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About Xerge

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  1. Xerge

    ZDoom 2.8.1 Partial Invisibility

    Hi scifista, actually I am refering to the partial insivibility effect animation on the weapons, not to the firing frames of the weapons. You know what I mean? By the way, I recently played some wads you recommended to me on a thread I started a few months ago, really digged 'Lunatic'.
  2. Hello everyone, I've got a question. I've noticed that when being Invisible in ZDoom every weapon sprite is animated like in the originals except for the Plasma Rifle which is static for some reason, does anyone know why this happens? Does it happen to anyone else or does anyone know how to fix it?
  3. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    Do you remember that in Doom 3 Swan says that the demons were on Earth once? That made me think that there were a few people within the UAC who were already aware of everything about the ancient civilization and it's fate before it was even discovered by UAC employers on Mars, this also made me think that the real reason why he was there was to control Betruger and make sure another invasion didn't take place in case he was experimenting with teleportation, as if he and other important people within the UAC already knew what could be going on and what could happen.
  4. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    If you are going to include Doom 3 I'd say it would be after the events of every other Doom game. My theory is that if this indeed is the original Doomguy then the events of the original game happened in another dimension that was absorbed by Hell, then the UAC from this universe opened a gateway to Hell in Mars and retrieved the original Doomguy from Hell, what would follow is an invasion on Earth and the activation of the soul cube as a weapon (which can actually be found in Olivia's office) using argent energy and the occult, after a lot of centuries this civilization becomes extinct in Mars and Earth but after a few billions of years a new humanity emerges leading to the events of Doom 3 and the discovery of the old martian civilization and the soulcube. A few decades after the events of Doom 3 a nuclear war takes place and Rage happens, because you can see the soul cube in Rage too.
  5. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    If they don't do that I think it would be neat if someone makes a wad based on that part of the story, does the game still mention his sword? Does it appear in the game? I can imagine a mod for the original Doom with a bunch of Hell levels, the status bar face from Mutiny and a sword as an additional weapon, maybe a modified Quietus Blade from Hexen. I remember Samuel was holding a sword on the unreleased launch trailer, is that sword still present in the final release or did they remove it from the game?
  6. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    Anyway, some folks here have theorized that the events of this game are happening after Doomguy decides to stay in Hell (Doom 64), it would be cool to see a game about what happens right after that and before he is sealed in his tomb.
  7. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    Now why wouldn't you include Final Doom as a prequel too?
  8. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    lol I mean a prequel of this game made on the original Doom.
  9. Xerge

    Theory for new DOOM Story

    You know what would be cool, if someone made a prequel for the original Doom.
  10. Xerge

    My thoughts on the game!

    i just saw some gameplay, it looks amazing. Noticed the "Doom Slayer" is now the "Doom Marine"?
  11. Xerge

    They Messed Up the "Classic Doom" Levels

    I remember someone mentioned newcomers to Doom, maybe they'll think that the original game looked bad too, it honestly doesn't do the original levels any justice by being a mediocre and poor recreation.
  12. Xerge

    The Little Things Thread

    Here is one I like: the revenant jetpack malfunction death animation.
  13. Xerge

    The Little Things Thread

    Sadly there are only little details I don't like so far.
  14. Xerge

    They Messed Up the "Classic Doom" Levels

    All I've read here are excuses: "it's an easter egg", "it's not serious" and labels to ridicule the people concerned with good quality, sorry, but this is what it is, it's just a poor attempt to justify mediocrity and poor quality with excuses and verbal intimidation and of course when someone shows these people the mirror they aren't going to like what they see.
  15. Xerge

    They Messed Up the "Classic Doom" Levels

    People complaining and being dissatisfied with the people being dissatisfied with the textures is as if being dissatisfied with crappy recreations is something worse than making them, in the end this is just an attempt to justify mediocrity and poor quality, nothing more.