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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    It wouldn't have been my choice of name, but it does seem to be pretty well established by now. And if executed perfectly, they can look quite graceful, I suppose.
  2. Grazza

    Help with prboom 2.3.1

    That's good news. I would have thought that this was a very critical bug to fix in the official branch (perhaps the most important of all from a recording viewpoint): [-] PRBoom issues: prboom uses monster_avoid_hazards setting from the cfg file when you are using -complevel 0 or -complevel 1. If you have this option set to 1 in your cfg, then you are at risk of getting desyncs in demos that feature crushers. (Dashiva) And these would certainly be nice (and in keeping with the changes from newer versions that you list as being included in the patch): [+] GLBoom: "Smart Items Clipping" setting. [+] Support up to 65536 sidedefs instead of 32768. [-] Bugs in the new algorithm of middle textures drawing. [-] GLBoom bug: wrong display of a middle texture if it exceeds the boundaries of its floor and ceiling.
  3. Grazza

    Help with prboom 2.3.1

    Press Caps Lock. Once you have done this, it is saved in the cfg file, so autorun will be automatically set the next time you start the program. Alternatively, open up glboom.cfg in Notepad, find the line that says "autorun", change the value to 1, and save. To change the key bindings in-game, go to: Options - Set Up - Key Bindings Many of the new options can be set in: Options - Set Up - Status Bar/HUD (screens 2, 3 and 4 - use the arrow keys to navigate between them)
  4. Grazza

    Help with prboom 2.3.1

    Basically yes. It can do everything the regular 2.2.6 can (except, as I understand, compile outside Windows), but with fixes and extra options. Prboom-plus has mouselook as an option if you use its OpenGL version (i.e. glboom.exe rather than prboom.exe). You can use this when recording, without loss of compatibility. (Though if you release a demo where you have used mlook, it would make sense to mention this in the txt, as it does mean that you have been able to see things that you wouldn't otherwise have been able to.) Note that in order to record, you'll have to use a command line (or batch file) - dragging and dropping is (generally) fine for playing or watching, but can't provide the exe with all the info it needs to start a recording.
  5. Grazza

    Help with prboom 2.3.1

    Note that prboom-plus fixes a number of bugs in prboom and adds new features (including new complevels and overflow emulation), meaning amongst other things that it will play back a number of demos that the regular prboom will not. But 2.3.1 should be just as good as the regular 2.2.6 for watching demos (though not as good as -plus). It sounds from what you say like you just need to make sure you really have copied your iwads to wherever you've put prboom 2.3.1, or else to specify an iwad (including the path) in your command line. The big problem with 2.3.1 from a demo viewpoint is that it doesn't let you record. :/
  6. Grazza

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    I'd presumed it to be possible, but decided it was most realistic to restrict the route to just one tricky glide. I found my success rate with the red bars glide wasn't too bad in the way that I did it, but I certainly didn't find any way to make it trivial, and I didn't get it at the first attempt very often.
  7. Grazza

    Ancient wads

    You could try looking here. Not sure how many of those are (or aren't) in the archive. (Perhaps they're all in the archive.)
  8. Grazza

    My own take on E3M8: Dis

    Well, I just played it in Doom.exe. :) It didn't crash, and I exited the map without firing a shot (this was on the initial version), even though I could hardly see what what going on due to all the HOM (HOM-type in appearance at least) and other errors. The map crashes Prboom-plus, Eternity and Chocolate Doom. I'd guess that's due to texture-related problems, but I'm not going to spend time investigating it. Might be an interesting map for fraggle to look at, given that Chocolate Doom fails to emulate Doom.exe's behaviour here. BTW, the new version has some invalid tag errors.
  9. Grazza

    Mordeth Not Dead Yet

    It sounds like you're using the version in the archive, rather than the alternative version on his site that Mordeth recommended for port users (that version should work OK "straight out of the box"). I think that you can still get the version in the archive to work with ports, but you need to run the installation procedure, or at least one very small part of it:nwt -as morgrap0.wad...and then use the wad this creates, rather than the one straight out of the zip. As far as I can tell it all works OK then, but it's so long since I played Mordeth that I can't remember for certain. The demos play back OK with either version - as I understand it, the only difference between them is in the way the graphics wad is organized.
  10. Playing games has been an aspect of human life for all of recorded history. Some have been intended as training for specific tasks (such as military planning), but most have been played for fun or for skill-building or educational purposes. Computer games, such as Doom, are just a normal extension of this, and have many of the same merits. So in answer to your question: just being human, I guess.
  11. Not in the sense that Enjay and I were referring to: i.e. dehacked being used to transfer the relevant codepointer to a frame other than the boss brain's death frame. What the first wad to use this effect was, I'm not sure. Possibly there were some old Doom(1) wads that did something similar with the cyber/spider codepointer (and possibly got broken by changes in the exe).
  12. Grazza

    Mordeth Not Dead Yet

    I've just taken a quick look at mordeth.deh for any known issues with Prboom's dehacked support, and see that it contains a "Bits = 0" line, which the official Prboom doesn't handle correctly (often this is a showstopper too). This bug is fixed in Prboom-plus though. To check there aren't any other problems, I've just verified that Opulent's set of Doom2.exe Max demos on Mordeth all play back on Prboom-plus - they do. (Note - to verify this, I just loaded them up and pressed "End" to check that they each played back all the way to the stats screen.)
  13. Grazza

    Pacifist god

    Perhaps that's a situation where you could have subcategories - two records within the same category as it were. I notice that for some Quake max demos involving zombies but inadequate weapons to kill them directly, they have more than one record - one for everything but the zombies killed, and one for everything (or as much as possible) killed, which may mean a very laborious procedure by which stuff is lured around in order to get the zombies killed by other devious means.* In the p4m2s case, someone would have to show that it was possible first before such a bifurcation had any point though. One could also question the convention that a completely unavoidable telefrag on the only route to the exit should be allowed (rather than just saying that Pacifist is impossible in that case). This convention does seem pretty well established though. (Heh, I notice that I described my old tv14 demos as Pacifist too.) That's the kind of situation I was referring to in my footnote in my last post but one. Actually, I'm not sure I'm in full agreement with AdamH's ruling on the initial ep29**. My natural inclination would be to allow "accidental but reckless" telefrags (I think that's a fair description of one like this, where it is in theory possible to avoid the risk) that don't really have any benefit to the player. Otherwise, as you say, when this ruling is taken to its logical conclusion, you can end up with some bizarre situations. One marginal case from my own experience is dg06p947. That included an accidental telefrag where I had no way of making sure the destination was clear. The telefrag was slightly helpful to me, but certainly not essential in order to get where I needed to go. If it hadn't been such a bitchy run, I might have tried to rerecord as it felt a little displeasing, but I believe overall that it was within the boundaries of pacificivity. <small>* I may have misunderstood something here - I watch a lot of Quake demos, but have no experience of Quake speedrunning. ** And it seems odd to me to disallow this, but to allow the hp19 route where you quite avoidably crush the lost souls at the start.</small>
  14. Grazza

    Pacifist god

    I can't agree with that at all. That would make a lot of maps a complete waste of time for pacifist, as a run could be wiped out due to things over which you have no control. My basic point in my previous post (in case it wasn't clear) was that a route that relies on getting an "accidental" telefrag doesn't strike me as being in the spirit of the pacifist category.
  15. Grazza

    Pacifist god

    I'm sure the difference is intentional - Ryback's bracketed remarks were surely intended to be humorous explanations to justify the name he gave the category, but the actual rules for the category are as expressed outside the parenthesis. There's still of course the issue of whether you had any way of making sure the destination was clear*. Even then, I can think of cases where it might not be clear-cut. For instance, if you deliberately repeat this teleporting until you "accidentally" telefrag a monster that you need to kill in order to make progress (or end the level even), is it really still an unintentional telefrag? <small>* This rule will tend to make some pacifists very luck-based, as any method to clear the area might take a hideously long time. In some cases the right strategy (to avoid relying on pure luck) might be to avoid awakening any monsters that might stray onto the destination, if such an approach is available.</small>
  16. Grazza

    DOOM: The Lost Episodes

    I believe Klie had released his maps for free on their own prior to their inclusion in Lost Episodes, so you should be able to find them online (maybe here?). I'm not sure if they were modified, and overall I'm not at all sure of the status of the Lost Episodes wad. Should it be viewed as a commercial wad (if so, did it have id's blessing?) or was it a free wad included with a commercial product? In any case, the wad included with the book was non-distributable, which I believe is the basic reason it was removed from the archive shortly after it had been uploaded (the txt included by the uploader was a fake).
  17. Hostage Rescue 3 used that effect too. It's quite an interesting wad in several respects, but it's a shame it's not longer, and it has some flaws too.
  18. Grazza


    Yes, that's probably it. Nothing to do with the geography or political history of these places.
  19. Grazza


    Pwned by: Population density of Macau (July 2005 est.): 17,685.0 / sq km Edit: heh, Macau's airport looks cool.
  20. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #269

    I notice that RjY reviewed Armadosia here. This megawad would be brilliant with a few fixes and tweaks.
  21. Will this be in .27? Sounds like an awesome feature. :) Or continued, as Prboom-plus supports the recording of MBF demos. Anyone know if Sedlo said anything about the idea of someone else resuming the recording where he left off?
  22. Music is subject to the same copyright protection as other creative works. I've removed Nmn's link.
  23. Adam_H's second post in this thread explains the effect. For the maximum time saving, you need the second baron to die just before the death animation for the first has finished. So maybe have your third-to-last rocket kill one baron, and then finish the other one off with your last two.
  24. That was nice - very smooth-looking too (and I have smooth playing turned off). Just one question: did you try to get the barons on E1M8 to die closer together (i.e. so the second dies during the death animation of the first), so as to lower the walls a little earlier? Might that not save a second?
  25. Grazza

    Pacifist god

    Well if you take away the godmode, this sounds a bit like Ryback's "Hypocritical Pacifist", where you try to kill as many monsters as possible without actually using weapons to harm them directly. He originally described that in a txt for a long pacifist where he had achieved rather a high proportion of kills. I don't recall anyone deliberately setting out to record such a demo. Some Tyson demos come pretty close though.