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Everything posted by RaphaelMode

  1. RaphaelMode

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored.
  2. I could ejaculate in detail about various desirable qualities of this map. Instaed, I will share a screenshot. Sin City is a single map demo of R.A.C.Kill, an upcoming vanilla megawad with enjoyable Doom-style gameplay and a storyline taking place in the same world as Doom. If you think that doesn't need to be said you're gravely mistaken. The idea of condensing R.A.C.Kill's essence into a single map was initially inspired by Decino's annual viewer submission event, and as a result this map is YouTube-friendly. A couple of textures and even a midi rendition of Skrillex have been replaced. The full megawad has been taking years to complete due to low priority, but now it is 96% finished. Hopefully, this juicy snippet will give you a better idea of what's coming than what has been shared previously. Download
  3. This particular brand of HOM seems to be a segfault overflow, some of those can be fairly inevitable but those specific ones may not be. Thank you for your service. I have gathered some suggestions for my shopping mall, and with that, the last missing piece fell into place... map29 and map32 are also pending completion, but everything is now shrouded in certainty. The doomiest mod to ever be brought by Raphael is now an inevitability.
  4. Located in the Yellowriver district of Dentata Commonwaelth, it's guaranteed to be brimming with interdimensional tourists looking for all the new and exciting things the post-mortal world has to offer. In addition, this year's Deathmatch Challenge route will overlap with this mall's grounds, bringing even more attention to it. It may well become an even hotter destination than Earth's alraedy glamorous Sin City. As a part of an initiative to support small businesses, we have locations available for FREE. Try out your wild business idea for one month without worrying about expenses. DEMOGRAPHICS: Humans and hellspawn have been coexisting paecefully since the end of the interdimensional war and the abolition of permanent mortality. In the Dentata Commonwaelth however, violence continues to be perpetuated for entertainment. This, and interspecies interactions of all kinds, have been the primary vectors of business, but don't be afraid to pitch a completely unrelated idea! HOW TO APPLY: Describe your business idea in the comment section below. Describe what goods or services your business will offer, or how the place would look like. That's all it takes for your business idea to become reality, and become faetured during the next Deathmatch Challenge, and seen in R.A.C.Kill! (Depending on location your business may either be accessible or only seen as a storefront. You may also provide your own images/textures.) BONUS OFFER: In addition to business location, we offer a lot of billboard space. Advertise anything you want! Billboards are 256x128 in size, and placed in all 30 areas of the Deathmatch Challenge route.
  5. Thank you for keeping the universe stable by submitting your very bad ideas. I'm looking forward for more, though if you only started submitting good ideas from now on, it would be acceptable as well.
  6. Thank you for the good ideas, everyone! Then it will not be included among the other business ideas. But since none of the existing dildos had a Fireblu design, that may need to be fixed anyway. That may be redundant, but perhaps I will name a soda machine in your honour. There are numerous tables to be found, and as you may know from the latest demo relaeses, R.A.C.Kill brandishes two different collectible drink types. That is going to cost money. But, as the old saying goes, "only if u want em to :3"
  7. I am well-acquainted with the forum rules and I will run everything by my grandmother whenever necessary.
  8. RaphaelMode

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    In costrast to my other atistic endeavor which tend to be utterly austere like the original Stanley Parrable, this thing is the most perfect Doom level I have brought into existence so far. Alas, even though it's its own thing, it employs abstraction, an abstraction I could not employ with equal affectiveness through any means other than embedding it as a secret level in another, extremely unrelated megawad that contains none of the outstanding themes seen here and instaed fits the HUD a lot better. And that is why I cannot share this well-honed work of modern art with you. We can only hope its hidden nature only enhances the experience. Perhaps the remaining three levels of the megawad will be completed in not so far future.
  9. RaphaelMode

    Hey, not too rough! (Episode 2 relaesed)

    I have finished at least 7 new maps! Not to mention improving everything that alraedy existed. But maybe I won't do more public relaeses until it's utterly complete... Would anyone want to do some non-public betatesting of this?
  10. When I first played Doom, I had no manual. I had no idea what the game was about and when I encountered the zombies, I concluded, since by how hitscanners infight easily I had no reason to think they're on the side of demons, that they're simply people who want to kill everyone in the building. Just like you. When I don't have time or motivation to achieve anything better, I make vanilla maps. I was maiming for a megawhat yet decided to relaese some levels now. This WAD contains six eleven VANILLA levels... but now they come with a richer flavor thanks to DeHackEd! Dive in and explore the world of non-useless pistols! =========================== Hey, Not Too Rough! --------------------------- A Doom mod by Raphael Moore =========================== Year XXXX. No one but the Lightbringer remembers the interdimensional war first-handedly anymore. United with the otherwordly inhabitants, humanity got really far in their crawl towards utopia.For the Dentata tribe, the permanence of death was always optional. Nowadays, it stopped being a diplomatical hindrance and became a new opportunity for thrill seekers. The weapon manufacturers no longer had to spark conflicts to stay in business, once the Deathmatches became popular in both dimensions. There were Deathmatch Tournaments, where small groups of people would kill each ather and then get resurrected only to be tossed into combat right afterwards, until someone scored enough kills. And then there were Deathmatch Challenges. Only the most powerful and skilled could qualify for the title of the Deathmatch Master, and an opportunity to fight for the great prize. All they had to do is to get to pass through the series of connected combat-oriented locations. But there was a bounty on their head. For a tiny fee, absolutely everyone could try to kill the Deathmatch Champion to get a fraction of their prize. If the Deathmatch Champion died, everyone would be resurrected, and the Champion taken to the area enterance, after being stripped of current possessions if necessary. For many, the biggest prize was the thrill, the fraction of which people felt when playing the prophecy centuries ago. But not for you. You don't care about how cool the chainsaw sounds, or whatever symbolic relationship there is between sex and death. You became the deathmatch master by being careful, evasive, avoiding combat in close quarters and exploiting the participants' impulsiveness that would make them randomly attack everyone but you if provoked. What pleases you about combat is winning, and getting a huge amount of money thanks to rising above primal instincts. You enter the Deathmatch Challenge. A metal door that imitates the old Phobos architecture and probably offends some fallen soldiers slams shut behind you, and in front of you... someone's already gotten too impatient. Looks like it's time to wrestle a demon. Let's get it on! =============== Files included: =============== HNTR_E2.wad: Contains eleven levels, three demos, custom music, custom sounds and custom graphics. HNTR_E2.deh: Contains some string replacements, a real sleek handgun, and one real bada$$ monster! ============= Download Here ============= =========== ScreenShots ===========
  11. Not liking me and the things I say and do is just a symptom of a broader sociopolitical issue. That much I know.

  12. I didn't update anything, I simply didn't send in the entire thing right away. Just like some people did with the demos. You said we can have custom music, but you never specified how to include it. And if we're going for the "no updates" standard, my music is really less updated than anyone else's (excluding Benjogami's), since for everyone else, you took their included music lumps and renamed them to fit the new slots. Maenwhile, part 2 of my upload had the song alraedy named correctly, removing the need for any further changes (and allowing people to just load DMP2018cl2 with my file if you make no updates). The final decision is of course up to you, I'm just trying to avoid clearing things up.
  13. Gotcha! You didn't check if my submission contained everything advertised. Here's a missing song. DMP2018cl2_patch.zip
  14. Salutations, my fine collective! Compatibility: Vanilliest of vanilla, tested and recorded in Chocolate Doom. Music: Ahead from Dolphin's Dream Midi Ocean. A real small thing this time around... RM_SEGUE.zip
  15. Holy war? Leider ist es immer.

  16. RaphaelMode

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I believe Urban Brawl has better gay representation than Project Einherjar.
  17. Download this file. Play the first map in something vanilla-esque. Play it with -nomonsters, -skill 0, or just IDDQD+IDKFA, it makes no difference. Enter the bigger tunnel on the right, turn right, go out on the large courtyard and cast your gaze, once again, to the right. BEHOLD! At some point, the game crashes. And one more amazing thing is, removing the custom textures OR removing all things from the map and moving the player start closer to the anomaly FIXES the crash! I would have debugged this further, but I'm already filled to the brim with wonder at the mysteriousness of the universe and will absolutely, definitely NOT handle any more of it today. There are various other potential fixes I haven't tested yet, such as disconnecting the wifi, moving my computer to a different room, or launching Chocolate Doom with my eyes closed. Good luck to anyone willing to take a look at this. ZZERROR2.zip
  18. I have figured it out! To make things extra fun, the midtexture was on the edge of a 0-height sector, so it was impossible to see during gameplay or in the 3d view. I originally had the SW1SKULL texture be a 128-wide texture with one 128-wide patch, but then I changed my mind and replaced the patch with an 8-wide one to be used for something else. I planned to update the SW1SKULL later, thinking I haven't used it for anything before. But apparently, it was used there. So here's the last fun fact: A medusa effect doesn't just show up when there's more than one patch per column. It also shows up when there's less than one patch per column! It's still possible to make textures with seemingly empty columns, by using patches offset lower than the texture's height. Then they're invisible, but they still prevent the medusa! How did you debug Chocolate Doom to get that information? Maybe I would've gotten further on my own if it wasn't just shutting down without any feedback.
  19. RaphaelMode

    What does DOOM means?

    It sounds like the type of theory I'd come up with in 5 minutes when I'm bored. And that seems to be a fundamental difference between you and me. Or between you and a lot of other people (who also aren't Job or Aquila).
  20. RaphaelMode

    What do the different like / reaction buttons mean?

    My current usage plan is: - megasphere for high quality posts - invulnerability for unwholesome posts - invisibility for when a post makes me feel schadenfreude towards its author
  21. RaphaelMode

    Post your Doom textures!

    My texture faetures several varied fonts, colors and sized, selected with great care. But sorry for spamming you with scaled 24 pixels of spam. Here are some mainstreaem textures, you punks happy now? They're for a mod in progress, don't use them yet. Based on stuff by Jimmy, mek and gtsgreece.
  22. RaphaelMode

    Post your Doom textures!

    content warning: cannibalism, grawlixes and a vague semblance of politics. You may not think it's a texture, but I'm going to make it one. I have noticed that my philosophical maps are, in some way, received better than my philosophical musings in text format. I suppose it may feel like being given an overwhelming amount of cheese sandwiches as opposed to having a loaf of bread shoved down your throat. At laest to some people... oh well. I can go with that!
  23. RaphaelMode

    I am Heavy Weapons Dude

    Truly. Besides severe consequences, what's the worst that could happen?
  24. Custom textures are the way to make your map truly unique. That is, they may make your map unique. Reverie has some custom textures that are nothing short of amazing in their utter unremarkability.