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Everything posted by SilverMiner

  1. SilverMiner

    Nyan Doom v1.1.9.1 (August 27, 2024)

    on winxp 32 bit it said it's not a valid 32 bit application. Alright, maybe somewhen I might try to build it for xp myself, like the way dsda-doom 0.27 on Doom Power was built
  2. SilverMiner

    Nyan Doom v1.1.9.1 (August 27, 2024)

    Cuz they asked for it, they need it I'd like to have a 32 bit version too Edit: I guess 32 bit os uses twice as less RAM than 64 bit. I had no problem with win7 32 bit with 2 GB ram in 2019
  3. SilverMiner

    Favorite shooter after 2000?

    Red Faction and Far Cry
  4. SilverMiner

    Defaulting to Ultra Violence is terrible, and here's why

    First I place monsters for all difficulties, then I play it on UV, and after that I place some more monsters that appear on UV and HMP in the remaining spaces, and after that - packing in even more for UV only. Thus I design my maps mostly around itytd. I play them on UV cuz I'm the author and it means it's already easy for me to pass my own maps cuz I'm aware of my thing placements
  5. SilverMiner

    PyddTex! (PYDT Compilation and Restoration / Retrieval)

    My golden switches from this post https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2436901
  6. Interesting. I might make a map and if I succeed, I'll take a slot. By that time there probably will be one empty
  7. Is episode's 3 sky gonna be different from that of the 1st one? Like red sunset or something?
  8. SilverMiner

    Video games with your favorite sound design?

    Blood, Far Cry, Flatout, Fallout, Doom, Minecraft, Heretic, Hexen, Loderunner Legend Returns, Granny in Paradise, Super Cow, Redneck Rampage (translation by GSC game world)
  9. e1m6: pushed the map to its latest version cuz it's not finishable otherwise e2m3 had missing SHO-BLUE, added that one from fs10 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jz001jbtmopgvti1oh8yn/30ydumed.zip?rlkey=riby5z3m8afua5n5h7vxtc3rh&st=cswkq0wd&dl=1
  10. there's yet 2 critical bugs that had been fixed long ago but somehow are present in this compilation. I'll fix them asap and put the fixed wad here
  11. Absolutely agree on less than 32 maps. I released a wad with 26 maps in 2018. I'd still be punching it up to 32 otherwise
  12. briefly: running in dsda-doom cl9 doesn't help much tldr: I won't even try to load dmium in gzdoom ever gzdoom isn't zdoom calling people idiots in the name of the gif is rude readme states gzdoom is among recommended ports to play the wad
  13. is it intentional that revenants and mancubi are stuck on the cubes in map30 on ITYTD? Many monsters like barons just telefragged themselves when teleporting onto the map I played with Zdoom 2.8.1f
  14. SilverMiner

    Doomworld's thought(s) on Red Faction?

    There is a source port CDoom, and like its v1.9 has sector destruction mode. I saw it in its author's video Red Faction is cool but ending makes all the game not worth it, and there's not enough explosives not to be stingy to use it
  15. SilverMiner

    Resource collision detection

    merge them with deutex (using batch files) like this: deutex -join doom2.wad patch1.wad deutex -join doom2.wad patch2.wad ... deutex -join doom2.wad patchn.wad this will make a doom2.wad which has all these wads applied in the order patch1,2,...,n
  16. SilverMiner

    Fallout 2

    I'd play with Jinxed One handed or with Jinxed Kamikaze. During the play you should be able to mutate the latter perk to Gifted thus getting 7 special points. I heard Jinxed Gifted is a nice combo
  17. inside the txt it says Version Used - v1.3 or Shadow of the Serpent Riders. It will most likely run with other versions though.
  18. SilverMiner

    New PLAYPAL proposal

    I think there's no need to worry about the doom palette cuz I've seen it distributed within some pixel art programs: free or paid - nobody cares
  19. SilverMiner

    New PLAYPAL proposal

    Might sound funny for you, but in my country individual colors can be protected by our trademark/copyright laws
  20. SilverMiner

    New PLAYPAL proposal

    What's actual status of playpal? Has Freedoom been using a non free asset playpal all the time? Or is it really free to include anywhere?
  21. SilverMiner

    Does Anyone Know The Grab Key In Brutal Doom?

    grabbing is right click with fists, kicking is Q. brutal doom controls are in contorls options near the bottom