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Everything posted by R1ck

  1. R1ck

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    well in real life or in the net? if it's in real life would be a meal. i haven't puchase a game in years though. the very last video game i've got is resident evil 7, a gift from then girlfriend.
  2. R1ck

    I need help

    edited that. i guess the thread i posted got lost with the old server.
  3. R1ck

    I need help

    i tried kms before. but i forgot that i can swim can't give you advice, can't say shit without being rude either. just try listen to whatever people above me been telling you :)
  4. mood


    1. ZeroTheEro


      that's a nice mood tho.

  5. life is good, rediagnosed having a bipolar 2 instead of schizo.

    been too busy trying my best to get myself a life.

    still mapping though i'm only spent like an hour a week on a map.

    I posted about it regularly on the doom repository facebook group.

    may post a thread about it once i'm actually done with it - learned about it the hard way (psychologically).

    yeah that is all i guess.


  6. R1ck


    I see no one making a Prodeus thread so I'm making one. btw congrats @Dragonfly I heard you craft the levels in the game congrats for the launch :D Haven't manage to play it yet but I know it's going to be good
  7. I just dislikes the bruh moment-jrpg tier ending
  8. R1ck

    Has This Game Become A Joke?

    that's more like it
  9. R1ck

    Has This Game Become A Joke?

    I don't really mind if it's dark souls style invasion like they did show in trailer but battlemode kinda threw me off tbh
  10. AAA- Fallout 76 B - WolfCollosus Indie - Hunt Down the refund
  11. R1ck

    Megawad of the decade?

    Ancient Aliens Valiant Eviternity BTSXep1
  12. - revive my etomana project with different backstory and not releasing it until I done all 9 maps - eat healty - stay off coffee and take a break when I need it point 2 and 3 is crucial for point 1 so that's why I include it
  13. it's mediocre. not good, not bad. just mediocre until I saw the part where they trying to be appealing for some alphabets community. look, I'm all for being gay and shit because I don't care but if they want to make the casts gay they should've been do it since ep7 as long as the backstory is good :/
  14. Gameplay. love me some @TerminusEst13 midi playlist mod when playing slaughtermap :D
  15. R1ck

    Steam Winter sale 2019

    bought doom '16. but can't play it until I buy a good pc to play on *cries in lenovo T400*
  16. R1ck


    I like it. though there are certain areas that were a total dick to me. I like it. or maybe tight corners are just my kind of thing
  17. R1ck

    I made a really hard wad

    How I feel in this entire thread
  18. R1ck

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    Weapon reskin. Just reskin, with no gamplay enhancement whatsoever
  19. R1ck

    Do you do any drugs?

    currently prozac since I got diagnosed having bipolar 2 electric bogaloo. used to take resperidone but I stopped because it messes up my sleep cycle. other than that.
  20. R1ck


    it's fine, I like it except for certain places. but it's enjoyable
  21. R1ck

    The Roots of Doom Mapping

    I should read this on a couch with coffee
  22. Seeing one of the mapper that i looked to like this made me kinda sad :( I played few wads to take an inspiration on mapping and the details. Most of my unrealeased and unfinished maps are just a copy pasted some sectors just to study the details. Also 3d floors might help.