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Everything posted by Payload4367

  1. Payload4367

    Doom 3 Teleporting Bloody Tunnel effect?

    this map has something similar at the beginning. Link is in the description.
  2. Payload4367

    Have you ever changed your opinion on a game?

    Same. Of all the Build engine games it was my least favorite. Once I got used to all the different weapons and their variations, it became my favorite.
  3. Payload4367

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Try deleting the sector immediately to the left of the door sector. And any on the right as well.
  4. I have been banging around the idea of doing something "Dune" in Doom for a while now. Looks like you beat me to it. haha. I'm a fan of the series and look forward to this. Can't help with the sprites right now but best of luck on your project.
  5. Payload4367

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Looks great. Looking forward to playing this. Let me know if you need any help deciphering that mod. It's had a lot of hands in it over the years and can be a bit of a mess (which, I admit, I contributed to :P). Keep up the good work.
  6. Payload4367

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Back to work .
  7. Payload4367

    Vanilla Doom Car designs

    You can do some neat stuff putting vehicles on their sides.
  8. Payload4367

    Top 5 Metal/Rock albums?

    - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath: Black Sabbath - Reign in Blood: Slayer - Tomb of the Mutilated: Cannibal Corspe - Dimension Hatros: VoiVod - Harmony Corruption: Napalm Death
  9. Best of luck in all that you do. Thanks for all the hard work and for sharing it with us.
  10. Payload4367

    What is your opinion on Id Software's RAGE?

    The combat was fun and some visuals where amazing, but after beating it, I never felt the urge to replay it. And still don't. For $2 it's great!
  11. Payload4367


    The newest build of ALIENS: ERADICATION TC with many improvements and additions is here. After testing and tweaking the Eradication mapset, my attention turned to improving gameplay with the Doom/Doom2 iwads and custom maps/pwads. The original goal of this project was to simply make a set of maps using assets from Kontra Kommando's Aliens: Trilogy/Ultimate Doom mod. While making these maps I would get an idea or two and edit the original Mod to implement the idea. A few ideas turned into dozens and the result is what I present to you today. This latest update focuses mostly on the Total Conversion when playing with the original Doom and Doom2 maps and custom maps that use mostly vanilla assets. The edits made to the mod in order to implement the ideas used in the Eradication mapset kinda broke the balance in these other maps/wads. After many hours of playtesting I am very happy with the game play experience. After testing wads like Scythe, Base Ganymede, Doom and Doom2 the way id did, Lunar catastrophe, and many others (see readme for a comprehensive list of wads that work well with ALIENS: ERADICATION TC) on all difficulty settings, I felt it was time for an update release. Enjoy and Thank you. DOWNLOAD: Aliens: Eradication TC (New Update) - ModDb See OP for changes in this update.
  12. 1/7/2021: ALIENS: ERADICATION Full Version. The newest build of ALIENS: ERADICATION TC with many improvements and additions. After testing and tweaking the Eradication mapset, my attention turned to improving gameplay with the Doom/Doom2 iwads and custom maps/pwads. 8/9/2020 ALIENS: ERADICATION RC2 Update (Graphics, weapon, alt fires, etc). Many exciting changes based on suggestions and feedback from the community. Thanks everyone! 8 maps for GZDoom. All difficulties available. Mod and Mapset included in zip. ALIENS: ERADICATION TOTAL CONVERSION action/survival game (with 8 map single player campaign included). Newest Download: ALIENS: ERADICATION TC (NEW UPDATE) - Mod DB old DOWNLOAD rc2: https://www.moddb.com/members/payload4367/downloads/aliens-eradication-rc2-update old DOWNLOAD rc1: https://www.moddb.com/mods/aliens-the-ultimate-doom/downloads/aliens-eradication New trailer: Some screen shots: WHAT IS NEW (updated 1/7/2021): HOW TO PLAY/ TESTED WITH: GZDOOM and the DOOM 2 iwad. Load the pk3 file before the wad file. The Eradication map set (wad) must be loaded with the Alien Trilogy mod (pk3) included in the zip file. Tested with: GZDoom 4.4.2 32bit Best played in "DARK" sector light mode in DISPLAY settings. If pop up text is too small/big, set the hud scaling options to "adapt to screen size" in HUD options. ALL DIFFICULTY SETTINGS AVAILABLE. The Aliens have risen again on planetoid LV426 at Weyland/Yutani corporation's best kept secret...A second colony! They still want the creature for research. FEATURES: 1. Four unique player classes with there own stories, enemy encounters, item placement, side/bonus missions, and even some maps exclusive to the class you have chosen to play. 2. Weapons and enemies from the Aliens Trilogy PS1 game, the Aliens films and more. 3. Play the single player, 8 map campaign or load up the mod with your favorite iwad or pwad to give them the "Alien treatment". Works with most Doom and Doom2 wads (not tested with other mods). 4. Deploy auto turrets and drones (class specific) to set traps or create defensive choke points. 5. Take advantage of environmental hazards (fire and electricity) to help even the odds. THE CLASSES: MANY WAYS TO PLAY: CREDITS: SOME TIPS FOR PLAYING:
  13. Payload4367

    A Custom Lightning Thing

    Go to Realm667 and download the "THUNDER PORTAL". It has some electricity sprites in it that might work. It's on this page. Make sure you give credit to the creator if you release your wad. https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/sfx-shoppe-mainmenu-139-58855/elemental-effects-mainmenu-142-40777
  14. Payload4367

    Basic helpfull scripts

    https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=122 The zdoom forums have a whole section dedicated to scripting. I find it quite helpful.
  15. What I remember was my parents reaction to it. They were devastated and played his records all day. And I remember it all over the news.
  16. The death of Elvis in 1977. I was 9.
  17. Payload4367

    In game timer?

    script "timer" (void) { int t = 240; //240 = 4 minutes while(t > 0) { t--; SetHudSize(0,0,0); SetFont ("BIGFONT"); HudMessage(s:"YOU HAVE ",d:t/60, s:":", d:t%60, s:" UNTIL POWER DRAINED"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 500, CR_RED, 0.95, 0.9, 2.0); delay(35); } } Sorry about that. I should have tested that first. Try this. I gave it a quick test and it worked.
  18. Payload4367

    In game timer?

    script "TIMER" (void) { int t = 240; while(t > 0) { t--; SetFont ("BIGFONT"); HudMessage(s:"YOU HAVE ",d:t/60, s:":", d:t%60, s:" UNTIL POWER DRAINED"; HUDMSG_PLAIN|HUDMSG_NOTWITHFULLMAP|HUDMSG_NOTWITHOVERLAYMAP, 500, CR_RED, 0.95, 0.9, 2.0); delay(35); } } This worked for me. The " t=240; " is the amount of time. You can end the script with ACS_NamedTerminate ("TIMER", 0); Hope this helps :)
  19. Nope. Never use them unless testing some wip maps. If I can't find a difficulty in a wad that I can deal with, like some slaughter wads, I figure that wad is not my style and move on.
  20. Payload4367

    wads missing textures, replaced by pure black

    The only time I've seen this is when I tried Plutonia 2 and then later discovered I needed the FINAL DOOM iwad to play it, which I did not own.
  21. Check this out. There's a link in the description.
  22. Payload4367

    What are you playing now?

    Ha! thanks for the warning. I usually play new wads HMP and then, if I liked em enough, UV. I WILL be replaying Lunar Catastrophe, for sure, so I'll be on the lookout. oh, I get it. You meant DTWID. Got it!
  23. Payload4367

    What are you playing now?

    Just finished Lunar Catastrophe . Great Doom 1 megawad. Enjoyed it so much, I wanted to play another one. So its on to Doom the way ID did .
  24. I dip the nuggets AND the fries in that BBQ sauce.
  25. Let Romero make all the maps. E1 is unrivalled in Doom games.