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Everything posted by Foebane72

  1. Foebane72

    Queries about Ancient Gods DLCs

    Yep, bought them both this morning and they're running fine!
  2. Foebane72

    Queries about Ancient Gods DLCs

    I've got the original Doom Eternal on Steam (not a Game Pass AFAIK) and am interested in having a play of The Ancient Gods DLCs. Now, Steam lists DE and each DLC as the same amount of storage space on SSD (80Gb), but surely that's all three together in one package? I figured that all I have to do is to buy the DLC on Steam to unlock what I already have installed, right? Otherwise, it would seem like the amount of data for each DLC is equal to that of the main campaign, which is just impossible! Surely the assets would be-reused, and the same basic game code as well? Otherwise, I'm talking about having 240Gb of data just for all three! So what's going on?
  3. Foebane72

    Queries about Ancient Gods DLCs

    It seems the DLCs are embedded into the base game I downloaded, so I suppose that's sorted :)
  4. I used to have an Intel Core i3-8100 system with the UHD 630 integrated graphics, and they were tough to get working fast and looking OK, but I gave up as it was just not good enough for heavy action. BTW, I haven't had a discrete graphics card since my last one died in 2020. Then I heard about the Ryzen 5 Integrated Graphics being the best there was, so I thought I'd base my next PC on that, with 16Gb of dual-channel 3200 memory and a 480Gb NVMe drive and boy, was I surprised! Doom 2016 runs well, although I have to put it down to 720p but at "high overall quality" for the best balance, but it's a lot better than the Intel stuff. As for Doom Eternal, that somehow runs faster and smoother on the Ryzen 5 5600G, although I currently have the resolution set to 1600x900 and "medium overall quality" set, but it's as smooth as butter, even in the intense early action. A bonus is that I don't hear the fan spinning faster during heavy workloads, something that bothered me about the old GTX 960 I had. I think it's no wonder Integrated Graphics are so popular now thanks to the Ryzen series, because discrete graphics cards have just been too ridiculously expensive because of scalpers and bitcoin miners. With iGPUs like the Ryzen 5 around, I need never bother with a card ever again!
  5. Foebane72

    Things about Doom you just found out

    One thing I've seen in recent weeks: there are many YouTube videos on my feed showing Marauder kill combos, and for a lot of them, I'm seeing this ridiculous animation of blue circling around the Marauder's head when he's hit, as well as (I think) stars! Who in their right mind thought that the Marauder, a serious foe against the Doom Slayer, needed a cartoon animation trope when it gets injured?
  6. Foebane72

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I saw the most impressive ragdoll physics vs environment interaction the other day on Doom 2016: I'm in a large arena in the VEGA Complex with the forcefield to VEGA's CPU still active, and I fight a pinky demon and kill it against the forcefield, against which it lays slumped until the forcefield deactivates, whereby the pinky's corpse falls forward to the ground! I didn't expect to see that kind of advanced interaction at all, obviously the forcefield is not just a visual effect, but a physical barrier that works against ragdolls as well as the player, and when the game removes it because the arena is cleared, the physics engine takes account of the now-missing barrier to animate the pinky ragdoll. Impressive!
  7. Well, the slowdown happens in the cockpit cutscenes when Doom Slayer is aiming, but the cutscenes of the weapons blasting the tentacles is full frame. The elaborate animation of the Super Gore Nest exploding earlier was also full frame. It could be a combination of the rendering of the cockpit as well as all the outside views as well, together. I noticed that in Doom 2016, the dropped frames happened when looking through large windows, like when Doom Slayer is in a control room inside the Argent Tower looking through a window at the central core. It doesn't happen that often, though.
  8. Reached ARC Complex yesterday and saw significant slowdown for the first time, namely where the Doom Slayer is controlling and aiming the cannons to blast the giant tentacles off of the ARC Complex entrance. Significant frame drop, to slightly less than half.
  9. I've just reached Super Gore Nest: no slowdown. And Doom Hunter Base was smooth as well. As for Doom 2016, I've had some major slowdowns with the Argent Tower sequence, namely looking through observation windows at the tower interior. I suppose it must be the numerous shaders used. I find I have to look away from detailed parts to speed up the game.
  10. Maybe memory is the issue? My GTX 960 back in the day was 4gb, so both games ran flawlessly on it. As it is at the moment: I say Doom Eternal runs fine on my Ryzen 5 5600G at the moment, but so far, I've only gotten as far as Cultist Base, the Greenland-based ice and snow level, so I suppose it might slow down as it gets to the later stages? I'll let you know if it does.
  11. What I would like to know is, why is Doom Eternal smoother on the Ryzen 5 5600G graphics than Doom 2016? True, I turned down the detail a bit and the resolution down one notch from 1080p so it's a bit blurry, but Doom Eternal is running as smooth as silk otherwise, whilst Doom 2016 drops frames sometimes. Could that be due to the megatextures being used by 2016? Maybe fetching from SSD? The worst thing is, I've got 2016 at just 720p! I sometimes wonder how id Tech 7 (Doom Eternal) ditched megatextures altogether and looks just as uniquely-textured in all areas as well as extremely highly detailed, and runs better and (I'd say) less use of storage space as well, than id Tech 6! I suppose it's just down to the id Techs not requiring as many resources and processing power as the other AAA titles of their time, but I did notice how well 2016 and Eternal looked on my old GTX 960 as well - my major concern with Eternal back then was whether I had enough memory, since I couldn't find out, but when Eternal showed my graphics card memory, I was pleasantly surprised. I'd forgotten I'd bought a higher-spec card than I thought I did.
  12. Listen, when I ran Win 3.1, it was only when I needed the paltry apps used there, and I never had Word or any of that crap. Win 3.1 was purely OPTIONAL, as I stated. What I'm saying is: Who, in the pre Win95 days, would run ANY version of Windows AT ALL, when they were about to run an MS-DOS game??
  13. Oh GOD, don't get me started on MS-DOS and trying to run games on it!! The number of times I had to edit the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to get individual games working with the necessary drivers was mind-numbing! It was an acquired skill, to be honest. But I'm glad I got my first PC in 1995 so that Windows 95 solved most of these problems by one year later. Also, I made the leap from Amiga to PC which was like stepping back into the Dark Ages. Amiga games could run, guaranteed, every time, from floppy or hard disk, and not having to fiddle with configurations at all, but unfortunately, Doom wasn't on Amiga, so that's why I had to "go back in time" and endure the medieval hardships of MS-DOS.
  14. I'm sure that MS-DOS back then was still the dominant OS, and that Windows 3.1 was the optional graphical front end and so didn't have a "DOS mode" itself, and that DOS ran underneath. Yeah, I remember that my PC always booted into DOS, and to use Windows back then I had to type "win" at the DOS prompt. But Windows was definitely not "in charge", so to speak.
  15. Aagh! I take back what I said! Those sound HORRIBLE! But then my own PC (my first) had a soundcard, so I heard the wonderful sampled sounds and MIDI music as I heard them on my friend's PC (when I first saw Doom and was blown away).
  16. I got a full-blown multimedia PC in 1995 to replace my Amiga 1200, solely for the purpose of running Doom, or in this case, Doom 2. I'm not sure what the processor spec was, but it was definitely a 486, and only 4mb of memory. It ran OK for the most part, but it crashed on the Icon of Sin a couple of times with "out of memory" messages, probably because of the spawn cubes teleporting too many demons. Yes, it had full sound as well, and a CD-ROM drive, too. Would teenagers in this day even use or even know what a dial-up modem sounded like? And PC speaker audio wasn't as bad as that noise. Just tell them the PC speaker sounded like an 8-bit computer like the original ZX Spectrum's beeper or an Amstrad CPC with its crap audio, but more primitive. Ironically, I jumped to the PC cos I thought the Amiga was done for, but it wasn't. Quake officially came out for faster-CPU Amigas, as did Quake 2, Heretic, Hexen and Doom itself, as source ports, and did quite well. And the Amiga's Paula meant audio support was straight out of the box as standard, so to speak.
  17. Well, I'm thinking that around the mid-to-late 2010s, graphics card developers reached the limits of conventional accelerated graphics and have been developing real-time ray-tracing with the Nvidia RTX series of cards, for an example. It's costing millions to develop, is still in its infancy and that could be another reason for the extra cost of new high-end cards. I'm certainly not expecting RTX-level graphics in an APU, not yet!
  18. Oh, no replies after a few days. I thought there would at least be a debate started on the advantages between integrated graphics chips and discrete graphics cards, as the former are getting more powerful and the latter are so expensive now. I suppose my reputation is preceding me.
  19. HELLO, ALL! Foebane72 BACK again! I thought I'd come back on this thread to vindicate myself, as I SAID that Doom Eternal would have microtransactions, and you all said at the time that it wouldn't. Well, LOOK who's been proved right! So what have you to say to the fact that Hugo Martin did a complete U-turn on what he said about microtransactions, and even though now they are generally cosmetic, I would not be surprised if, in a future Bethesda/id Software Doom game, you have to BUY with REAL MONEY the weapons and even ammo you need to beat the game! I had bad feelings about Doom Eternal, despite some good parts, and this proves me right all along!
  20. Foebane72

    Favourite sound effect?

    For Doom 2016, it was always when the Mancubus was glory killed and the blubbering noise played. For Doom Eternal, it's the sound that plays when you grab the Cacodemon's eye in the glory kill, before you pull it out. I've grown to really like that sound.
  21. This is kind of a sequel to that thread I started months ago asking about everyone's age, which I asked back then in relation to Doom Eternal, but was far too early from release so it was seen as Off-Topic (fair enough). So, now I'm asking everyone's age that they were when they played (and/or completed) Doom Eternal, and what difficulty setting you started off with and did you have to lower it? I'll go first: - I was (am) 47 when I played Doom Eternal. - I didn't complete it yet (and may not). - I started at ITYTD. - Couldn't lower it further. Your turn :)
  22. Since about three weeks ago, my PC, which is just over one year old, has been making a very occasional "chug" noise. I think it's a fan issue, but I have no idea which fan it is, and when it happens there's usually a change in the sound of the fan, like a change of speed. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's causing some kind of vibration when it happens. If it's the CPU fan, I'm screwed, as I'd have to go in and remove the whole assembly over the CPU, and I've never EVER fiddled around with that part of a PC before. If it's the case fan, it would be simpler. A PSU fan would require replacing the whole thing, but luckily, I've done that before. What fans on a PC vary their spin speed? I know the case fan does, but does a CPU fan do the same? Or a PSU? Or should I just wait for the fan to fail before doing anything? If I start getting BSODs or random shutdowns, I guess the worst will have happened.
  23. Foebane72

    Strange "chug" noise coming from my new PC

    I haven't noticed a correlation so far, but I will keep an ear and an eye out for it now.
  24. What about CGI from the 1980s? There's a certain coolness to that stuff I like, seeing how quaint it is. Even TV broadcasters back then, including the BBC and ITV, were starting to use CGI for their idents and logos, and even some adverts did, too. Loved it all.
  25. Foebane72

    Strange "chug" noise coming from my new PC

    Are you serious? The air blower is called "CompuCleaner", so it's specifically designed to blow the dust from computers. Better than using compressed air cans, which I hear is prone to having droplets of liquid blown into computer parts as well as the air. No, I heard that about vacuum cleaners as well, especially the static bit.