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About sesalpinogamer

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  1. sesalpinogamer

    Any good wads that focus on exploring?

    Thanks guys. Got pretty much every single wad you suggested. Thread will keep open, but I won't check it.
  2. I simply want a wad that focus on exploring rather than shooting stuff. Any good one?
  3. sesalpinogamer

    The legend of Doom! (Currently in development!)

    After the results of this pool,i am going to stop,like i said.Lucky me,i am trying to 100% Zelda Majora's Mask on the 3DS,so that is plenty of extra time,see ya!
  4. sesalpinogamer

    The legend of Doom! (Currently in development!)

    Here is a very very simple encounter system i did,note that i am using the trial version of a record software,don't mind https://vid.me/VE1t Basically,when the player enters the semingly pointless room with an imp,the entrance quickly closes off,leaving the player locked,but after he kills the imp,the ceiling raises back again and a door in the north area of the room,witch i am doing right now so it is not in the video! Remember guys,don't vote on the pool based on current progress,vote if you like the idea or not.
  5. sesalpinogamer

    The legend of Doom! (Currently in development!)

    Depends on what you don't like about Zelda,if it is the gameplay,no,you shouldn't Advice:I am already doing it,here is the proof,i just took a random picture of a part that looked nice in the starting room while in 3D mode: I really liked the shadow effect i did there.
  6. Hey guys!I am really happy right now,because even when my classes started,i still have time to do stuff!So,has this calss period stops in december or late november,i have a lot of time,so much time i am going to make a 5 level wad! Why should i care? Do you like Zelda?Do you like Doom?Do you like both?If not,then search for something else. What is this? This is a challenge i did to myself,create 5 zelda-style dungeons,but in doom,with zelda gameplay but doom action and texture set,these levels will use intense ACS scripting and a lot of action oriented stuff to make it seem more like zelda,plus,I will keep the relatively simple concepts and puzzles from Zelda. What are you using? I am currently using GZDoom builder to make the level,and i am using the normal doom 2 textures,obviously,and i am also using the celticsh.wad and IKDTEX.wad textures,both can be found here: http://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures.shtml They are Celtic shrine and IK Pack. And the project? Ugh,i have no material yet,once i finish the first level i will post a gameplay of it.
  7. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    So...well. I am already finishing the map (Only need to do the industy!),so i am already setting up a new map i will do,lost in the snow. Similarly to The Long Dark,you were on a plane,going to alaska to fight against the demon invasion,obviously,you are a winning by a mile,and the war was almost ending,but a lighting stuck your plane and it crashed on a cold lake in alaska,luckly,you managed to land on a piece of floating ice,but your friends didn't had the same luck,they fell into the freezing river with the plane and died from hypotermia.You,you will slowly start dying if you don't go into hotter places,like houses,caves,facilities and etc... The drill: -You will lose small amounts of health when outside (around 1% p/ second),however,caves,houses,and hotter places are frequent,has well has health -The level will be MAMOTH size,big,open enviroments with a lot of places to go,including hell itself! -The level will have a apocalyptic theme,everything is broken,bodies from marines and demons are everywhere,very few enemies,and has i plan to but the goldeneye 007 skulltag edition music from that snow level after you take the plane,i think it will be atmospheric -The main part of the level resides about going to a facility,has you know there are some marines there,but the bridge that leads to it is broken,and the only way you can fix it is black magic (Welcome to the world of videogames,my friend!)So you must go to hell itself and slaughter the evil sorcerer,the archvile,and when you get to the facility,you realize that something went extremely wrong,vines are growing all over the place,cryogenic capsules are broken,everything is falling apart,and all your fellow marines?Dead.To end the level,you must get to a place with the last remaining marines,and then the level ends. Probaly going to change a lot but...Pudings.
  8. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    Well............. "Punches myself" I changed my "Cought,cought..."Mind "Dies"
  9. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    Why SavageCorona?I can't make the maps that i want anymore?I don't care if it is good or not,i am having fun making it.
  10. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    1 dog is cute,3 dogs are even cuter!
  11. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    I didn't felt offended,just sad because that is 3 days of effort to receive a bad rating.
  12. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    That hurts,i will stop mapping,then.If you are talking from a begginer map perspective then i shouldn't even be posting this,and if it is from a normal point of view,then tell me why,i am burned from making maps now,after i finish this map,again,you won't see me again for a while.
  13. sesalpinogamer

    Vines decoration in doom 2?

    How do i extract a texture?
  14. sesalpinogamer

    Vines decoration in doom 2?

    Where do i get these textures?I suck balls at making sprites.
  15. sesalpinogamer

    CliffWalk ,a strange level (PRE-ALPHA STAGE)

    BETA UPDATE!!! -A LOT of the map was designed (pretty much all the outside area!) -Made the level MUCH harder -Added 2 friendly marines with SSG's and a MBF dog to help you! -Added some secrets! -Added a source for the nuclear waste falling down onto the river,a nuclear reactor! -Now the factory area isn't just grass,i made a wooden bridge and the water is just...there. -The bridge that leads to the water control facility is pretty low down on the ground,with no water covering it.It is a miracle! -On the outside factory you can just jump out of the water instead of needing to go to the cave to teleport back! -Scripting to make all liquids with proper colors when submerged on them. Screenshots: The beggining. Breathing some not very fresh air outside A plasma gun underwater,*******,luckly it didn't broke,shocked the water and killed you A key?Awesome!A computer map?Nice.But a rocket launcher? The exit. The industry Another view of the industry A nuclear leak?C'mon guys!The nature! The nature... Not that the industry is any better Nop,definitively not DA BRIDGE OF MIRACLES!!! Notes: -The screenshots were taken in order of areas,not progression,so i covered the beggining part before the industry part -The screenshots were taken in no monsters mode -I didn't cover the water control facility yet because:1:It doesn't have anything.2:It is just a plain sectore made of grass. Known issues: Bugs: -The "bridge of miracles" is supposed to be covered by water,but isn't Glitches: None Issues: It can be hard to the player to see underwater caves,has their entrances will seem like a wall because of the blue color,so the caves are: -Near the nukage,at the very bottom left. -Near the beggining area,a hole in the wall,contains the plasma gun,about halfway way down. Tips: -You CAN drown! -I already told about the caves up here. -Allies or monsters can't swim!Well,they won't be stupid enought to throw themselves in anyways. Hotfix:Fixed the miracle bridge bug,now water covers it properly. Here is a video of what i did: https://vid.me/Nkw8 I noticed that the place where the water control facility will be is climbable,i will need to add teleporters and lower the water level to fix this issue.