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About ixfd64

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    Junior Member

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  1. ixfd64

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Perfect timing because yesterday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. :D
  2. The link to nervemus.wad is giving a 404 error: https://doomshack.org/wads/nervemus.wad


    Just a heads-up!

  3. ixfd64

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    Looks like the website has been updated to show that Drake passed away on October 10. It turns out we share a birthday. This hits especially close to home. :-(
  4. Beating the original Doom without cheats for the first time.
  5. I'm trying to log into the new Doom wiki that was created in 2011, but my login credentials are not accepted. It's my understanding that my email address needs to be manually added to the database so that I can (re)set my password. @Quasar says to contact him for account issues, but he hasn't been online in a while. Is there anyone else who can assist me? I can make a dummy edit on the original Wikia wiki to confirm my identity if needed. Edit: issue has been resolved.
  6. You know what they say... don't fix something that's not broken.
  7. ixfd64

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    I've always felt it's a compliment to tell a Doomer to go to Hell. :P
  8. ixfd64

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    It's really sad that we've lost so many of the OG mappers in the past decade. Ty Halderman, Jim Flynn, John Anderson, etc. :-( Hope they're up there blasting demons and defending Heaven from the forces of Hell.
  9. ixfd64

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Ah I see. I take it that there's no need to abandon UDMF as each format has its own merits.
  10. ixfd64

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Silly question: how does ID24 compare to UDMF? Is one a subset of another? Or are there things that ID24 can do that UDMF cannot (and vice versa)?
  11. ixfd64

    Is playing DOOM really better on PC?

    I had a Windows XP laptop from 2005 that ran ZDoom just fine.
  12. ixfd64

    Sad day today. I lost all of my downloaded wads.

    You might want to consider the 3-2-1 backup rule. Or the 4-3-2 rule if you're paranoid about data loss. I've lost files because USB drives can go bad too.
  13. Glad to hear that the records are probably safe. On a related note, someone at /r/ArchiveTeam has kindly backed up the site: https://wertercatt.com/mirrors/www.doom.com.hr
  14. Last year, the owner of Doom.com.hr announced that it is going to shut down this July: https://doom.com.hr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=846 Doom.com.ar hosts what appears to be the only functional copy of the Compet-n database of speedruns. The original Compet-n website now gives a 403 error when you try to access the database: http://doom2.net/compet-n/index.cgi?action=database I know Compet-n is a relic of the past and hasn't received any new submissions in years, but if this site disappears, then we may lose a piece of Doom history forever.
  15. It also doesn't have a reverse lookup feature that lets you see whether a particular WAD file was included in a compilation. However, this shouldn't be too hard to implement from a programming perspective. We can store the data in name–value pairs with the CD-ROM as the name and a WAD list as the value. You can then check whether a WAD file was included on a CD-ROM by checking each pair and returning the key if the file list contains the given file.