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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. esselfortium

    Doomworld Musicians (ALL of you) - Tell Us Of Your Gear!

    Been using Reason as my DAW since 2003, though I've been exploring Reaper and Studio One for their feature sets it's hard to break old habits. I use the built-in Reason synths and effects a lot, I know them like the back of my hand and find them easy to work with to get the results I'm after. I also use the synths in Komplete, and I've found the free synth PG-8X surprisingly extremely useful for synthwave. Monitors are M-Audio BX5, headphones are Sony MDR-V6, calibrated with Sonarworks for a more neutral sound. I mostly mix on headphones. Keyboard is an Alesis V49. Main computer is an i9-9900k hackintosh I built in 2019 with 64gb of RAM and 9TB of SSD storage. iZotope's Ozone/Tonal Balance/Neutron/Nectar/RX suite is great for mixing and mastering, and I get a lot of use out of it. I own a lot of orchestral sample libraries, but I'm hoping to replace a lot of them over the next few years because I don't feel good about using products from scummy companies. For guitars I've mostly been reaching for the Shreddage 3 series nowadays, though I've gotten a lot of use out of the Orange Tree guitars over the years as well. I use a lot of Neural DSP for ampsims, but I've also gotten a lot of use out of Kuassa products over the years. For drums I'm mostly using Tokyo Scoring Drum Kits these days, in part because I worked on it and know it well, and in part because the recordings are great and I find it really easy to get the sounds I'm looking for with it. In the past I've used GGD Modern & Massive and BFD3 quite a bit.
  2. esselfortium


    The author of the map did.
  3. esselfortium


    I did the ambient track for this, and that was the extent of my involvement.
  4. esselfortium

    Your Tony Hawk Pro-Skater experience

    I’ve spent a ridiculous number of hours on the THPS/THUG games. It’s easily my favorite game series that isn’t classic Doom. I don’t know what there is about it, but I was obsessed from the first time I played THPS1 at a friend’s house as a kid. It’s just so satisfying to play. My favorite overall is THPS3, but 1+2 is fantastic as well (and smooths over some gameplay decisions I didn’t love in THPS2). I was also pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed THUG2 when I revisited it a year or two ago — the story has aged incredibly poorly (and it was never exactly good) and its soundtrack isn’t nearly as iconic as the earlier games’, but the level design and gamefeel are some of the best in the series. Favorite level is Airport. I can’t even begin to imagine how many hours I’ve spent in that map. It really is a crime that 3+4 will never get the chance to be remade like 1+2.
  5. esselfortium

    Vanilla or detailed map architecture?

    A majority of the textures in BTSX's resource are the same kinds of basic functional panel/bar patterns that you'd find in other popular Doom resource wads, though. The way I texture a map still follows basically the same techniques whether I'm working on BTSX or something else (unless I'm only using stock IWAD resources, which of course are much more restrictive).
  6. That screenshot seems a bit fishy. Are some of the textures upside down...?
  7. esselfortium

    Vanilla or detailed map architecture?

    Hmm, I don't think that's necessarily true. I used some of the early BTSX textures in SpaceDM9 before they were released in BTSX (and still others from E1 and E2 were used in additional SpaceDM9 maps that were never finished), and they worked alright there. I don't think they're all that functionally different from something like OTEX.
  8. esselfortium

    six-word reviews (you can join)

    myhouse: maps are always normally like this
  9. esselfortium

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Back to Saturn X E3 (Surprise!)

    Seeing this 5-year-old joke thread again surprised even me. "Wow, it's out?", thought the person still on the hook for getting it out.
  10. esselfortium

    Do You Own a Device Capable of Playing Audio CDs?

    My car has a CD drive that doesn't get used much nowadays (because I just plug my phone into the aux port usually), and I have an old laptop from 2006 that I sometimes use to rip CDs. I should probably just buy a cheap external CD/DVD drive one of these days, but I haven't needed it very often anymore.
  11. FLAT1 is my usual pick for the underside of gray tech doors. Sometimes FLAT20 depending on how the door is aligned. The brown and green recolors of those flats found in various texture wads are also useful.
  12. esselfortium

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    It's not possible for a thing to stand on top of another thing in boom or vanilla.
  13. esselfortium

    How much of a DOOM purist are you?

    4 I guess. I usually use mouselook. Jumping and crouching are fine. I like when things are stylistically coherent, whether that means Doom style or whichever other style. Sprite scaling algorithms look like smeared garbage, so no thanks. Custom monsters and weapons are nice when they're bringing something new to the table. Any music format is fine, but ripped MP3s are a bit tacky. If you're going to double the size of your WAD with lots of audio, I want something custom-made instead of music you lifted from elsewhere. I say this mostly just because a lot of ripped MP3 tracks I've heard used in Doom (from other games or wherever) seem to be really mismatched for the maps they're in.
  14. esselfortium


    Congrats on getting this thing out the door! Thanks for letting me take some small part in its creation.
  15. esselfortium

    Back to Saturn X E1: 1.1.6 bugfix

    Thanks! The plan has always been to release the resources to the public after finishing episode 3. It's just taken a lot longer to finish episode 3 than I thought it would.
  16. In celebration of Doom's birthday, we've prepared a little episode called "Get Out Of My Stations". It's a partial conversion that runs in Doom2.exe or any compatible port. It features 20 21 22 maps in addition to a recurring hub, and a ton of new textures and music. This is a beta release, so despite the extensive testing and revision that's been done throughout development, you might run into some bugs. Hopefully not, but if you do, please let us know so we can fix them for the next version :) ZDoom users, be sure to grab a recent SVN build to avoid rendering glitches. Back to Saturn X E1 requires r3935 or later to run as intended. BTSX Episode 1 version 1.1.6: Downloab edit: Episode 2 is out! Get the second installment of Back to Saturn X here.
  17. esselfortium

    Doom 2 level design is very gimmicky

    You're thinking of his Doom 1 levels. It will always be funny to me that the flat corridors made in two months running up against a deadline are frequently considered a better and more polished work than the Doom 2 levels they spent 9 months on with much more accumulated knowledge and experience to draw on. It's like people are more concerned with whether a Doom map represents a real place (hint: there is no map in any iwad that even remotely does this, and this is a feature) than they are about whether it's fun and interesting to play?
  18. It's a moving standard. Most "Boom compatible" wads made in the last 15-20 years aren't really compatible with the old Boom EXE from the 90s, they're using "Boom compatible" to mean "works with the latest version of PrBoom+" (or DSDA-Doom more recently). You can try Tartar, a modern DOS port that aims to run more of those wads.
  19. Please ask permission before you start on something like this. BTSX's maps and resources aren't reusable. While the resources themselves will eventually allow reuse after episode 3 is out, a full conversion of all the maps to another engine (or, really, anything using the BTSX name) is something that I would want to oversee directly if it were to happen. I'm flattered, but please do not do this.
  20. If I remember right, there was a dehacked bug in some builds of Eternity that could cause this. It’s fixed in the latest drdteam builds.
  21. esselfortium

    Tetanus | Now on Idgames!

    Looks great, congrats on the release!
  22. esselfortium

    Regarding Texture Widths and Heights for Vanilla Doom

    It’s a bug, there are a few textures that attempt to use negative y patch offsets and display weirdly as a result. Most of them it’s not super obvious though, which is probably how it avoided their notice.
  23. esselfortium

    Regarding Texture Widths and Heights for Vanilla Doom

    Vanilla clamps negative y-offsets on patches to 0, so this doesn’t work, unfortunately.
  24. esselfortium

    If I ever get healthy...a convention question

    I'm sorry you're going through so much, this has just been awful. I hope you'll be doing better soon. It would be fantastic to see you at something like QuakeCon, which has had a good number of Doom community attendees in the past.