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About dt_

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  1. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 68: Cold Front

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wjametjcxe2dmza72vdoz/dtcfront.lmp?rlkey=3929ze3x0pn2d3vkltluxzzoz&st=r2rxjkp9&dl=1 Cat 1 dead m3 Great set of maps, either the difficulty spiked, or my skill tanked, or a combo of the two
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rtpjjsmzs082kosqr5bn0/dtaaliens.lmp?rlkey=fb80tda286kg3cul2gk7n1ngi&st=p7a0uho0&dl=1 Cat 2, dead on that sinkhole map, cant remember the number, maybe map7, or 6 Been a while since I've played this, but was hoping to make it to the space episode. Was considering playing this wad casually after I've finished equinox
  3. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 67: Post

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8cenwmewyo4mk1w1lz6fn/dtpost.lmp?rlkey=jst15gnbiz9tq3gbcwoompdcj&st=dxug35ik&dl=1 Cat 1 UV detonation on m3 Well done all those who survived those traps blind; I made the first one, but no way was I making it out of the second one A bit of judicious map usage sorts out any wall humping issues you may have
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idturra0ka00dft0y0fb9/dtdthoho.lmp?rlkey=ka13x6mp61w094vomj6f4vugf&st=hx1i3f5m&dl=1 Cat 1 Entered m8 at about three hours, felt like about 10. Pretty wad, just felt really long If you go into the black areas on map 8, first seen on the downward redrock staircase, you die immediately. I'm not even going to spoiler that
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xttucx648pprpsx4s8vue/dtsid.lmp?rlkey=wf7g6y8wndborbmf7t3hs423w&st=39h39h3u&dl=1 SID cat 2, I managed to get rinsed on m4, just wasn't concentrating and an archvile appeared https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ooqs9s3mpixy8jyktjz9w/dtbauhaus.lmp?rlkey=e1kqmvx6eq4k8q7kq498t7sqi&st=1mei63xw&dl=1 Bauhaus, cat 2 survival in just over an hour. Like someone said before, I remember this being tons harder than it actually is. Couple of shit in the pants moments but nothing too massive. Just remembering where to go, like in SID above, is almost as hard as any challenge put forth by the monsters
  6. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 65: Slith

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jsct27q4js4zmrjorpb34/dtslith.lmp?rlkey=r02b4ji6wotolhx38h7rmg236&st=uf9jpma5&dl=1 Played this really early on in the month and forgot to upload til now, sorry It's a cat 1 UV, I died at some point, think it was m3, might've been 4, I remember it being an easily avoidable one anyway
  7. dt_

    The DWIronman League dies to: Deus Vult II

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cecrvz1mp83gp47tlsqm7/dtdv2.lmp?rlkey=64tiajaoaoe48fiu0mm8xjcvi&st=8ej5a4rc&dl=1 Cat 1, dead m13, entry was about 50 mins or so Quite literally an uphill struggle. Just play the back half of AV m20 with a couple of handfuls of grass cuttings sellotaped to your eyeballs and you'll understand
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ldk04ctuo2hfpi6mrwzlw/dtcastevil.lmp?rlkey=9dgbd2ol2n5ia1o4kbkztkcjy&dl=1 It's a day late, sorry, I understand if you don't consider it Cat 1 UV survival in just over an hour It's like a 30 year old Monti map
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uu0vwzyaiiiqxtixn3auu/dticar15.lmp?rlkey=2wllqdg5dv0zuo86g3d1vyxxv&dl=1 Cat 1 Dead m10 Enjoyed that, I just made a poor decision at what was possibly the most threatening fight I'd encountered up to now, and paid with my life
  10. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dm64lanpvoi186h3u5ac2/dthomage.lmp?rlkey=or5hz2hhmz1no01e6vvjucpwd&dl=1 Cat 1 UV, survival in about 40 mins I am unkillable this year
  11. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 63: Preacher

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ub211c89h0hkpth1vz2j/dtpreach.lmp?rlkey=berpft7qyhfezcwdf2odev0qe&dl=1 Cat 1, UV, dead m4 at about 40 mins No monsters will take me alive this year You've really got to keep moving on this one.
  12. My new year's resolution was to survive every ironman henceforth, and it's going well so far, with an eagle 'survival' aswell https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/et1sbwiy9d8szkk6rzax1/dtblackrain.lmp?rlkey=9n4fnw5ftyu5nov9342kroa15&dl=1 It was nearly not a survival in 2 places, but I'd played this map about 6 months ago and still had a tiny bit of memory about it. Didn't stop me getting lost for about 15 mins however (Cat 2 survival, about 1.25 hours)
  13. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 62: ADoom

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7n46jp8xdnoqog9m87vmt/dtadoom.lmp?rlkey=kep440fr6znb4s7aieuv8cnyk&dl=1 Survived to what I can only assume is a natural stop at the end of m7. Fella must've meant to make them monster blocking instead of everything blocking Cat 1 UV
  14. dt_

    IronEagle Competition 61: Grim Ripper

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tlecbcaxg3ucj915yc10g/dtgrimripp.lmp?rlkey=gxw94u9vdur5w1abvl5fdt7dg&dl=1 Dead m6, think it was about 30 min Cat 1, HNTR, I tried for speed this time, and that's what did me in
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wkaxg6sjkin3wo871qw7r/dtrowdy.lmp?rlkey=qzy5wfvlnug35a5fg4yhcds1c&dl=1 Dead m10, got melted by a vile in a really lame but nasty trap. I think it's about an hour and a half Cat 1