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Everything posted by Der_Kaiser

  1. Der_Kaiser

    Popular vs obscure stuff on avatars

    Well I have a little girl smoking a cigarette. Edgy, I know.
  2. I’m working on a map with an outdoor area where I want to have a few small hills or whatever you’d call them. I’m using DoomBuilder2 with the UMDF format. So I made a quick YouTube search and started learning how to do it by watching this video. Here’s where the problems arise: 1.- At first I thought I was doing everything wrong, until I realized that the slopes do not actually show up in DoomBuilder2 visual mode. It seems the only way to see if your hill is turning out alright is by actually testing/playing the map. Of course, in the author’s video the slopes do show up in visual mode. My question is: is this because of the format or the editor? Generally speaking, why would I keep using DoomBuilder when GZDoomBuilder looks much better? 2.- Even after I followed the instructions correctly, the result still sucks. Some slopes turned out fine, some turned out like some sort of impassable HOMish thing. I’m sure I’ve made a stupid mistake somewhere, but as I haven’t been able to find it, I’m starting to think it could be because of DoomBuilder2. Here’s a test wad and screenshot of the hill I made if anyone wants to check it out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B96ojRRLfB0OVkdwRUkyX1ZvWFE/view?usp=sharing 3.- Should I forget all of this because there’s actually a better/easier way to get this done in ZDoom compatibility??
  3. Der_Kaiser

    Hills & mountains in ZDOOM (and other questions)

    Actually, I'm not sure. I've played Doom since it came out, but I just recently got into creating maps. And by "recently" I mean no more than four months. So when I decided to finally learn how to make Doom maps and levels, a basic Internet research led me to DoomBuilder2. In fact, I never heard of GZDoomBuilder until I started lurking Doomworld. What I'm trying to say is that, for some reason, it seems that it's easier for beginners to bump into doombuilder.com, watch the tutorials on the site and download DoomBuilder2. Also, like scifista42 mentioned, it seems GZDB is more complex and takes longer to boot than DB2, which may be a turn off for some beginners. What I've learned now, however, is that GZDoomBuilder is essentially DoomBuilder3 (like you put it), which probably means I'll finish the map I'm working on and then move completely to GZDB!
  4. Der_Kaiser

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine

    I'm sure most of you are aware of the "it runs Doom" meme, but this one I had never seen: Doom running on a MacBook Pro touch bar
  5. Der_Kaiser

    Most recent movie you saw

    I watched "The Founder" last night. Michael Keaton is great, and the story itself is quite interesting, but I somehow felt the film couldn't get away from the usual Hollywood corniness. I guess I was expecting something more along the lines of "Social Network", but I had a good time.
  6. Der_Kaiser

    Hills & mountains in ZDOOM (and other questions)

    Holy crap it looks great, thanks a lot!
  7. Der_Kaiser

    DOOM for the switch?

    I actually own a Nintendo Switch and it's pretty freaking fun. I was already considering getting a 3DS XL a few months ago, but I'm glad I waited. That would be awesome!! I could even see the joycons' motion controls being integrated with freelook somehow. EDIT: We should all tweet to Nintendo of America and come up with some hashtag like #DoomOnSwitch. Come on, Nintendo...
  8. Der_Kaiser

    Hills & mountains in ZDOOM (and other questions)

    Excellent, thank you both!
  9. Der_Kaiser

    Did you cheat through Doom as a kid?

    As a kid I never did. My brother was the one who knew all the cheats and he wouldn't give them to me. He did tell me about "ILM" in Wolfenstein though, and I overused it like any kid would. I did however feel bad when I saw the score go back to 0 every time I cheated...
  10. Der_Kaiser

    So where does your username come from?

    "Doomsfall" is pretty freaking cool though.
  11. Let's talk about freelook. Obviously you could not look up or down in the original DOOM, and even though the game works perfectly fine without the "mouse freelook" I do remember thinking about that the first time I played Doom. Of course, I had not played any FPS at the time (not even W3D) so I wasn't naturally picky about the fact that you couldn't look up or down. However, I remember asking my brother how to shoot the imp standing on a ledge in that room with nukage and a zig-zag bridge in E1M1. The answer, of course, was autoaim... Anyway, this has got me thinking... when was the first time people started using freelook on Doom? Did the original exes allow that somehow? How do YOU play Doom? Do you like making maps that require looking up or down or do you stick to vanilla standards?
  12. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Indeed I amd using ZDoom, sorry for not mentioning that small fact earlier. And indeed, resizing the image to 256x256 solved the problem, thank you!
  13. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    264x264, 72kb, Doom Graphic... Hmm, I'm guessing way too big?
  14. Der_Kaiser

    New Forum

    I like it too, though I understand it'll take some getting used to. Best thing is, I didn't have to wait until I had X number of posts to change my avatar! KABOOM!
  15. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Hi, I'm working on a dumb Moon map and wanted to see what some real Moon textures would look like. Leaving aesthetics aside, why does the picture look like that as a flat (floor)? I'm using the exact same picture file for the walls and the floor, but somehow the floor looks corrupted/distorted. I just tried to use a different picture and it works fine as both texture and flat. Any idea what the problem could be?
  16. Der_Kaiser

    Look up to the skies and see...

    LOL That would have been awesome! It's pretty cool to read everyone's reasons/stories as to why you use or don't use freelook. It's funny because I can empathize both with 40oz who said it was like "like seeing the puppeteers hands", and with Bauul's story because it also felt so freeing the very first time I discovered freelook. Doom is such a versatile game, it's like the gift that keeps on giving. Like that other thread about playing Doom 4:3 or 16:9; with or without hud, freelook, classic look... No doubt one of the very best video game creations of all time.
  17. Der_Kaiser

    Look up to the skies and see...

    Yeah of course they did! I haven't played any of them in years, but how could I forget those annoying flying red monsters? I agree, especially when it comes to mods.
  18. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Great reads all of them. Now I now why my monsters wouldn't go up or down the stairs :/
  19. Der_Kaiser

    4:3 or 16:9? With or without the status bar?

    I usually play 3:4 with status bar. As someone else said, the game is quite different without it! However when I'm playing deathmatch online or any pwad with cool new weapons, I usually get rid of the hud.
  20. Der_Kaiser

    E1M1 performed by Tim Allen.

    I just have one legitimate question: http://i.imgur.com/yNlQWRM.jpg?fb
  21. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Already working on it, thank you! I've spent so much time on this one window lol
  22. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Yes, thank you all, now it works. Just one question... Even though the sky works now, you can clearly see where the picture ends and begins again. Is this because of the image file itself? Is there any way to prevent or disguise that? I know, I know XD I'd just been reading all kinds of stuff for a while now, and without much progress I decided to ask!
  23. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    I did add it to the Texture lump! I can see it and use it in DoomBuilder, but it just tiles up like any other flat, it doesn't behave like F_SKY1. The image was originally in PNG format, and I used Slade to convert it to the Doom graphics format.
  24. Der_Kaiser

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Hi, I'm getting a headache trying to add a sky texture to a pwad made for ZDOOM. I've successfully used the MAPINFO lump to modify map name, include music, etc. But for some reason the sky is giving me a lot of trouble. This is the image I want to use: This is what MAPINFO looks like: map MAP01 "MOON MAP" { music = "MONEY" levelnum = 1 next = "E1M2" secretnext = "E1M9" sky1 = "MOON", 0 par = 30 } What I did was to import the image into my pwad and convert it to Doom format. The name of the image file is "MOON". What am I doing wrong?