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About JimFlasch

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. Any updates on this mod? I'd really like to try it out.
  2. Looks good! How close are we to a release of this mod?
  3. Is there a release date for this yet? I'd really like to see it in action.
  4. Yeah, looks good, but would like to see it released sometime soon!
  5. Any idea when this will be released? I'd really like to check it out.
  6. Loved your map! And liked your dad's too - my condolences on your loss.
  7. JimFlasch

    Quake Remastered

    I got this via auto download through Steam (I bought Quake that way years ago and have the official expansions also), and it alone of all games I acquired that way gives me an "app configuration unavailable" error. I have tried deleting the appinfo.vdf file in Steam/appcache, but that didn't help. any ideas?
  8. Bladerunner: I know how to load and save games - the problem is that Heretic2Portals crashes when I try to load from a game saved manually (via F6 or the menu). I can only load savegames that were automatically made on entering a level.
  9. OK, I got it to display right, but have another problem - I can only load from autosaves made on entering a level, not from manual saves made while playing through a level; trying to load a manual save crashes the game. What's up with that?
  10. On my monitor, the game is letterboxed with this mod, and the monitor's native resolution, 1920x1080, is missing from the Resolution list.
  11. How do I set this to my monitor's native resolution 1920x1080?
  12. JimFlasch

    Post your Mod/WAD ideas

    in re Diabolución's first post above: According to https://doomwiki.org/wiki/John_Anderson_(Dr._Sleep), "Chiron" became E4M7: And Hell Followed in The Ultimate Doom.
  13. I get a crash and an error message when I try to play Redneck Rampage Route 66 with the latest version of Raze. The crash log is as follows: Log started: 2020-02-20 23:06:03 OS: Windows 10 (or higher) (NT 10.0) Build 18362 adding C:/Raze/raze.pk3, 148 lumps adding C:/RedneckGDX/Redneck/REDNECK.GRP, 441 lumps adding C:/RedneckGDX/Redneck/, 20 lumps Texture filtering mode changed to LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR CPU speed: 3392 MHz I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL Opened device OpenAL Soft on Speakers (DFX Audio Enhancer) EFX enabled Execution could not continue. What went wrong?
  14. Just installed and tried to run WhackED 4 1.2.4 and got the following error message


    cx_freeze: Python error in main script


    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\_startup_.py", line 40, in run

    File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 32, in run

    FIle "src\main.py", line 6 in <module>

    ImportError: bad magic number in 'whacked4': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'


    What's up with that?

    1. exl


      Are you running it from the 7z file, and using what OS?

    2. JimFlasch


      I installed it from the setup exe, and use Windows 10.
