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About Krenium

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  1. Everything is looking fantastic. The new mutations and UI elements are making the mod so polished. It's come so far in only a few versions. Hard to believe the voice audio only got added in 0.96. Feels like it's been in since the beginning, it fits so well. I love Corruption Cards too and this support is a welcome surprise!
  2. prboom+, never let me down and I don't see a reason to change. Also, the version I use has FXAA antialiasing and I have no idea why, but none of the other versions do and I'm used to it so they all look weird
  3. Excellent map! I love when maps have different starting routes and they give you weapons no matter which way you go.
  4. The biggest thing I currently don't understand about Doom is why Boom allows monsters to fall off (and get stuck on) ledges. What problem is this trying to solve? It causes monsters to end up in unintended and occasionally inaccessible areas.
  5. I really enjoyed this mapset! I love the weird angles and unusual (but pleasant) aesthetic choices. Gameplay is challenging but not unfair. I especially enjoyed the gauntlet that is MAP05 and the gimmick after the red door in MAP06.
  6. Krenium

    DBP50: Emerald City [idgames]

    I just finished the WAD on HMP/pistol start. It's a masterpiece. I don't know what else to say. I haven't seen exploration this good in a long time. And combat can get quite punchy at times, particularly toward the end. I love everything about this. Also, I've *really* got to hand it to @NoisyVelvet -- City of Fallen Angels is just.. absolutely insanely beautiful and FUN to explore! I haven't been this impressed by a map in a long time. Maybe ever.
  7. Krenium

    How big is your "Doom" folder?

    If all of your doom stuff doesn't fall under a single top-level directory (I highly recommend it; very convenient!) then try to estimate the total size of all of them combined. Either way, include everything: source ports, mods, personal projects, midis, maps, tools etc. As for me, 11.7 gigabytes consisting of 3,879 files in 512 directories. I would imagine mods for GZDoom make up at least 90% of that.
  8. Another of my favorites: "Plessure" by Paul Corfiatis from MAP10 of Whispers of Satan:
  9. Krenium

    Which Doom map are you?

    The Spirit World because I have good taste in music
  10. Recapture from Icarus: Alien Vanguard by David Shaw. Sends chills down my spine when it gets to the part around 2:43.
  11. This is the most underrated mod I've ever played. Was pleasantly surprised by how much fun it is and how great all the weapons feel to use. Looking forward to the update!
  12. I really like this series of videos about how to use the Eureka editor by Kris Occhipinti. And I enjoy Doomkid's videos and decino's analysis videos.
  13. I just finished the wad (HMP, pistol start) and it was the thoroughly enjoyable experience I was hoping it would be. I think my favorite map was Pendleton (MAP10), but other highlights for me included Canyon Station (MAP05), Los Alamos (MAP09), Deja Vu (MAP23), Colosseum (MAP15), The Crucible (MAP13), Sting Labs (MAP24), The Trenches (MAP27), and of course End Times (MAP29). The remarkable thing about this wad is that there are no duds. This is definitely going in my 'replay often' folder along with DCD, Reverie, and Akeldama. :)
  14. I can't believe this. You've made another solo megawad? (Aside from the music, of course.) How many times is this now? I can't describe to you how stoked I am to try this out
  15. I don't even have the words to describe how awesome MAP20 (and the wad in general) is. Wow!