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Cruduxy Pegg

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About Cruduxy Pegg

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  1. Cruduxy Pegg

    Ethics of messing with other people's maps

    Unless you are copy pasting parts of the maps instead of learning how it works I don't see what is the issue. I think it will be only an issue if someone is playing your wad and suddenly finds a part of Icarus randomly in it for example. For videos of edited but not released maps I think you should credit the original mapper even if you don't plan to release it. Actually I wouldn't risk getting the headache of an angry mapper demanding you take down a modified version of their map even if it wasn't released (Unless the text files say do whatever you want with my mapsets I don't care).
  2. Cruduxy Pegg

    Eternal Doom

    This wad is different from any other mapset you'll play. some maps are very good with gimmicks and creativity you won't find in other mapsets.. other mapsets are the most annoying puzzle hunts in gigantic maps you'll ever see as well. actually the bigger maps were usually easier to finish quickly than smaller ones, the small ones were usually padded to high heaven with stupid progression, keys and annoying as hell build the stairs switch hunts. If you want to play it I highly recommend just using a guide or cheat using doom builder as the dumbest puzzles in this wad are usually switches you don't even know exist (like an x on a random wall on a gigantic castle to continue). I didn't play this mapset to the end either, the last third of this mapset is very annoying and I only enjoyed like 2 of those maps before quitting on that almightly annoying map26 which goes on and on and when you think you finally found the exit it takes you to a trip in time to what seems like a re-imagination of the most annoying map in Enigma (I don't hate Flynn's maps, actually I like his master levels and a lot of maps in engima). Sadly I didn't get to experience the legendary reputations of map27 and 30 but I don't think I want to even try. Note: This isn't the first time I played the first half of this mapset, previously it was in multiplayer and it was still very annoying to play and most players gave up in the last third of this as well.
  3. Well he also throws all his weapons at the end of episodes for no reason. Elves work in mysterious ways.
  4. I think this is the most impressive one even though it seems smaller than the others at first. they are carrying gun and more advanced clothing to hold it, meanwhile Coruvs is lugging around basically 6 big staves, dragon claw and necromancer gauntlets all at the same time + a hilariously high number of tomes of power, flasks, explosives and armor. For Doomguy the UAC are more advanced than current Earth and they probably have much lighter (yet stronger) weapons, ammo and armor.
  5. Cruduxy Pegg

    Are you more into Classic Doom or Modern Doom?

    Classic > Eternal > Doom3 > 2016 for me. Eternal is probably going to be amazing if community makes better maps than the arena fests in campaign. Could barely finish 2016 one time and was already bored halfway through. Doom3 isn't that spectacular combat wise but at least it is fun to replay every couple years.
  6. Cruduxy Pegg

    Flappy Bird is back, but worse...

    Always impressive how much legacy a piece of garbage can have. This is nothing compared to the bot marketing and ripoff news surrounding this lazy junk.
  7. The most terrible thing about her is the outfit colors. If it was a black fit with pale skin it would look a tiny bit less terrible. Nothing in this design will salvage the helm though, and that's what everyone look at first because it had to be red to catch attention haha.
  8. Cruduxy Pegg

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon. Lots of fun, maybe time to replay treasure trove as well.
  9. Cruduxy Pegg

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Vanilla melee bug needs to be a strict compatibility flag. Arachnotrons and mancubi aren't supposed to be free kills with a chainsaw/berserk.
  10. Cruduxy Pegg

    Accused of pirating and topic locked??

    Devs try to help you and best you can do is "lol is pirated copy"? Don't know what you think will happen when you complain about moderators enforcing 30 year old site rules.
  11. Cruduxy Pegg

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    Warcraft 3 early game units feel tanky but late game they die almost instantly when focus fired. I'd give it another chance as it got heavily rebalanced over time. oh wait you are better off not playing it, as reforged edition is some proper trash.
  12. Cruduxy Pegg

    Has ID made E1M5 impossible?

    This is not ok. I've been trying to beat mount pain all week but I can't at all. No idea who thought the map was too easy. Maybe am just getting too old and it is time to start playing on hey not too rough for me from now on :(.
  13. Cruduxy Pegg

    What WAD are you playing now?

    I am at map26 of Eternal Doom. So far only had trouble with map20 and the stupid shootable texture behind the blue room teleport entrance which is a waste of way too much time in that badly designed triple teleports mess (funnily enough I shot everywhere in those 3 rooms except the tele entrance), please if you make a mandatory teleport puzzle dont jam a stupid secret that gets mistaken as a clue in the middle of it mappers! Even better never use shootable hidden switches for mandatory parts of the map. So far the only maps I hate are 20, 2 and maybe 8 or 10. Every single one of them because of a mandatory hidden switch blended in otherwise boring af textures all of which are nearly impossible to dustinguish on my monitor unless I raise freaking gamma and contrast to nuclear levels.
  14. It can work but am sure you'll get very angry reviews if you make a map with nothing but pain elementals or lost souls.
  15. Cruduxy Pegg

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Always thought it was drawn like that to give the illusion he is looking downward after injury.