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Everything posted by spd7693

  1. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    TNT Evilution, Map 20: The red door is metal on one end, but wood on the other. Same goes with the yellow door.
  2. Then I will come. Not that I can guarantee finishing it.
  3. Does it count if you still have an ongoing project from before and just want to add another map into it it or you have to create something that's not connected to anything you have thus far? I might begin a map on October 1st and try and finish it until October 31st in a way for instance, but that will be a map for my own "epic". (Supposedly it's gonna be a concept themed map nonetheless.)
  4. Happy New Year! Some of you may rememeber me from posting maps here in the past. It was clear they were going to be a part of a full scale megawad. Well, today I am posting it again with a new map inbound. For any further postings I will use this thread. The wad: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vqawvjicg3pyyb5/Chase.rar/file Newest maps: 21 The story in a nutshell: The character finds his wife and daughter captured by the demons and thinks another invasion is inbound. Eventually, he finds out the forces of Hell are after no one else, but him. They want him trapped in hell and are using his family as bait. That comes out until he's shackled by The Master, whom he turns out he has to defeat. Information about the wad: Name: The Chase Ready maps: 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 21, 29, 30, 32 5 will not make the final cut. Feel free to play the current versions though. Maps in progress: Difficulty curve on Ultra-Violence: Find out yourselves, I can no longer proclaim it. New monsters: None, even Nazis and Commander Keens aren't used and aren't going to be used. New graphics: None, but I use textures from Final Doom New music: Yes, but in OGG Vobris format. Compatibility: Limit removing Tested with: Chocolate Doom - runs everything except the music, however it refused to issue warp on 29 and 30. However, it ran 30 before I changed the HDD. Crispy Doom - runs everything. GLBoom-Plus - runs everything on -complevel 2, most of the screenshots are from there. GZDoom - runs everything, gamma correction 1.5 recommended. Infos on the separate maps will be given in the upcoming posts.
  5. I wonder who reads in this thread, but here I am with another map: Map 21 - Tartar. Ready a lot sooner than expected. It isn't that small in size, but things can be seen there. A big credit to @DavidN for his tutorials that inspired me to finally make a map with (almost) no right angles and make different interesting forms. In fact, I tried to create a level that just screams "Welcome to Hell, Doomguy!" As it's said in the story: Yes, the first sentence is a reference to Star Craft and the first words Jim Raynor says when he encounters the Zerg. Fittingly, the music used is the first Zerg track from the game. And if it fits the geometry and the fight, see the screenies. And yes, all of them were made in different playthroughs. The only armour in the level is the few patches of blue armour and any megasphere you can encounter, so be careful! Screenshots: The file will be both posted here and in the OP. It also includes an updated version of Map 15 - The Monastery. The changes are minor, but very important: Only two hell knights appear in the marble secret as opposed to 5 earlier. Yellow key trap: revenants reduced to 12 from 24, barons removed. The change is significant for the completion of the map. SSG moved into the room with the yellow door and the yellow key trap. In the lighted portion as well and it's easier to see. Location of the plasma rifle is now lighted. More changes might be made in the future for now these, because they seemed the most important. They had to come with the publishment of map 11, but it seems I have uploaded the wrong file. Now I made sure I'm uploading the correct file. Have a good time playing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/vqawvjicg3pyyb5/Chase.rar/file
  6. I thought I had updated Map 15 in this file. Well, I'll update it for the next time. The SSG was supposed to be in the lighter room, where you eventually get the yellow key, the hell knights in the secret were supposed to be 2 and not 5, the barons were supposed to be removed... Well... I'll see if I have saved the updated version in the temporary wad I use for editing, while this is the one I give for testing since it has no incomplete maps inside. If so, the file I gave you and all the other testers will be updated ASAP. If not, then maybe you'll have to wait. I might update this version before I finish map 21, but I'm not giving more maps than the ones you saw in the set until the updated version is in it.
  7. Here is the wad: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vqawvjicg3pyyb5/Chase.rar/file Info: Name: The Chase Ready maps: 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 29, 30, 32 5 will not make the final cut. Feel free to play it though. Earliest maps: 9, 16, 5, 1 Most recent map: 11 Maps in progress: 21 Difficulty curve on Ultra-Violence: Find out yourselves, I can no longer proclaim it. New monsters: None, even Nazis and Commander Keens aren't used and aren't going to be used. New graphics: None, but I use textures from Final Doom New music: Yes, but in OGG Vobris format. Compatibility: Limit removing Tested with: Chocolate Doom - runs everything except the music, however it refused to issue warp on 29 and 30. Crispy Doom - runs everything.  GLBoom-Plus - runs everything on -complevel 2, most of the screenshots are from there. GZDoom - runs everything, gamma correction 1.5 recommended. I'll check up if the link works and will edit the post if it does. Yeah, it does, but you may have to copy it and paste it in a new session.
  8. Hello. I sent you a request on February 27th via a personal message. Seeing this makes me feel kinda forgotten since it was not read for weeks, now I don't see my wad in this thread, nor did I get a reply. So I'd like to ask if I'm in the pecking order and please put my request at least a bit higher, because I've sent it almost 3 months ago. Check your mailbox if you don't believe me.
  9. spd7693

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    If you wonder what is happening to my Chase.wad, here are some samples of what soon will become Map 21 - Tartar. If all goes well, in the summer this map will be published for testing. Not sure if that counts to you as locked switch marking, but to me it does. If not, please offer a better solution. Just mind that I don't really want to attach the skulls to the wall. The red switch has been flipped as you can see by the raised bars. It's the fleshy one.
  10. spd7693

    Do You Own a Device Capable of Playing Audio CDs?

    I have original albums by different bands, as well as compilations. Playing The Angel by Depeche Mode being one of the closest to my heart. I also have a few games on the original CDs - Age Of Empires 2 and HOMM 3 and 4 come in mind. Earlier I had the first StarCraft and Brood war on an original CD too, but unfortunately it wore out, cause I simply couldn't stop playing it. And of course, Doom and Doom 2. But I eventually moved the wads on an USB stick when I no longer had a computer with a CD slot. That was until I finally found out there are outer devices you can plug in and play CDs. I bought one now and I use it. Where the discs are is a completely different question, but at least the originals close to my heart are here. The others might be worn out already.
  11. Forgot the file again! Now it's here.
  12. Well, first map ready on the new computer! Also, I finally am using Ultimate Doom Builder and have tested with GZDoom personally as well. This also is my first circular map. This is map 11 - S. O. S. For quite some time I had issues balancing the health. That is when we don't count the big health items. All of them are off the main path and/or in secrets. It's possible to beat the map without visiting the optional areas, but obviously it is not recommended if you want 100% kills. And 100% secrets as well, because one of them really is off the main path. Story: Well, I did attempt to do something that looks like a sunken oil platform or at least base of sorts. Just a bit of a side note. If you use GZDoom, set your gamma correction to 1.5. I tested at 1 and at 2 on both GLBoom+ and GZDoom and the difference of the lighting at the same level of gamma in both source ports was baffling. Either I am used to play at a higher correction or am not noticing the lighting changes that much unlike most of you. Screenshots: Music used - "Floating Across Water" from HOMM4. (Water terrain theme.) Enjoy!
  13. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I wonder if it's just me, but it seems like I'm most comfortable when my gamma correction is set to 2 in GLBoom+ and 1.5 in GZDoom. Seems like I make my maps that way as well. No wonder why when playing with GZDoom you all see my maps darker than usual. Just noticed it when I tested my most recent map. Also, it feels like in GLBoom+ the game runs faster. Maybe I should check the speed settings, but I'm sure it seems like that.
  14. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    ^ Says the neko that's hatching from an egg.
  15. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Reggae boy with a mandolin.
  16. spd7693

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Some have noticed I love hexagons too. :) They're fun and challenging to draw as well. I use the shape in my about-to-be map 11 of Chase as well. The map was in big production Hell, but here is what I have done this far: The map shoud be a half-sunken crippled oil platform, so maybe later I could add some dead monsters, but usually I don't like placing dead monsters, because this messes up my way of counting kills. It also is my first circular map as you can see - quite a few loops, interconnection and a few optional areas. You can finish without backtracking. Only an exit portal and a route to it are missing, but that I think is the actual hard part as I have to combine all sorts of techniques to place the different levels of damaging floors, including lava, and other thing and of course, the final section. So finishing it is so far unknown.
  17. Update! This year I had some issues that I finally am about to resolve! This includes also a prize I won in a game show that will allow me to buy myself a new computer and have an easier time doing the stuff I want to. This is the last map created or edited on this computer! And well, it's an updated version of Map 29 - Shackled By The Master. The map had a lot of problems that frustrated some players - too big, too confusing, too much of a drag, too hard to get from place to place... In the end even I thought it's too big, so this is what I did: Now the map is about half the size it used to be. The monster count also is dropped by half - the map is much faster to go through as well. A few areas redesigned. A few rooms removed completely. The map is closer to the original idea I had. New design of the blue switches. Added (more) teleporters that lead to the blue switches. Added teleporters outside of the map that can be used to get faster from corner to corner. New areas: Unfortunately, now I can't find where GLBoom+ has saved the in-game screenies, so I can't upload them at this point. If I find them, I'll upload them later.
  18. spd7693

    Speedrun Analysis Tool

    That's an awesome thing, Coin. I might be using it for certain plays, even if I don't speedrun. I'm just attempting to beat full games without dying and I'm yet to do it. (The farthest is Doom 2 map 22.)
  19. Phobos Lab - I didn't know at first that the essential switch was that one beyond the nukage in the west. (Robot's head.) I always thought I had to press something in those raising pillars. Warrens was always a drag at the going back. The shotgunners are so annoying. Tricks and Traps - took me a while to learn the platforming or the teleporter trick. I started beating it consistently only when I used source ports. (Until 2012 I had always played on DOSBOX.) The Chasm. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HOW MANY TIMES I DIED EITHER IN THE PIT OF THE LAST CACODEMON OR AT THE FINAL LEDGE WITH THE LOST SOULS!!! The Abandoned Mines from a pistol start - the combination of narrow corridors and cacodemons ain't fun by any means. Honourable mention - The Catacombs, but I figured my way out through it the first time I played it. But chaingunners, revenants and pinkies/spectres, all on different height levels is quite a tricky and deadly combo. It's more likely tripping me up now than then and even though I made sure I grabbed the blue armour and soulsphere at the start in my full game attempt, the chaingunners managed to shoot me down in a second. This is the furthest level I've gone to without dying. However - TNT Map 5 took me 6 years (!) to beat before I figured out how to get the blue key. The only level that took me longer - 13 years - was the third level of Jedi Outcast.
  20. I can't really classify them, so I'll just list them. Classic Doom - maybe gradually Plutonia is becoming my favourite entry, but still some of my most favourite maps are in Doom 2 and TNT Evilution still has a big place in my heart - I played it first as I said earlier. Bubble Bobble - my introduction to video gaming on an old NeXT. Loved playing it with mom and with unc, who was the first person in the family with a computer. I also loved that Formula 1 GP Simulator that computer had. Age Of Empires 2 StarCraft - both came with the same first Compaq we had in 1998 as TNT Evilution. Old times! (So nostalgic to see old Formula 1 races and Compaq as Jacques Villeneuve's sponsor.) That was my introduction to mouse gaming and the RTS genre. I love both games to this day. That computer also came with C&C - Red Alert, but I never learned how to play it. StarCraft 2 - self-explanatory. Impatient about 3 if there will be one. Heroes of Might and Magic 4 - most underrated of the franchise and sadly the universe got butchered by Ubisoft afterwards. Star Wars Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic - may not be able to save for a new computer to play 2 though, because I might need the money for something I have been planning for a while and have an opportunity now. (Still I hope to be chosen to perform in The Chase, might get some money from there.) Star Wars The Old Republic - with the purchase of a new computer I also will subscribe with a plan. My current machine can no longer run the game. I've played multiple GTA games, but I'm not sure if they are among my favourites.
  21. Honestly, I don't think there is a right or wrong moment to place a secret. Usually I leave a tellatale sign for it - but sometimes quite subtle - and put in helpful items. I learned to make sure the maps are playable without the secrets eventually, but now I wonder if I can actually make them playable without the items in all the optional areas. For now I haven't made many optional nonsecret areas - all of them contained secrets until now - so I'm planning to do that on my newest map. But still, if the area is non-secret, it will mean that the mapper should expect the player to be curious enough to visit it, right? Disclaimer - I didn't mean hidden optional areas. I meant areas like behind big metal doors for instance that are neither on the beaten path, nor contain anything too essential, just something useful. Because to me if there is a door or teleporter or if there is a monster in a seemingly dead end, there definitely must be something in that direction.
  22. To come back I guess. I'm finally back in the forums, not sure about mapping though. Age Of Empires 2 - No doubt! To this day it still attracts attention, has new content released and new tournaments appear... How can it not be up there? Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast - My main reason to hate what Disney did to the franchise! Star Wars The Old Republic - it's simply my favorite SW game. Doom Chrono Trigger - not my type of game, but deserves the mentioning. StarCraft 2 - Not good story, great gameplay. If the story was better it would have been up. StarCraft 1 - Kinda the same, but still a great RTS game. Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 - though 4 is my favorite from the franchise Sims 3 - but 4 is my favorite Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic - though I still am yet to play 2.
  23. spd7693

    Strange linedef behavior

    You know, I like using those doors that open downwards instead of upwards. My next map makes no exception to this. Why am I posting it though? In the area there is a baron, guarding the door and later an arch-vile that guards the key. I killed the baron with the rocket launcher in front of the door. Or so it seems. When the arch-vile became mobile and could move wherever she wanted, she resurrected the baron. Keep in mind monsters can't open this door! (Action 62 - SR Lift lower wait raise.) But I heard the baron get resurrected and feared it might have become a ghost. Well... Instead, the monster turned out resurrected... inside the ceiling and when I was about to come out, thinking the arch-vile had resurrected the baron through the door - it's 16 units wide, so arch-viles can resurrect through it. However, the resurrected baron simply lowered with the elevator. And was taking direct damage from both the RL and the SSG. Keep in mind ghosts are on. (And I play on -complevel 2 anyways.) So... why did the baron get resurected inside the ceiling then? It lowered with the door all the way down. When I stepped into it, it couldn't rise to the top. Why does it happen and how?
  24. spd7693

    Strange linedef behavior

    Hello, everybody! So far I had nothing to post here, but this time I really do. Recently I started making a Wad. I already posted my first map in another thread, but I'll anyways put it here too. Warning! Low quality! So, what's the matter? I fixed the problem of the peep hole in the blue key area as monsters were able to shoot through it, as well as the cyberdemon always teleported last in. Still I'm trying to make it better as well. The problem is this - I've made three linedefs with the action W1 floor raise to lowest ceiling. They raise the sector which blocks off the teleporter, which is the one the linedefs are closing. As you see in the map, the switch behind the mancubus in the area must unblock the teleporter. However, after the switch is flipped I can cross the second linedef with the same tag and action and the teleporter will close off again! This is not supposed to happen. So, the question is how to make the linedefs exclude each other? Like when one W1 floor raise to lowest ceiling is activated, the others with the same tag and action should have no action any longer. Like that I can't seal myself in the area and never come to the end. Except if I make the switch repetitive, but this will look very much like... builder work.
  25. Hello all. I wanted to try this idea a few more times, but I'm not sure if I'm really doing it really good. I'm trying to work on a new level and I have this question. The thing is - the building should be something built in the sea. I decided to make the area, surrounded by cliffs. However, if you put cliffs everywhere, you know it no longer looks like a sea. So, I added this gap. I want to make the sea look as if it disappears into the horizon and make it look endless as you know. Is there a way to do it more eficiently or have I done the maximum possible? Disclaimer: Vanilla methods only, please!