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About Knas

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  1. This is pure speculation but from testing some more it seems to happen when I click the save icon. The program freezes for a few seconds and when I load it, it's messed up in a random way. However, if I use save as, the corruption have yet to happen. Edit: No, it can still happen when using save as, just it's way less likely. I'm now afraid I will lose my work if this will continue to happen. Very sure. I've made that mistake before but it has never corrupted the wad like this, unless there is something else that's causing it. Wouldn't know what though.
  2. I have this problem there Slade v311 is messing up the root lumps in my pk3. It's like it's trying to create map markers from an regular wad or something. When I save and load the top lumps gets messed up like in the pic, and the lumps bellow gets filled with some other kind of data. For each time I save and load random lumps gets messed up and I don't know why. The pk3 is created empty in Slade and was then filled with the stuff from my wad. Help please. http://imgur.com/VIQvwAv
  3. Yeah, that works I think. It was just so hard to get a clear understanding which template to use and how to use it from the wiki. Thanks. :)
  4. I've tried to create a font for the inventory amount numbers using Spidey's ZDoom Font Generator, but I can't get it to work. Every time I get some sort of error, a different one for each file format I try. The only time I didn't get one was with a pcx file and console font, but the lump it created was empty, so yeah... If anyone could take a look at my file here and tell me what's up would be very appreciated. http://imgur.com/hIQcULv
  5. In my mod, there will be a much higher focus on inventory usage than weapons. That's why I would like have the weapon prev/next keybind (usually the mouse wheel) select items instead of weapons. Since you can't have custom keyconfigs for specific mods in ZDoom(well at least not without adding an ini), I really don't want the player to have to change his keys just for my mod and instead change how they function in game. So I'm looking for a way to have the weapons only be selectable with the slot 1,2.. etc. keys and when the weapon prev/next shortcut is used it triggers a script that cycles the inventory. I don't care if the solution is a bit hacky as long as the player doesn't notice but I'm not familiar enough with ZDoom scripting to pull this off without some help. :(
  6. Knas

    Some questions about voxel models

    Expected, but what about the first point? That's the main problem right now.
  7. I don't understand how to rotate voxel models around all axis. I've been told that you can rotate 3d models freely but the pitch and roll in GZDB doesn't do anything. Do I need to use scripts or something? Another thing I want to do is having the models block actors with it's geometry instead of its collision box. Since that box is always square it doesn't work very well on flat models. It might work if I can get the model rotation above to work but if that's not possible, how should I do it? Use an invisible polyobject as collision instead?
  8. Oh nice. That is probably what I was looking for, but how do I use it? When I tried with the test wad I get this error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 255, in <module> File "<string>", line 134, in build_all File "<string>", line 114, in build_line File "<string>", line 45, in make_texture UnboundLocalError: local variable 'txd' referenced before assignment
  9. I'm talking about making textures in a graphics program, not aligning them. You know having a silhouette of your walls exported with the correct dimensions to work with.
  10. Is there a good way to make textures that match the geometry in your level? I can't really think of a good way to do it so I'm hoping for some tips. Is there a plugin for DB there you can select several walls/flats in visual mode and then have the program save a template texture with their shape?
  11. From my "learning GZDoom" wad.
  12. Yea, it's not easy. Especially since I'm still learning about scripting. That's why I want as much info as possible before starting. Btw, is there a wad out there with a custom HUD made in ACS instead of SBARINFO? Maybe that could give some insight.
  13. I'm creating a torch, to be displayed on the left on the HUD, like Doomguyâ„¢'s holding it in his hand. Now I don't really know the best way to tackle this problem with how I want it to look and behave. I've looked at both creating a custom weapon and/or using DrawImage command to display it, but I need some help how to best approach this. This is what I want:The sprite should be on the left side and always present, even if the player has a weapon equipped. It's not controlled at all by the player, but should still do a regular weapon select/deselect animation when a script tells it to. I want it to bob left and right just like a weapon when the player moves. It should have a few animation frames that's cycling. However, the flame itself should be a completely separate sprite that follows the torch bobbing. The flame should be transparent and animated and it's size should be reduced with scripts to simulate how much is left of it.The torch doesn't need to emit light though, that's done elsewhere. The best way would be to have it be a Decorate, but I don't think those can be drawn on the HUD, so any help on how to approach this is very appreciated.
  14. Knas

    Automap modding questions

    Found this old post in the Zdoom forums. http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33398#p632149 Guess nothing came of that?