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About MusicallyInspired

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  1. MusicallyInspired

    DOOM + DOOM II Wad Uploader discussion

    I've got a question. I've been trying to figure out how this new Kex engine Doom's WAD uploader and mod system works. I'm trying to get my seamless looping SC-55 music packs up. I've successfully put together a WAD file that overwrites the music, but when you select it in-game it only works for Doom 1. When you swap out to another game in unloads the mod. On top of that, trying to swap to another game (like Doom 2) and enabling the mod just relaunches Doom 1. Is there a way to force your custom PWAD to load a particular IWAD? Or even other PWADs? (like Master Levels for instance) Is there some kind of config file I need to add to the WAD maybe? Right now I just have one giant music pack for everything and have left instructions in the WAD description on how to open the game console to enable the music pack manually for the other games. But I'd like it to just work for each game. I'll even make multiple WADs for each game title if I have to, but they'll obviously need to launch the right game when enabled and like I said, currently it just launches Doom 1 no matter what. Anyone have a solution?
  2. MusicallyInspired

    Heretic (unmodified) SC-55 Music Pack

    SC-55 Music Pack - available in OGG, FLAC, and MP3 (metadata loop tags are supported in all but the MP3 pack) At long last I've finally completed the Heretic music pack. Since I've gotten back to recording these packs I had planned to rework Heretic's soundtrack a bit in light of some new recent information that had come to light from the original composer himself, Kevin Schilder. However, as I half-expected, I encountered a strong desire for the unmolested tracks. So here they are in all their glory. This will work basically out of the box with G/ZDoom, you just have to add the ZIP as a "+file" command line parameter. They can also work on other source ports, though I'm not entirely 100% positive on which ones specifically will. But I know G/ZDoom does very well. I will still be recording an "enhanced" music pack for this game based on the issues I laid out in the aforementioned thread, but that will come after Hexen which is next on my list. I hope you enjoy! And please report any errors or issues you have with the pack. Thank you!
  3. MusicallyInspired

    "Intended" Hexen Sound Canvas Music?

    I've encountered a desire for the original unmolested tracks. And since I can respect that need and desire, it only takes one to convince me! But where there's one there are others as well I'm sure. So I will be providing two music packs for at least Heretic. One of the original tracks and one rebalanced by myself with the changes I mentioned above.
  4. MusicallyInspired

    "Intended" Hexen Sound Canvas Music?

  5. MusicallyInspired

    "Intended" Hexen Sound Canvas Music?

    Really interesting info to digest! This is partially why I have been hesitant to record Heretic with the SC-55 for so long. That note about tweaks to get around too many notes triggering at once answers a lot of questions I had. Since this soundtrack wasn't composed specifically with the SC-55 I've already taken some liberties with loop points and putting notes back to triggering at the same time. I can record multiple tracks to get around the polyphony limit so that won't be a problem anymore. He's right, though. The tracks are rather sparse and it's hard to believe any notes would be silenced (barring those multiple note trigger tweaks he mentioned). Also, for instance in e2m3, there's a guitar track that's so quiet you can't hear it at all from the SC-55. I took the liberty and raised the volume of that channel so you can hear it. As well, the synth strings patch used for that song has a very slow attack so I doubled it with regular strings that have a fast attack so that it doesn't sound like it's trying to keep up with the beat of the song and failing. It all sounds much more lively now. I'll be making changes like this for my music pack just to make it more listenable and closer to what he would have been working with on the Sound Blaster. I did a first pass recording of every track. Now comes the task of going through it with a fine-tooth comb. Thanks so much for digging more into this!
  6. MusicallyInspired

    The soundtrack is almost too good for the game

    I don't see djent as a style/genre so much as a playing technique.
  7. MusicallyInspired

    Doom 2016 is officially the most optimized game I've ever seen

    I bought the game when I couldn't play it too well. Had to lower all settings. The demo performance tanked but the game did ok with all settings at minimum on my old GTX 460. Upgraded to a 970 shortly after, however, and that problem went away. I was playing it fine, though. It is incredibly well optimized.
  8. MusicallyInspired

    Favorite glory kills?

    The berserk powerup glory kill on the imp where you tear its skull completely in half down the middle. That was the most awesome (in the true sense of the word) moment for me. Chainsaw to the baron jaw was another good one.
  9. MusicallyInspired

    SNES Doom vs. GBA Doom II

    Doesn't the GBA version split the levels in half sometimes? Does the SNES version do that?
  10. MusicallyInspired

    Noclip Documentary: DOOM Resurrected

    You've got to believe in what you're working on if it's going to be any good. If you don't, the work will suffer. I cannot think of any example where someone did something half-heartedly and it ended up being a hit. And if there are examples, they are very very few. I know that. I was talking moreso to TAPETRVE who first mentioned the comparison.
  11. MusicallyInspired

    Noclip Documentary: DOOM Resurrected

    Just furthers the point that Quake doesn't really have a central focused theme.
  12. MusicallyInspired

    Noclip Documentary: DOOM Resurrected

    Prey was entirely a Bethesda decision. id wasn't involved. Doom's reboot was id's call and Beth just let them do it. That's entirely different. The Quake example holds a bit of water. Except that the original Quake was already a mess thematically speaking. How would you make a sequel to THAT? Doom was always a more focused idea. I would argue that Doom 3 was not as far removed from the source material as Doom 4 1.0 was, though. Again, it was their call to make and they made it. At the end of the day they wanted something they felt felt like Doom and to them Doom 2016 was the answer. From the sounds and looks of things, and judging by what id has said, Doom 4 1.0 would not have made near the waves that Doom 2016 did.
  13. MusicallyInspired

    Noclip Documentary: DOOM Resurrected

    Yep. Well, you and a few others. I mean, your opinion is valid. Maybe it's just because I had absolutely zero expectations for Doom 4 judging from its mid-development reboot, which I likened to DNF's development reboot(s) which ended horribly. I wasn't looking forward to anything. Right into the MP beta. The trailers were cool with all the violence and glory kills (both the ones you perform and the ones done to you) but I wasn't wowed. It wasn't until the release and the demo that I discovered something I really enjoyed. Actually playing it was my wow moment. I like the game the way it is. I don't have any dogs in the fight of what Doom should be, but I enjoyed what Doom 4 turned out to be and I wouldn't want anything about it as it is now to change. I do hope a sequel is not just a repeat without taking it further (in the same way that Doom II was).
  14. MusicallyInspired

    Preferred/most balanced difficulty setting.

    Enemy damage, health, and health/armour pickup values are the only things changed. I don't think there are any more or less enemies along with AI changes at all that were made for different difficulties.
  15. MusicallyInspired

    Doom - Bloodfall now available

    I started trying out multiplayer for the first time in a while. It seems like every time there's a big update they redesign the entire interface for the menu. I still get demolished and it seems like I can't find a groove to fit into. I think I managed to get two kills overall. One of them I died at the same time, so, yeah. I dislike multiplayer games and especially playing with super experienced players because it's hard to break into it easily. I'm good at single player, but there's just something different about the human element that is absolutely overwhelming when you first get your feet wet in it. In every game.