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Everything posted by R1ck

  1. R1ck

    Super Mayhem 17 review

    Hoboy i just tried this mapset and i found that it tame to be compare with HR2. Am i playing it wrong?.
  2. Hi, it's me again, finished this awful map under 2 hours with DB2. Have fun :D download :D Format:Boom Tested with: the last zdoom screenshot:
  3. *flashback when I accidentally read a shrek erotic fanfic*
  4. R1ck

    Mapping regrets?

    My biggest regret.. Some of my maps (well it's actually 2 published under seperate CPs) are too easy and has unbalanced design quality in a hindsight. Now i have a thought on doing a plutonia successor (not sequel) with all those chaingunners and evil traps or some shit. Probably going to regret about it later but it has to be done.
  5. R1ck


    man this is embarrassing. I got few project that according to some people here, is promising. but I ended up abandon it. slowly crawling back up though, and I do shitty speedmap now.
  6. gotta limit the detail cuz my 10 year old laptop couldn't take it much (need t ofind new pc soon :/) other than that, I haven't touch DB2 for months and I playing with sector brightness for a bit
  7. R1ck

    Let's Play Doom (letsplay.wad)

    I was back from the hospital and found this when I log into dw. 2020 started early for me :D
  8. R1ck

    Share a random fact about yourself

    1 - the other day I tried to kill myself by raw chugging 4 bottles of prescribed cough syrup but failed because of (see 2) 2 - when I was little kid I've been in and out hospital for many time I need a stronger dose of anesthetic than normal adult because I kinda developed some sort of resistance on normal dose :/
  9. R1ck

    Let's Be Revealing

    I forgot I i ever post in this thread. However I think I changed over time (at least from the time this thread first post) so here's mine Favorite Movie Genre: Action, slapstick comedy, noir, sci-fi Favorite Food: I'm an asian, so rice? Favorite Holiday: eid Favorite Memory: the time I became less edgy and start actually making friend circa 06-07 when I was at secondary Worst Memory: having my girlfriend died on road accident. am still single Age: 28 Favorite Outfit: my denim jacket Favorite Genre Of Music: Power metal, black metal, synthwave, Most Hated Genre of Music: nothing really Left Handed or Right Handed: Left Worst Injury: fell off into a manhole because someone stole the cover (steel is expensive I heard) and broke my arm Favorite Hobby: Playing video games or listening to music. Your Definition of Success: just keep grinding I guess. In your opinion, are situations typically black and white: yes and no
  10. R1ck

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    yes, I'm well aware of that.
  11. is there any weapon mod that has no (or maybe slight) change in gameplay whatsoever? The only one I know is Eriguns. but the guns in that mod is buffed up a little (rip english)
  12. R1ck

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    not stupid at all. can be a great TC changing all the monsters sound to D_RUNNIN
  13. R1ck

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    you have too much ideas >:( a Shrek mod
  14. the first ting comes into my mind when seeing this is a scarecrow made by science lab's skeleton
  15. R1ck

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    don't really hate them, accept when one of them came to me from behind.
  16. R1ck

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    but I liked Revs though. they are fun to fight
  17. R1ck

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    I don't get it, why people hates lost souls like their ex? it's a good monster imo. those archvilles in the other hand, that thing is always scared the shit out of me.
  18. R1ck

    What baits players to play your maps

    the word "baited" is kinda overstatement imo. this. Also, learn how to git gud in doing maps (that I still sucked on(how to make shit asymmetrical again?))
  19. one of the 3 maps map pack I been working on since forever. still sucked on how to make shit asymmetrical, might hide the flaws with lighting
  20. R1ck

    Post a picture of yourself!

    Me and @Nash I just back from his house earlier today. great guy
  21. I haven't touch DB2 in ages and I made something in less than an hour. tested with final zdoom (I mean the version before it discontinued) editor used: Doom builder 2, Slade Midi: Burzum - Dunkelheit https://www.dropbox.com/s/rpmntk04gfomral/rickspeed.wad?dl=0 Have fun :D oh btw, I did not do a teleporter on the lava pit on purpose.
  22. the gods has spoken. anyway, I usually played keyboard+mouse, then I play keyboard only as some sort of personal handicap for some extra challenge (usually do that in UV)