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Everything posted by PhillMcHogan

  1. I was doing nothing, thought of something, I plan on making a total conversion. It might take a millennia because I have no prior knowledge on how to make doom wads and stuff. At least I know how to sprite and make simple doom maps.

  2. Out of school, time to work!

  3. PhillMcHogan

    How did you guys learn how to map?

    I think anyone who uses Doom Builder needs to learn from those masterpieces
  4. PhillMcHogan

    How did you guys learn how to map?

    Doom Builder tutorials and screwing around in it till I got it down.
  5. PhillMcHogan

    How was your Easter?

    I myself had a pretty good Easter Sunday. I went to church and the service was amazing, then me and my family went to a really great restaurant called Rustlers Roost. Rustlers Roost is a restaurant native to the town I live in and its a cowboy restaurant, very rustic and interesting, but the best part was the view. The restaurant is the size on an international jumbo jet (without the wings) and is set on the top part of a mountain which gives it an amazing view of the valley which you must see for yourself. Well that was my Easter, so how was yours?
  6. PhillMcHogan

    How was your Easter?

    I have some spare want some?
  7. For those who can help, I recently installed gzdoom version 2-3-2 and when I tried to use it it gave me the error saying "OpenGL is not accelerated!" I really do not know how to fix it and I would strongly appreciate the assistance from anyone willing to help me in my dilemma.
  8. PhillMcHogan

    GZDoom version 2-3-2 OpenGL error (Please help!)

    --------------------------- GLEW Extension Info --------------------------- GLEW version 2.0.0 Reporting capabilities of pixelformat 3 Running on a Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family from Intel OpenGL version 2.1.0 - Build is supported Here is the information.
  9. PhillMcHogan

    GZDoom version 2-3-2 OpenGL error (Please help!)

    Ok, I downloaded that and opened glewinfo.exe and then it made the read me file giving all sorts of info. Would any of that be used for diagnosis?
  10. PhillMcHogan

    GZDoom version 2-3-2 OpenGL error (Please help!)

    Is there any way to emulate or make the computer "think" that it has openGL 2 or 3? About the glewinfo.exe, I have not found it, I have found stuff like glewinfo.gl.c which I don't know what to do with
  11. PhillMcHogan

    The story behind your custom avatar

    Thank you, I put lots of time into the sprite work and added a story behind it to help.
  12. He always wears headphones under his helmet, and his favorite band is slayer. When he dies he emits a scream of pain and agony symbolizing that he has released the true metal head inside and turns the volume to max, rotting his brain from the inside.
  13. PhillMcHogan

    The story behind your custom avatar

    Mine is just a doomguy hud sprite that I edited, to make like he got burned by an imp or a mancubus, my last avatar was a satanic version of doomguy.
  14. PhillMcHogan

    GZDoom version 2-3-2 OpenGL error (Please help!)

    Where will I find those files?
  15. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    when using gzdoom it said opengl version is not accelerated, so that is why I am focused on it. I don't know what info would be useful.
  16. PhillMcHogan

    GZDoom version 2-3-2 OpenGL error (Please help!)

    My video card is a Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family I have openGL 1.1 and I am able to use older builds of gzdoom, but lots of the updated addons and wads don't work with the older versions.
  17. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    I have a document or my computer specs, but my computer is acting wacky so I will have to send it tomorrow early morning, if that is alright.
  18. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    I tried it and all that happened was my screen flashed black and then froze. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
  19. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    Hooray! If this doesn't have to use openGL, I am home free! I can finally use doom wads without all those annoying errors!
  20. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    But is it compatible with OpenGl 1.1?
  21. I have been making my new map and I plan to make it huge, but I forgot to make a hand drawn layout, so I don't know what goes where and such.

  22. PhillMcHogan

    How should a first map ever released by someone look like?

    Hmm, now that I think about it you are right. I was thinking in the view of my experience, first maps are usually small and do not have many enemies. The large amounts of ammo and such are for the next levels (if made).
  23. PhillMcHogan

    QZDoom - Now merged into GZDoom!

    What is QZDoom? Is it like GZDoom? What are the differences? Will it work with openGL version 1.1?
  24. PhillMcHogan

    How should a first map ever released by someone look like?

    It should definitely have about 10-20 monsters (types depend on your skill), 5 to 10 rooms, 30 to 50 health bonuses and armor bonuses, multiple types of ammo (about 10 or so boxes and clips, shells, cells, etc.), 2 or 3 secrets with a map, soulsphere, or something really useful in them, doors to each room, 1 or 2 key activated rooms, keycards, many textures, 5 to 10 barrels (or more depending on map type), lights and other sprites like that, an exit room, a switch room, a few traps*, and a super shotgun. It may seem like a lot, but that is what is needed. *If you watched some tutorials then add a lift and if you are real good, a teleport.
  25. PhillMcHogan

    Why do people still mod Doom?

    In my opinion, I think that it is because those who have played it and still play it want to spice up their game, because playing vanilla doom 1 and 2 get really boring after playing them 50 million times. I have never personally made an addon for doom so I wouldn't know about that, but I have made wads and they sure do make the game a whole lot more fun.