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About Versus

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  1. I was reading the old thread about all the modifications you did to the 3DO Doom and they are cool, but have you made any more changes since the last post?

  2. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    I have some progress with sprite editing and new types of objects:
  3. Like this? http://www.moddb.com/games/doom/addons/3do-doom-maps-for-modern-engines
  4. Very actual thread! Hope people here knows some technical info about how the 3DO cel engine works in case of 3DO Doom. Could you show the exact place in source code doing this? Any thougts how to do that?
  5. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    My doom.wad is modified.
  6. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    IR Goggles is working now! Monster teleport is working now! Extramap 3DO Engine test. 100 Barons of Hell I can insert a new flats! We can make own maps! Here it's a convert pack. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/He5P/AKKJSJPVR Archive contains new Launchme (without monster teleport and IR goggles yet, this is old version), doom.wad for level designing, all flats, scripts, apps for converting and others. You can run _Convert.bat, then go to Converted folder and run Makerez. You'll get a REZFILE! You can look into the _Convert.bat file to find out what's going on.
  7. Versus

    [FOUND] Doom Sky source files

    Great foundings! Where can I download this ISO?
  8. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    First experience. Successfuly started new inserted map. :D
  9. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    In this case my saved settings doesn't affect the original game. ((( Anyway, thanks for advise, I'll think about it. Those issues are from LAN game, but 3DO version doesn't have multiplayer.
  10. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    Yes, 3DO emulator can set different CPU speed: Here links to recently updated emulator Phoenix. http://www.arts-union.ru/node/23 Direct links to files: http://www.arts-union.ru/sites/default/files/ph24-win64.zip http://www.arts-union.ru/sites/default/files/ph24-win32.zip http://www.arts-union.ru/sites/default/files/ph234-linux-x86.zip http://www.arts-union.ru/sites/default/files/ph234-linux-x64.zip I can make a large screen by default, but in this case the original cheat code would be unused. And another problem: if I start my iso on console, it rewrites the doomprefs file. After this ORIGINAL iso will work like with entered large screen cheat. ((
  11. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    Another video with new cheatcode (NOCLIP) Now, go and get 100% secrets on 10 level!!!
  12. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    Yes. I'm improving the 3DO version. This iso works on emulator and on a real console. ISO is signed. I'm making a small font for messages now. This font is too large. The font on video will be completely redone. This one is only for testing engine. I can't improve the FPS right now. My knowledge of C# is poor. The WIP thread is here (Russian) http://forum.3doplanet.ru/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3250 What's the sync issues you're talking about?
  13. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    Current progress:
  14. Versus

    3DO Doom Source released

    First of all he must do something to improve this version. )))