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About Dav_NW

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  1. Dav_NW

    Was that The Crucible in Eternal gameplay at the end?

    Im just going to leave this here. Demonic Samuel Hayden as a boss fight?
  2. Dav_NW

    Further E3 Teaser Breakdown

    Regarding the cars, the canned Doom 4 had near-future cars but they were really boxy-looking. Perhaps they will recycle that design
  3. Dav_NW

    Spooky Giant Worms

    Well thats is basically the concept behind the Half-Life tentacles ( and later the Opposing Force Pitworm ), but that wouldn't work on Doom Eternal. If you want to make the Doomslayer even more powerful dont put static unkillable enemies that can harm the player.
  4. Nazi = National Socialism, the opposite of Marxist Socialism which is the base of Modern Feminism ( replace workers and high-class with oppressed women and tyrannical men )
  5. Dav_NW

    R. Lee Ermey Has Died At Age 74

    Semper Fi
  6. 1. Male, 19 2. Argentina, city of Rosario 3. Doom 95, Doom II, Doom 3 BFG Edition ( i didnt played the expansions yet ), Doom 64 and Doom 2016 4. Original Doom because it revolutionized gaming in a lot of ways ( not just the grandaddy of FPS as most people know it ) 5. Doom II - Doom - Doom 2016 - Doom 3 - Doom 64 ( I love Doom 64 but as a N64 exclusive pseudo-sequel made by Midway theres no point of comparison with the others ) 6. Neither. All Doom games are a product of their respective time but i would choose Doom 2016 ( yet again, go try to compare the development team of Doom 2016 with the metalheads playing d&d and watching Evil Dead 2 and Aliens from 1993 ) 7. It didnt gave me nostalgia and thats a good thing. It rather felt like a modern rendition of Good ole FPS fun 8. Its among the titans of gaming history and it gained a small place in popular culture. Doom unleashed the creativity of thousands and thousands of people around the globe. Doom is a simple and addictive formula that doesnt fade with time, "Weapons-Enemies-Level Design" are just like "Bass-Drums-Guitar" 9. Like it or not, Doom 3 expanded the series in another direction. Many think its the black sheep of the series. I like to think Doom 3 its a good detour from the fast-paced all guns blazing we all know 10. I would add another question "What do you think its the future of the franchise?
  7. Doomguy would join forces with the HECU since they are all marines. Xen forces are completely annihilated and all government assassins KIA. And i think Adrian Shepard would do it better because he can carry all the arsenal of Freeman plus the OP4 weapons ( Desert Eagle, sniper rifle, SAW, Race X weapons and Displacer cannon which is basically a BFG with teleportation as secondary attack )
  8. You mean those gameplay mods with cheesy protagonists and the same overpowered shotguns/revolvers/miniguns that bring little to nothing innovation? Because Terminus could make another "Demonsteele with a facelift" and he would still win a Cacoward. But dont expect IGN articles or TotalBiscuit reviews.
  9. But sure as f*ck he is the first one living off of modding in Brazil, a country struggling with economical inequality. And thats another pro for him, he deserves a bit of respect for turning his hobby into a job. So he can complete those FREE projects in less time and more quality. Now if BD was on Steam that would be another completely different story.
  10. To be more clear, i acknowledge that he chose a very inefficient way of payback, that along with some bad mistakes he made but also i think the positive impact that his works left is too much to be ignored. I have zero interest on blindly defend him, your opinion just differs from mine. Its not about Black vs. White or Good vs. Evil
  11. The thing is, he never uploaded that Extermination day beta build on Idgames. Not even on Moddb. The Eday betas are only available on Mediafire links posted on his Patreon. In this case they cannot ban anyone because what DW users upload on other sites its not their concern as DW Moderators.
  12. Lets be honest guys, before Brutal Doom was conceived ( or started to burst with popularity ) no one was talking about how Doom mods should give Doom a slice of mainstream/media coverage again or how they should lure back people who were into Doom 10 or 15 years ago.
  13. Dav_NW

    What is American about Doom?

    Same with Aliens and Evil Dead 2
  14. - E1M3 soulsphere room - E1M5 outdoor nukage pool - E2M2 room opened by the yellow card - E2M7 invsphere hallway - E4M7 outdoor area - MAP09 starting area - MAP19 central courtyard - TNT MAP05 blue keycard room