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About Nikita_Sadkov

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  1. Nikita_Sadkov

    How to create Doom/Heretic/Hexen-style sounds?

    Just found that Audacity has Barry's Stan Maximiser effect, which produces very strong compression with distortion. Original Hexen audio effects were passed through some bad compressor, which made them sound really heavy, while effects I produced sound really puny in comparison. So here is that shard effect passed through that plugin. https://github.com/saniv/free-game-sfx/blob/master/groups/magic/spell330-shard-maximised.flac Re-sampling it to 11025Hz would make it sound even heavier.
  2. Nikita_Sadkov

    How to create Doom/Heretic/Hexen-style sounds?

    Anyway, I used the above method to make Hexen's SHARDS1B replacement https://github.com/saniv/free-game-sfx/blob/master/groups/magic/spell330-shard.flac the license is public domain, and two public domain samples were used in production: https://opengameart.org/content/adding-salt https://freesound.org/people/pillonoise/sounds/126465/ Also, Bram banned me from freesound.org for uploading that recording of hamster burned alive. And he keeps banning my accounts, which I create because his site require registration to download sounds. Tell Bram to stop being a jerk and require people to register just to download a sfx, especially if he plans to ban them right away.
  3. Lets brainstorm the problem of creating sounds similar to those used in Doom, Heretic or Hexen. I'll explain my idea, using CONE3 sound from Hexen as an example: 1. Using SpectraLayers Pro 3.0.17, create 1.4 seconds long empty file. 2. Use Noise Spray tool to hand-drawn spectrum shape, similar to the one in CONE3. Instead of white noise, you can load pre-made sample, that sounds promising, then apply exposure and erasure to it, so it will take shape looking like CONE3 or other sound you're trying to re-create. 3. Save said file. 4. Opened it in Audacity 5. Apply envelope to achieve required volume shape. 6. Apply Wahwah effect, using LFO Freq = 0.5, LFO Start Phase = 0.0, Depth=50%, Resonance=2.5, Wah Freq=30, Output Gain=-6.0 7. Normalize 8. Now copy result to separate track and apply Vocoder effect to it with following params: Vocoder, with distance=60, Number of bands=40, original audio=0, white noise=100, Radar needles=0, radar needles freq=0. That should produce more magical cold-sound texture. 9. Mix result with vocoded copy, moved slightly to the right, producing magical sounding attack build-up. 10. Optionally add Reverb, Delay and Chorus. Result should sound similar to Hexen one. Here is my result: https://github.com/saniv/free-game-sfx/blob/master/groups/magic/spell329-spell_cast.flac Do you have any better idea?
  4. Nikita_Sadkov

    Raymoohawk's sprite edits

    Raymoohawk is a talented artist. It was exciting to observe him/her working on sprites. Hope (s)he is well, just busy with job and/or relationship.
  5. Nikita_Sadkov

    Blasphemer discussion

    I have produced some more sfxes under BSD license, so they could be used with freedoom project: https://github.com/saniv/free-game-sfx/tree/master/sound/nikita_sadkov
  6. Nikita_Sadkov


    I'm sure these transparent objects are drawn differently https://pikishi.deviantart.com/art/Gemstone-Tutorial-196103236 https://pikishi.deviantart.com/art/Crystals-Progress-Tutorial-202585015 here is my edit
  7. Nikita_Sadkov


    Yeah. Compiling something working quickly would be a nice thing to do, so level designers could join and we could test the wad against existing Hexen maps.
  8. Nikita_Sadkov


    In case you haven't seen it, here is one of the best pixel art tutorials: http://blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart great to study even if you aren't an artist, as it would help you truly appreciate the art. People at wesnoth.org also have nice animation tutorial: https://wiki.wesnoth.org/Basic_Animation_Tutorial
  9. Nikita_Sadkov

    Exploding Objects

    Hurray! You solved the mystery!
  10. Nikita_Sadkov

    Exploding Objects

    Fletchettes are different from exploiting the environment. Although Hexen also has repulsion discs, used to push monsters into bottomless pits or into other traps.
  11. Nikita_Sadkov

    Exploding Objects

    Exploding stuff is always fun, so I'm sure they were thinking about it, especially because Doom engine already supported it. Then exploding objects were also missing in Quake and Hexen 2, so that is obviously a design decision.
  12. Nikita_Sadkov

    Exploding Objects

    So Doom had barrels, that were simple and effective. Heretic introduced these movable organic balls, that kept respawning in some rooms. But Hexen had no exploding environment objects, despite introducing traps, like walls shooting fireballs (that were also potent at killing monsters). What was the design reason for the omission of exploding objects in Hexen?
  13. Nikita_Sadkov


    1. I doubt they are public domain, while OGA people dislike BSD license. 2. Good placeholders are intended to stand out of place, crying"replace me with a proper art!", yet at the same time you need variety of them to discern one from another. 3. IIRC, Freedoom's idea was to attract artists with their own monster designs, instead of incorporating existing art, with conflicting art style.
  14. Nikita_Sadkov


    variety of silly public domain sprites that can serve as placeholders: https://opengameart.org/content/cartoon-enemies