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Everything posted by dt_

  1. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 68: Cold Front

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wjametjcxe2dmza72vdoz/dtcfront.lmp?rlkey=3929ze3x0pn2d3vkltluxzzoz&st=r2rxjkp9&dl=1 Cat 1 dead m3 Great set of maps, either the difficulty spiked, or my skill tanked, or a combo of the two
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rtpjjsmzs082kosqr5bn0/dtaaliens.lmp?rlkey=fb80tda286kg3cul2gk7n1ngi&st=p7a0uho0&dl=1 Cat 2, dead on that sinkhole map, cant remember the number, maybe map7, or 6 Been a while since I've played this, but was hoping to make it to the space episode. Was considering playing this wad casually after I've finished equinox
  3. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 67: Post

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8cenwmewyo4mk1w1lz6fn/dtpost.lmp?rlkey=jst15gnbiz9tq3gbcwoompdcj&st=dxug35ik&dl=1 Cat 1 UV detonation on m3 Well done all those who survived those traps blind; I made the first one, but no way was I making it out of the second one A bit of judicious map usage sorts out any wall humping issues you may have
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idturra0ka00dft0y0fb9/dtdthoho.lmp?rlkey=ka13x6mp61w094vomj6f4vugf&st=hx1i3f5m&dl=1 Cat 1 Entered m8 at about three hours, felt like about 10. Pretty wad, just felt really long If you go into the black areas on map 8, first seen on the downward redrock staircase, you die immediately. I'm not even going to spoiler that
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xttucx648pprpsx4s8vue/dtsid.lmp?rlkey=wf7g6y8wndborbmf7t3hs423w&st=39h39h3u&dl=1 SID cat 2, I managed to get rinsed on m4, just wasn't concentrating and an archvile appeared https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ooqs9s3mpixy8jyktjz9w/dtbauhaus.lmp?rlkey=e1kqmvx6eq4k8q7kq498t7sqi&st=1mei63xw&dl=1 Bauhaus, cat 2 survival in just over an hour. Like someone said before, I remember this being tons harder than it actually is. Couple of shit in the pants moments but nothing too massive. Just remembering where to go, like in SID above, is almost as hard as any challenge put forth by the monsters
  6. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 65: Slith

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jsct27q4js4zmrjorpb34/dtslith.lmp?rlkey=r02b4ji6wotolhx38h7rmg236&st=uf9jpma5&dl=1 Played this really early on in the month and forgot to upload til now, sorry It's a cat 1 UV, I died at some point, think it was m3, might've been 4, I remember it being an easily avoidable one anyway
  7. dt_

    The DWIronman League dies to: Deus Vult II

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cecrvz1mp83gp47tlsqm7/dtdv2.lmp?rlkey=64tiajaoaoe48fiu0mm8xjcvi&st=8ej5a4rc&dl=1 Cat 1, dead m13, entry was about 50 mins or so Quite literally an uphill struggle. Just play the back half of AV m20 with a couple of handfuls of grass cuttings sellotaped to your eyeballs and you'll understand
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ldk04ctuo2hfpi6mrwzlw/dtcastevil.lmp?rlkey=9dgbd2ol2n5ia1o4kbkztkcjy&dl=1 It's a day late, sorry, I understand if you don't consider it Cat 1 UV survival in just over an hour It's like a 30 year old Monti map
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uu0vwzyaiiiqxtixn3auu/dticar15.lmp?rlkey=2wllqdg5dv0zuo86g3d1vyxxv&dl=1 Cat 1 Dead m10 Enjoyed that, I just made a poor decision at what was possibly the most threatening fight I'd encountered up to now, and paid with my life
  10. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dm64lanpvoi186h3u5ac2/dthomage.lmp?rlkey=or5hz2hhmz1no01e6vvjucpwd&dl=1 Cat 1 UV, survival in about 40 mins I am unkillable this year
  11. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 63: Preacher

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ub211c89h0hkpth1vz2j/dtpreach.lmp?rlkey=berpft7qyhfezcwdf2odev0qe&dl=1 Cat 1, UV, dead m4 at about 40 mins No monsters will take me alive this year You've really got to keep moving on this one.
  12. My new year's resolution was to survive every ironman henceforth, and it's going well so far, with an eagle 'survival' aswell https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/et1sbwiy9d8szkk6rzax1/dtblackrain.lmp?rlkey=9n4fnw5ftyu5nov9342kroa15&dl=1 It was nearly not a survival in 2 places, but I'd played this map about 6 months ago and still had a tiny bit of memory about it. Didn't stop me getting lost for about 15 mins however (Cat 2 survival, about 1.25 hours)
  13. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 62: ADoom

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7n46jp8xdnoqog9m87vmt/dtadoom.lmp?rlkey=kep440fr6znb4s7aieuv8cnyk&dl=1 Survived to what I can only assume is a natural stop at the end of m7. Fella must've meant to make them monster blocking instead of everything blocking Cat 1 UV
  14. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 61: Grim Ripper

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tlecbcaxg3ucj915yc10g/dtgrimripp.lmp?rlkey=gxw94u9vdur5w1abvl5fdt7dg&dl=1 Dead m6, think it was about 30 min Cat 1, HNTR, I tried for speed this time, and that's what did me in
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wkaxg6sjkin3wo871qw7r/dtrowdy.lmp?rlkey=qzy5wfvlnug35a5fg4yhcds1c&dl=1 Dead m10, got melted by a vile in a really lame but nasty trap. I think it's about an hour and a half Cat 1
  16. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6wdalp8qemfh6aablsbcn/dtabsoldis.lmp?rlkey=2zf95rdcxm7tvf5g8fw1mq8v8&dl=1 Played this briefly back when it was released years ago, so it's a cat 2 here, however, all I remembered was what m1 looked like, and that m3 was really massive Dead m3, took a while getting there I think, seemed to find all the less trodden secret passages on m3 as I went, so basically all monsters had their backs to me, but it still didn't help
  17. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 60: Bad Idea

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4hizhl3uf441zr71jv7p2/dtbadidea.lmp?rlkey=2gjxnt22qn9kmntesbffk7e6e&dl=1 Cat 1 UV 'survival' in about 50 mins Terrified of softlocks but managed to dodge a couple, in hindsight some of those locks were just nineties style cryptic progression; a proper blast from the past
  18. Been a bit busy last few days, I'll update the thread asap Done. Thanks for playing this spooky wad, would've been interesting to see a couple of prep runs and how quickly it could've been completed but no worries. Something about best turnout ever for October? I'll take that
  19. October 2023, This month, we will be snuffing it to @Plusw's Unwelcome, an 8 map boom set released in 2018, with a different feel to your average, and a little bit of a lean on the puzzley side. I can see blind players taking their time, with likely huge time savings for the prepared guys Get Unwelcome HERE Complevel: 11 IWAD: Doom2 SOFTLOCKS: Not a softlock as such, but you will need to save at least 1 bullet to exit the start room of m2, as it's quite easy, depending on your time in m1, to start m2 with hardly any ammo, and use it on the first encounter. Could've used a clip or two in there just in case STANDARD IRONMAN PATTER: -1 attempt, whether it be a natural death, technical issues, cat jumped on keyboard and made you rocket yourself, et cetera -UV only -No additional wads loaded -No saving/loading -No cheat codes -No freelook, jumping or crouching -Try to enjoy yourself, it's a friendly competition Categories briefly explained: Cat 1: Blind. Don't know this wad from Adam. Never played it before, no foreknowledge; Cat 2: Have played it, or some of it before, enough to offer an advantage, prior to the wad being selected for club play; Cat 3: have swotted up on (but not played) the wad after it was selected for club play with an intention to survive or max the wad, and in the fastest time possible Prepared: Well, you've, erm, prepared for it by playing the wad. There will be a separate leaderboard for this, these runs are also welcomed in addition to the three above. I'd allow about 1.5 hours or so for a fairly casual playthrough. Good luck! PREPARED LEADERBOARD: Deafpixel (unknown) Hello, and welcome, Deafpixel. It is said that a picture tells a thousand words. In this case, the picture tells 0 words. I know nothing about this run. Did it even happen? Why am I even bothering to type this out STANDARD LEADERBOARD: 1. Master Medi (cat 1 Survival 1:13:38) Excellent work, a couple of not so survival looking moments, but overall a very confident run, often just pressing everything at once and hoping for the best, and the best is what we got 2. Asbadagba (cat 1 dead (DNF) m8 1:00:33) That's proper rubbish, that. I'd say that would've been a likely victory otherwise if not for that minor map related wiring error there. Tread carefully everyone 3. ginc (cat 1 dead m7 1:20:19) Another cell saver here; don't you know there's a war on? 4. Suitepee: (cat 1, dead on m7, 1:45:01) That's not good that's not good THATS NOT GOOD. Quite a good run though however, what were you saving all those cells for? You can't take em with you! 5. Brainfreezzzzz (cat 1, dead m6, 43:29) Oh shit, its a crusher, it's ok though I'm hard I can take it, hang on, oh shit, this is a slow cru... 6. AnimaZero (cat 1 dead m6, 59:43) Map is called 'undying', but Anima somehow manages to make dying look easy. Good Job. 7. Vince Vega (cat 1 dead m6 1:06:35) Perilous ledge there just lining you up for all kinds of no no. Other option was to join Anima and sleep it off in the lava. Not sure which is the worst way to go in this instance 8. Vytaan (cat 1 dead m6 1:15:08) Rounded it off with a nice early bath, I'd say you slipped on that ledge there; taking a rocket direct to the chops probably opened up a nice bloody wound, bit skiddy underfoot 9. Beginner (cat 1 dead m6 1:16:23) A flat performance by beginner, the weight of expectation placed upon all runners in this wad. It's been a squeeze for time watching all these demos, been under some real pressure. seen some crushing defeats, like this one 10. RjY (cat 1 dead m5 1:08:08) That cheeky side cacoball set the ball rolling for Rj's demise. A mouse fart would've done it but an 80 damage rev rocket almost gibs him, the result's the same either way 11. Pseudonaut (cat 1 dead m4 35:33) That was a rough open hand slap from that hell knight combined with what must've been the curviest rev rocket in Ironman history. Anyone would be happy to die as a result of that combo 12. LadyMistDragon (cat 1 dead m4 46:45) After some palpable frustration on m2, a wild crusher appears to put LMD out of one's misery. Promise I'll not pick another puzzle map 13. dt_ (cat 2, dead m3, 19:42) Temporarily forgot that the start is always the exit, and assumed that in this case it'd be that cyber's backside. (spoiler) It's not. 14. NoisyVelvet (cat 1 dead m2 9:35) Susses the m2 start puzzle out no bother, it's just the other Doom fundamentals like dodging massive fireballs and, ultimately, not dying that get the better of him here 15. ClumsyCryptid (cat 1, DNF m2, 11:06) Less of a softlock and more of a 'just can't quite reach that switch' lock. Save your projectiles to avoid being locked in this nightmare 16. Joe-Ilya (cat 1, dead m2, 11:09) The first of likely many future deaths in that scenario for blind players, Joe nearly edges it but the wind from that blast just pushes him a bit too far 17. Helm (cat 1 DNF m2 11:46) I'd say less of a stall and more of a catastrophic clutch failure; the helm engine is still going strong as ever but them wheels just can't be turned. Sometimes the challenge is keeping a couple of rounds spare in your back pocket 18. Darth_wiader (cat 1 dead m2 14:08) Revenant tried his level best to take that rocket for you, but you wanted to die so badly. Great work on that puzzle early on 19. Austinado (cat 1 dead m2 16:50) revenant brought a rocket launcher to a fist fight, that's well unfair, I feel for ya 20. head_cannon (cat 1 dead m1 kills: 29/49) Almost a pacifist approach early on, the demons did not share this channel of thought however, you can guess the rest 21. Pegleg (cat 1 dead m1 kills: 19/49) Nice gentle start, looking smooth, then goes for a close quarters run on a revenant while armed with arguably the best long range weapon in the game. Classic case of too much 'W', and a lack of 'S' (or front/back arrow, delete as applicable) 22. Horus (cat 1, dead m1, kills: 15/49) Cheeky chaingunner dusts off Horus, after surviving a couple of light encounters by the skin of his teeth. There's always next time, eh 23. NaZa (cat 1 dead m1 kills: 15/49) Happened upon a couple of handy secrets early on, but then failed to capitalise on that, instead chosing to go in for a hug with a mancubus. Mancubus displeased by the affection, especially in this wad 24. SCF (cat 1, dead m1, kills: 12/49) Bit of a fumble there, the only puzzle encountered here was which random weapon to use at what exact point; just to clarify, the puzzle has still not yet been solved 25. Andromeda (cat 1, dead m1, kills: 8/49) A couple of early iffy choices cut this one short, that hell knight sure wasn't up for dancing anyway 26. No-Man Baugh (cat 1 dead m1, kills: 5/49) Welcome to the DWIL, thanks for playing, and helping to prop up the leaderboard. Could've easily escaped that encounter, hell knight just wanted to welcome you to the club as well by giving you your evening back with an early exit, you can thank him later 27. Lazorical (cat 1 dead m1, kills: 4/49) If the tactics were to die pretty much immediately then they were right on. The 2 stroke fumes from that saw probably clouded your judgement so I'll let you off on that one
  20. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ezzkxyp8mwkv5yr4g0aze/dtetitan.lmp?rlkey=fzbleqetr6r2sqqzey0t56goa&dl=1 Man these dropbox links seem to be getting longer Cat 1 UV I actually noticed the crusher, left the room, then decided to re enter for a little bit of crusher pain, and then managed to skid out of a slow crusher, which I consider to be an achievement of sorts Then a map later, I was shot in the back of the ankle by a zombieman and killed (dead m4, about an hour or so total runtime)
  21. @RjY that kill count is probably right; I generally immediately forget how many kills I've managed on a run, I always forget how long they are, and sometimes even forget what level I make it to. Quite often I will record my demo, die, quit the game, and forget to post it until a few days after
  22. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hl7x124uctkzk5vu9ijgd/dtenslave.lmp?rlkey=7odur78m1hm66sa2pu5urkk5x&dl=1 I suppose this would be a UV cat 3, as I played up to the start of map2 and then quit, convinced I'd not loaded the wads correctly. I then had another crack at it and made it about half way through before catching a rocket Weird but funny wad with tons of flaws and some really odd looking reskins and a bizarre but comedy plasma gun
  23. Cat 1 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qsrqa325hka8dk6358ct1/dtcontain.lmp?rlkey=b5njkwr8qdf90huq9ukt2s3jr&dl=1 Pasted by a cyber, maybe about 450 kills, fun map, what's this about sectors?
  24. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/84alhvtoqilhfmrx5jz83/dtabyss.lmp?rlkey=hdro5pe53xhaftkr852gnjb5f&dl=1 I knew there was a problem when I saw that platform go up that high. (cat 1, softlocked map7, about 25 mins in)
  25. A little trivia if I may: The primary concept of mutiny was cooperative mapping. You'll see in the author list that there's very few maps by a single author. Cooperative mapping is tons easier these days with discord etc, it wasn't so common back in 2015. The map names were predetermined, and the maps had to reflect that to a satisfactory degree