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Everything posted by Bdubzzz

  1. Bdubzzz

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    sophil E2M4 Max in 1:52 E2M4 Fast in 2:36 E2M5 Max in 2:51 E2M5 Tyson in 3:22 E2M6 Fast in 5:04 E2M6 Max in 4:40 E2M6 pacifist in 7:00 E2M7 Fast in 5:49 E2M7 Max in 4:47 E2M8 Fast in 2:08 E2M8 Max in 1:39 E2M9 Max in 2:04 E2M9 Speed in 26.69 s2p4f23677.zip s2p4m15214.zip s2p5m25163.zip s2p5t32234.zip s2p6f50480.zip s2p6m44049.zip s2p6p70077.zip s2p7f54929.zip s2p7m44737.zip s2p8f20889.zip s2p8m13943.zip s2p9-2669.zip s2p9m20426.zip
  2. The history/lore behind the map quoted from ELMLE: "Profane Promiseland is a massive slaughtermap inspired by holyhell and okuplok. I made the layout for this map back in 2018, a couple people played it and Bdubzzz made a remix version with more difficult fights. Then the project kinda went dormant until early 2022 when dubzzz asked me about it. So I started doing some rebalancing, then Insane_Gazebo got involved to do detailing for dubzzz version of the map. Then I started detailing my version which led to me rebalancing and reworking fights even more. So now we have the Dubzebo version and the Classic version in two separate wads, both included in this release." Insane_Gazebo comments: Best monster closet teleporter design I have ever seen. Map format: Complevel 9/Boom Recommended ports: DSDA-Doom/PrBoom+.. GZdoom wont be able to run it at a reasonable frame rate from what I experienced. Midi Credits: Playtesters: Bdubzzz, NoReason, Nevanos, StxVile, ELMLE, MasterMedi, TheLoneliness, I believe there was older playtesters back from like 2018 but I'm not exactly sure who. Special thanks to Bemused for teaching me how to make a Reject table. Estimated Real time for completion of the map: 6 to 12 hours depending on how much you save, which version you play and your skill level. :^) Difficulty settings? No... if you want an easier time play the classic version. Download links: Original beta release: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MGSL6VTgZI7E3xMjm8IJjCBEd5SRWKCv/view?usp=sharing Updated RC1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ErV10FajF30XK-3Zx3M-L8_L4evSO5wC/view?usp=share_link Some Screenshots/comparisons of versions from Insane_Gazebo: (The Classic version screenshots may be a bit outdated since ELMLE has added detailing since these were taken. ;p ) Well hopefully nothing got seriously broken during final compilation but yeah as you can imagine trying to test this for every little edit is a bit extreme.
  3. DSDA page aka drn // drn.wad https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/drn Naming Convention: drnxx-yyyy Very casual 1st exit max to get the thread started. :^) Map 01 UV-Max in 3:52. drn01-352.zip
  4. This is the 2nd installment of NoReason's Speedmaps for Nanowadmo. I know a few people wanted to make demos for the wad so here is a thread. :^) IDGames link: NoSp2 Special note about this wad: it's recommended you play it with prboom as the newer versions of Boom won't even open some of the maps unless you use -nomusic. (You can still make demos with you just have to add -nomusic) Following the 1st wad the demo prefix is " nosp2XX-YYY " Here is a demo for one of easier maps in the wad Map 25 UV-Max in 1:07 nosp225-107.zip
  5. Post your Grindfest demos here. Naming convention gfxx-yyyy idgames link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/grindfest Map 01 UV-Max in 4:15 Map 02 UV-Max in 5:45 Map 03 UV-Max in 6:10 Map 04 UV-Max in 5:14 Map 05 UV-Max in 7:32 Map 06 UV-Max in 4:15 gf01m41563.zip gf02m54514.zip gf03m61069.zip gf04m51469.zip gf05m73220.zip gf06m41529.zip
  6. Dubzzz's 5 Minute Design Assembly 4ever ! So the doom speedrunning discord community has brought to you 138 maps this time. (69 maps in each wad, nice.) If you aren't familiar with D5DA it's a speedmapping project where the idea is to make a map in 5 minutes. You have extra time after to make bugfixes/changes so it's probably more like a 15 minute map. The wad is intended for ports that support UMAPINFO and is boom format ( complevel 9 ). Just a warning that a lot of the maps are difficult/require speedrunning tricks and there are no difficulty settings since who has time for that in 5 mins... Good luck have fun. Special thanks to Keyboard Doomer as he used scripts to quickly compile the wad this time instead of me manually doing everything... :) Download the wad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ASx_J-ELtieqfP9-RKFzkQprgb0tFnOi/view?usp=sharing Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QXgPmVi
  7. Bdubzzz

    D5DA4 Final release

    We even got special guest mappers this time like Xaser, Dragonfly and Decino so wow make sure you don't miss out on playing this masterpiece!
  8. Bdubzzz

    Profane Promiseland RC1 Release.

    well you can go the other way from the start to the cliffs and should be a way to the end of the map cause the one area opens up a wall, don't really want to update the map as I believe some1 was working on a TAS run and I told them I wasn't going to update the map :p
  9. Bdubzzz

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    Hi this still counts on time because Shock said so, my 1st demo of 2024 wow ! https://dsdarchive.com/wads/philmas Map 01 UV-Max 1:56.11 Philmas01m15611.zip
  10. Bdubzzz

    Grindfest DLC

    Hello, this project started out as "grindfest 2" but it's just been sitting around for months collecting dust because I guess most of us got busy irl or lost some interest in doom *shrug.* We decided to release it as "DLC" to the 1st grindfest instead cause who knows if any1 will get around to making more maps for it :p In case you aren't familiar with grindfest the concept is grindy slaughter maps ( wow !) Mappers: NoReason, Dubzzz, Meowgi, and Phoenyx. There are 13 maps. ( full credits in the textfile ) Tested/intended for DSDA-Doom Complevel: 21 Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/113h1Fj6i-yta6clW1ltLmMFCWUhy2Mln/view?usp=sharing Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/n2jsaFO
  11. Bdubzzz

    Profane Promiseland RC1 Release.

    Well only reason it never got uploaded to idgames is there was talk of making actual difficulty settings but I don't think anyone really wants to bother with it so better off just uploading it when I get the chance. ( wont be until this weekend) Edit: iirc still gotta make the text file :^)
  12. DSDA Page for DyingCamel's Demons #1 DyingCamel's Demons is a community project map set based on making maps for the streamer DyingCamel. So far there are 2 wads on IDGames and the 3rd one is being worked on. All wads are Comp level 9 and the prefix should probably be "dd1" or "dd2". Links to the wads: DyingCamel's Demons#1, DyingCamel's Demons#2 So for Dyingcamel's Demons#1: Map 01 UV-Max in 0:35 dd101-035.zip Map 02 UV-Max in 1:40 dd102-140.zip
  13. Bdubzzz


    Hello Doomworld. Grindfest is here at last. That's right, the wad no one asked for. The purpose of the wad was to make grindy slaughter maps. You know how everyone likes to complain about a fight being to grindy? Well look at this wad before you do that again. These were made within a month and most are speed map ish Map Authors: Dubzzz, NoReason, Spendo, 4shockblast, lonely, Meowgi Compatibility: MBF 21 / Complevel 21 Tested with: DSDA Doom 26.0. Not sure if other ports can handle a lot of the maps due to the amount of monsters Difficulty settings: UV Only Download: grindfest.zip Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bfPBziR
  14. Bdubzzz

    Junkfood 2 [Slaughter, Boom]

    is this another one of those "speedrunner wads"? smh.
  15. Cat 1 Well the "krypto streak" comes to an end, dead on E1M9 finished E1M3 at 32:46 DWIronman_ssym_dubz.zip
  16. Post your SpawnSQwad 2000 demos here. Naming convention: ssq2xx-yyyy Idgames link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/spwnsq2k cba to manually type in all these times :p ssq201-386.zip ssq201f2380.zip ssq201m2237.zip ssq201n363.zip ssq201p543.zip ssq202-920.zip ssq202f4823.zip ssq202m4977.zip ssq202n989.zip ssq202p1289.zip ssq203m2240.zip ssq203p037.zip ssq204f22711.zip ssq204m22580.zip ssq204n1509.zip ssq204p1640.zip ssq205m451.zip ssq205n471.zip ssq205p443.zip ssq206-614.zip ssq207-1537.zip ssq207f5971.zip ssq207m10543.zip ssq207n1560.zip ssq208-340.zip ssq209-023.zip ssq210-3174.zip ssq210f5249.zip ssq210m5423.zip ssq210n3151.zip ssq211-497.zip ssq212-023.zip ssq213-394.zip ssq214-597.zip ssq215m2489.zip ssq215p777.zip ssq216-397.zip ssq216str791.zip ssq217-580.zip ssq217m963.zip ssq218m1483.zip ssq218p491.zip ssq219-571.zip ssq220-766.zip ssq220m1560.zip ssq220p777.zip ssq221-046.zip ssq222f3917.zip ssq222m3740.zip ssq222p1294.zip ssq223m783.zip ssq223p686.zip ssq224m2071.zip ssq224p560.zip ssq225m897.zip ssq225p886.zip ssq226-294.zip ssq226str709.zip ssq227-360.zip ssq228-497.zip ssq229-1383.zip ssq229f13937.zip ssq229m11814.zip ssq230-2220.zip ssq230f13883.zip ssq230m13706.zip ssq230n2283.zip ssq230p3254.zip ssq230str11340.zip ssq231-1546.zip ssq231m2297.zip ssq231p2514.zip ssq232f10420.zip ssq232m10211.zip ssq232p869.zip ssq232str2014.zip
  17. Bdubzzz

    Grindfest demos [-complevel 21]

    oh I maxed 07 yesterday but never posted it :p Map 07 UV-Max in 11:29 gf07m112963.zip
  18. Cat 1? Technically I saw 4shock play like 1 minute of this wad during his ironman attempt ( didn't know he was streaming it ) but idk I just remember him SSGing some monsters... so up to Naza if he wants to count it as Category 1. Survived + 2 in 1:10:03 DWIronman-purge-bdubzz.zip
  19. Bdubzzz

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    02what UV-Max in 1:14.34 02whatm11434.zip
  20. Bdubzzz

    1337 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 19 UV-Max in 1:53.71 Map 22 UV-Max in 3:36.14 Map 24 UV-Max in 1:18.77 Map 25 UV-Max in 1:34.03 Map 26 UV-Max in 37.26 Map 27 UB-Max in 2:13.17 Map 28 UV-Max in 9.80 Map 28 UV-Fast in 9.63 Map 30 UV-Max in 13.31 ( damn missed the 13.37 ) 133719m15371.zip 133722m33614.zip 133724m11877.zip 133725m13403.zip 133726m3726.zip 133727m21317.zip 133728f963.zip 133728m980.zip 133730m1331.zip
  21. Bdubzzz

    1337 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 01 UV-Max in 14.89 Map 02 UV-Max in 38.26 Map 03 UV-Max in 36.17 Map 04 UV-Max in 1:38.74 Map 07 UV-Max in 40.23 Map 08 UV-Max in 2:15.23 Map 09 UV-speed in 7.71 Map 10 UV-Max in 47.60 Map 31 UV-Max in 3:33 Map 32 UV-Max in 1:12.14 133701m1489.zip 133702m3826.zip 133703m3617.zip 133704m13874.zip 133707m4023.zip 133708m21523.zip 133709-771.zip 133710m4760.zip 133731m33340.zip 133732m11214.zip
  22. Bdubzzz

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    4dubzzz Map 01 UV-Max in 17:43 Map 02 UV-Max in 4:56 Map 03 UV-Max in 9:10 Map 04 UV-Max in 9:38 Map 05 UV-Max in 10:54 Ancalagon has to Max Map 06 :) 4dub01m174343.zip 4dub02m45617.zip 4dub03m91094.zip 4dub04m93863.zip 4dub05m105491.zip
  23. Bdubzzz

    One Hour Mapping Series demos [-complevel 21]

    OHM2 Map 21 UV-Max in 1:30.49 Map 22 UV-Max in 1:13.89 Map 23 UV-Max in 1:27.43 Map 24 UV-Max in 30.60 Map 25 UV-Max in 1:19.91 Map 26 UV-Max in 49.77 Map 27 UV-Max in 28.97 Map 28 UV-Max in 1:23.89 Map 29 UV-Max in 1:12.71 Map 30 UV-Max in 2:33.91 ohm221m13049.zip ohm222m11389.zip ohm223m12743.zip ohm224m3060.zip ohm225m11991.zip ohm226m4977.zip ohm227m2897.zip ohm228m12389.zip ohm229m11271.zip ohm230m23391.zip
  24. Bdubzzz

    One Hour Mapping Series demos [-complevel 21]

    OHM2 Map 16 UV-Max in 1:04.23 Map 17 UV-Max in 2:48.74 Map 18 UV-Max in 46.49 Map 19 UV-Max in 1:16.77 Map 20 UV-Max in 32.69 ohm216m10423.zip ohm217m24874.zip ohm218m4649.zip ohm219m11677.zip ohm220m3269.zip