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  1. Doom64hunter

    Romero's unreleased Doom assets

    There are still unreleased extended midis of "Donna to the Rescue", "Demons from Adrians Pen" and "Kitchen Ace", recordings of which can be heard on the Doom Music album: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Music_(album) But these are not included in this vault, so there may yet be even more beta content out there.
  2. Doom64hunter

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Am I going crazy or has another, more finished version of comm1.wad leaked before? I am pretty sure I downloaded it from Doomworld years ago. TCRF doesn't make any mention of it.
  3. Bumping this thread because the recent 2024 Doom 1 + 2 vault has solved one mystery: This sound has been found in the dump, it's "rlauncs.wav" and was originally a Rocket Launcher sound.
  4. Doom64hunter

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    2 months after reveal is plenty enough time to gauge excitement, and here I see practically none compared to the reception about the previous entry (on this very site). The same trend appears to be reflected with overall trailer views. But maybe Quakecon will shake things up if they show off something really cool and noteworthy. Also, why catastrophizing? Whether this game is a success or a flop has no personal bearing on my life. Hardly a catastrophe, is it?
  5. Doom64hunter

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    It's now been 2 months since the reveal, and I'm noticing a striking lack of excitement for the game, especially on Doomworld. With Doom Eternal you can go back to the first page of the other subforum and find 20 threads that were made just days after the reveal. This one hasn't even filled a single page after 2 months. You can also compare the viewcounts on the initial Doom Eternal trailer with the Dark Ages trailer using Waybackmachine: 6 Million Views for Dark Ages, vs. 12 Million Views for Eternal after the first 2 months. I have a feeling this will flop pretty hard on release.
  6. Doom64hunter

    What would you NOT want to see in dark ages?

    Cringe dialogue and one-liners.
  7. Coming Soon: Quake X-treme, totally not a shovelware mappack!
  8. Doom64hunter

    what was doomworld like in the early 2000s and early 2010s?

    I feel like it had more of its own culture back then, what with the fish avatars, titles being handed out by moderators, post hell, etc. This place feels a lot more homogenized with the rest of the internet these days. Edit: The Jetsands were the shit. SpaceDM5 ftw
  9. The file listing on the page only has C and header files of the game, no libraries or Hexen assets. The rest appears to be mostly the same as the one that was put on archive.org, so probably didn't miss too much.
  10. I still remember the day KillPixel announced his departure from Wrath, long before Embracer even entered the picture, and people were just going "This is fine" when the person that started the whole project just leaves. The writing was on the wall for a long time.
  11. Doom64hunter

    Mapping - how much of it is talent?

    Two reasons why I dislike the notion of there being no talent: It devalues the skill itself by making it sound like there's nothing special to it. If all it took was just training to make a map that's truly special to people, then it sounds like one could just train a generative AI to achieve the same output. But I think AI art has already shown how that's not really the case. You can learn how to do it, you can go through the motions of doing it, but unless you have that special wiring that makes you "get" it, chances are that the result won't really stand out. I think the notion often comes from people who have the talent, and are unable to recognize that they do. Of course from your position, it seems like anyone can get just as good, but I think it's a bit like telling a person in a wheelchair that anyone can get good at running, or telling someone with ADHD that they just need to concentrate and stop being lazy. Sometimes, training and trying to acquire a skill just doesn't work out, and there's no use in trying harder and harder, or concluding that you "didn't try hard enough". I think in some cases, acceptance that something won't work out because of it "not being your thing" is the better approach. It allows you to refocus on a different topic that you may have the predisposition for.
  12. Doom64hunter

    Mapping - how much of it is talent?

    There are plenty of people who have put in countless hours of work into trying to get better at something, and who have failed. The notion that "anyone can be good at anything" needs to die out.
  13. Doom64hunter

    Doom pre-MUS original source MIDI files

    00 Meta 6: <Copyright, 1993, Robert C. Prince, III> 00 Meta 6: <All Rights Reserved> 01 Meta 3: <Synth Drum Low > 02 Meta 3: <Ahs > 03 Meta 3: <Ah Volume > 04 Meta 3: <Ahs > 05 Meta 3: <Ah Volume > 06 Meta 3: <Ahs > 07 Meta 3: <Ah Volume > 08 Meta 3: <Synth Drum High > 09 Meta 3: <Lead Guitar > 10 Meta 3: <Lead Guitar PB > 11 Meta 3: <Lead Guitar Mod. > 12 Meta 3: <Tremolo Strings > 13 Meta 3: <Trem Strings Volume > 14 Meta 3: <Kick Drum 1 C3 36> 15 Meta 3: <Snare Drum 2 E3 40> 16 Meta 3: <Closed Hihat F#3 42> 17 Meta 3: <Open Hihat A#3 46> 18 Meta 3: <Chinese Cymbal E4 52> 19 Meta 3: <Mute Triangle G#6 80> 20 Meta 3: <Open Triangle A6 81> 21 Meta 3: <E1M8> 22 Meta 3: <Copyright 1993, Robert C. Prince, III> And indeed he did.
  14. Doom64hunter

    Doom pre-MUS original source MIDI files

    Bumping this thread with the midis that were found together with the Doom Mac Source Code: MacSource_Midis.zip Unlike the OS/2 midis, the ones found in this package actually predate the release of Doom 2, with timestamps ranging from August 18th to August 29th 1994. Other interesting points to note about these files: These midis are an exact match for the ones included with Doom95 (E2M6.MID and DEAD.MID respectively) All Doom 1 midis differ from the OS/2 ones, at least in terms of metadata. Most of the Doom 2 midis match the ones found in the OS/2 package in terms of content and metadata. ULTIMA.MID and M_READ.MID, which were missing from the OS/2 package, are included here, and retain their original metadata. There are 4 additional midi files named BETWE2.MID, COUNTDN.MID, DDTBLUES.MID and DOOM3.MID, which are not present in the final release of Doom 2. DDTBLUES.MID in particular differs from DDTBLU.MID and DDTBL2.MID, and contains the both the Kalimba and the Splash Cymbal that are exclusive to the other two files respectively. 4 files which are present in Doom 2 are missing: COUNT2.MID, MESSG2.MID, ROMER2.MID, THEDA3.MID Given that we know now that 4 midis found in Doom 2 are missing from the folder, 4 midis found in the folder are not found in Doom 2, and the timestamps indicate that these were created before Doom 2 was released, this gives strong reason to believe that there was a last minute music change before the game was released. In particular, it appears that MAP24 (THEDA3.MID), MAP26 (MESSG2.MID) and MAP27 (ROMER2.MID) had a different song assigned to them in August (or a short time before). This may also have been the case for MAP21 (COUNT2.MID), but what's more likely there is that COUNTDN.MID was simply renamed to COUNT2.MID. (Also, while these 4 extra midis could be found in the released Mac port (converted to Quicktime format), it also contained all other Doom 2 midis as well, including the ones missing from this folder. So prior to the release of this CD, it wasn't possible to determine that this was indeed a music change, and moreover, which maps had their music replaced.)
  15. What's actually funny about this, is that these filenames were actually out in the open, and present in the released Macintosh port. So uhhh, guess I'm 20 years late on this discovery.