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Cruduxy Pegg

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Everything posted by Cruduxy Pegg

  1. Cruduxy Pegg

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    Was the mastermind I uploaded earlier too weak?
  2. Cruduxy Pegg

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    What I hate most about megawads is they burn away many mappers eventually. Making "filler" maps might not be fun for everyone and watching your wad get slammed over those maps probably hurts to read.
  3. Cruduxy Pegg

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Revenants and Arachnotrons have much bigger projectiles (radius 11 and 13 instead of 6) than other demons. Tbh I always knew it because of how strangely barons and mancubi miss sometimes compared to the two and how arachs keep hitting walls but I didn't expect them to be pretty much double the radius. damn projectiles almost have the radius of Doomguy. (Cyberdemons too but I think that one is a lot more obvious). Edit: Oh right and also because of the whole pierce through walls thing.
  4. Cruduxy Pegg

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    Hello @Captain D!psh¡t Is the spidermastermind too strong with this mod? (needs Zscript so something like GZDoom). SuperMM.zip
  5. And remember it is a subjective list. You might like wads he hates or vice-versa.
  6. Maybe not the last episode, at least not on pistol starts or UV for a new player.
  7. Cruduxy Pegg

    What are you playing now?

    Lol you would absolutely hate some of those maps. There are mazes built of slow platforms and annoying doors that lock when you cross line defs.
  8. Cruduxy Pegg

    What are you playing now?

    I am already about to start the 1996 era. 1995 felt a lot more experimental than 1994. Am not really bothered by slow gameplay/puzzles although I have a searing hatred for maps full of slow elevators; I said I won't cheat but I've been noclipping like a mad man in some of the annoying maps that just keep forcing you to wait. it is like the mappers didn't want you to play their map!
  9. Alien Vendetta and BTSX episodes 1+2
  10. Cruduxy Pegg

    I become adult next year

    If you aren't following healthy habits now is your best time to start following some of them. There is no way around it for most people, if you ignore your body's health it will betray your expectations next decade and fixing it is much harder than starting out on a good foundation.
  11. Cruduxy Pegg

    What are you playing now?

    Ah am already past that map, at map31. Its just most of those maps blend together and I can hardly tell you any two maps apart. Map12 is actually the only one that stands out just because it looks different lol, not a box full of revs/mancubi/rockets. The difficulty isn't the problem but it just feels so samey. Maybe I'll continue it later but so far it seems like time I could be playing other mapsets instead.
  12. Cruduxy Pegg

    What are you playing now?

    I am going through the cacowards since I didn't play a lot of those mapsets. I'll be honest I can't wait for the 1995 maps to end they are very annoying to play at times. Especially the christmas mapset which is the only wad I skipped so far because the maps seem lower effort than the rest; can't continue more of it after reaching the middle map for now as I'd rather be playing anything else instead. Maybe someone has a favorite map there that might be worth checking out but most of them didn't stand the test of time. Edit: Just played Nostromo's Run and maybe I don't want to rush out of 1995 so quickly anymore.
  13. Cruduxy Pegg

    Defaulting to Ultra Violence is terrible, and here's why

    Honestly it isn't a myth but annoying people trying to annoy game designers just because they can. I see it all the time by people online writing stuff like (the designers can't even play their own game). That's what testers are for, designing and playing are two completely different skill sets and not everyone has them both in spades. And it happens even if the designer is very good at their game! Crypt of the necrodancer devs are good at it yet mediocre players who need any excuse for their own skill issues still say the same stupid question. Can the dev even play their own game? YES they had the speed run records for a while!
  14. Cruduxy Pegg

    Does anyone know why id never added jumping?

    They probably couldn't do it in time. Same reason we have annoying things like infinite height in the games.
  15. Cruduxy Pegg

    Defaulting to Ultra Violence is terrible, and here's why

    It seems to have been a thing since 1994. I am replaying old wads and have noticed many wads straight up try to get me to man up and play the real thing on UV. Which is hilarious because most of those maps are a cakewalk compared to Doom2 or even Doom 1. I don't think you'll ever have an alternative to describing difficulties in your description of the maps. Unless you are going out of your way to code in dynamic difficulty to stop players from "ruining" the game for themselves AAA style.
  16. This is interesting but I think the last 2 episodes will get in the way of getting it finished since a lot of people never played them to the end.
  17. Cruduxy Pegg

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I am playing through ancient wads and I guess it is how quickly the fans must've discovered invisible bridges in the life span of the series (and other mapping hacks). Doomsday of UAC has both invisible bridges and a cyberdemon floating over an invisible platform in 1994! Which I think a lot of people didn't encounter until later mega wads or Final Doom. Edit: Also I am reading the manuals with the pwads and I get a chuckle every time I encounter one that CHALLENGE you to man up and play UV. I'd love to see some of the mappers reactions to difficult wads nowadays after playing theirs!
  18. Cruduxy Pegg

    What makes 0/10 game? Examples?

    "Games" like the stupid banana one on Steam deserve the 0/10. Just a front for something else pretending to be a game. Also for me personally anything designed for gambling addicts also gets a 0. That means most mobile games and anything with a gacha system locking gameplay. Maybe not ones that just give cosmetics but tbh just knowing why they are designed that way makes me take away that excuse from them and give them a terrible score as well.
  19. Most hated (yes hate): tie between D64 lost soul and pain elemental. I don't even know where to begin with these bs mobs. the souls move faster than the speed of sound and keep attacking nonstop because they have faster animations (and faster charge speed because why not), the annoying af PE shoots two at same time in weird angles so even if you are shooting it they'll make it to you and hit you for a ton of hp.. and if you block any lost soul spawn it turns into an explosive barrel. Basically removed all counterplay of the normal PE and made lost souls even more annoying.
  20. Cruduxy Pegg

    maps that broke you, for better or for worse!

    Every time I play TNT map30 does that. Not because it is hard but because it has "end of an era" ending.
  21. Cruduxy Pegg

    What were the first three PWADs you downloaded?

    I can faintly remember the first map involving some tunnels over nukage and zombies; with wood textures around it (Probably impossible to guess as that's not exactly a rare combination). it is very difficult to remember from that age though.. First few I can actually remember about are Momenti mori and hell revealed. Edit: Well I guess I found it! It is the second level in Slaughter Until Death\SUDTIC. Funny how such a room is memorable from over 2 decades ago; as I don't think anything stands out here aside from the very annoying bridge gap in it.
  22. Cruduxy Pegg

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    I've been playing Doom for almost 3 decades so I guess even with long-ish pauses Doom is at the top and ahead of the next game by years, before you even include time in editors or discussing it.
  23. non-joke answer: Can revenants be a threat again instead of a meme for one game? They've been the clown of 3 games in a row, I think it is time they get back to the scary A+ tier monsters. Something is wrong when a monster was more dangerous when it could not fly.