $5 before 5 pm, and popcorn is just $1 on Tuesday.
  23. Grazza

    Biggest U.S. BitTorrent Lawsuit Ever

    I thought Black Swan was an empty piece of crap. I don't know how the view started that it was some amazing piece of art, but it seemed to take hold quickly enough that almost everyone jumped on the bandwagon for fear of people thinking they were a philistine, and anyone who was less impressed simply kept quiet. So what was meant to be so good?The fact that there were ballet sequences? Go watch a real ballet if you want that - the quality will be better. The fact that the principal actresses weren't ballerinas, but made a pretty good fist of it? OK, and kudos to them, but does this make the film better to watch? The fact that there was a quasi-lesbo scene? Watch a porn film - you'll see much more. So that leaves the fact that the main character went nuts. That's really it, for the whole film? This has been done better in any number of films. A Beautiful Mind, for instance, made a better and more convincing job of showing how reality seems to someone who has lost his grip on it, and had more much involved in its plot.
  24. Grazza

    Failed demo attempts

    Holy crap, that's nuts. But I think you showed it is possible.
  25. It would help to clarify which "Real" you are trying to get to work. From your description, I imagine it is this one: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=9274 Correct? This one uses some fairly advanced dehacked features.