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Everything posted by watto3699

  1. Awesome style, man I'm gonna give it a go while I que for cs <3
  2. watto3699

    Zero Point (My first map)

    This is really well done, and is incredible work for a first map. A vanilla style Doom map with steady weapon and monster progression through-out, lots of secrets and good use of verticality. The first room is often a difficult aspect to nail and yours was solid, definitely a stand out part of the map and a good indicator for the quality of the level design to come. I do have a few gripes, the first is that many enemies do not have the ambush tag, and therefore cluster around chokepoints when the player first fires into a room. Second is that many rooms are that you enter greet you with a wall of enemies, forcing me back out of the room and to chip away from outside. This is very much akin to the vanilla Doom experience, but prevents the player from largely interacting with the level design. A good fix is to prevent first contact until the player is in the room then to shut the door behind him. Lastly, a lot of the Doom cuties get in the way, with chairs often blocking pinkies from approaching. You don't have to do away with then, just allow for space to pass around them, also, consider setting the boundaries of decorations to impassable. Other than that, maybe a little too easy but a genuinely quality first map. Well done!
  3. watto3699

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    Hi, congratulations on your first upload! I'm surprised by your grasp on the fundamentals, you seem to have a real inclination to level design. I played through your maps and I have some feedback that I hope you find helpful. Like I mentioned, you have a solid understanding on some key level design tenants; scale appropriate to gameplay, item and enemy placement, and okay arena design. I'll get my main criticism out of the way early, because it's relevant to everything else I'll say and is easily the hardest thing to learn, but your approach to gameplay is very basic. Most every room in the map pack had the same problem, they are hallways or box rooms to kill through. They had very little thought invested into the way the enemies interacted with the player, the level geometry and the other monsters in the room. Barring a few examples, every enemy was encountered the same, a wall of meat on the other side of a door. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but repeated instances can very quickly become tedious, especially when the enemies on the other side of that door are of very little threat to the player. (Eg. https://ibb.co/ZmCCXMC) This is a difficult point to articulate, so I apologise if I do a poor job. Doom is a sandbox driven game, it's monster and weapon line-up allow for a very diverse gameplay, but each of them, when isolated, are boring. Context is what makes each engagement in this game interesting, from the weapons, ammo and health available to the player, to how the monsters interact with each other and with the environment, even the proximity of the monsters to the player. These variables combine to create unique interactions, it's why the Doom mapping scene has endured for as long as it has. There are instances in this map pack that have fun interactions, the fight with the Baron of Hell on map 3 is a good example of level design being appropriate for the monster type. The Baron is a projectile based enemy which forces the player to move, coupling this with a damage dealing pit and you've got a fun encounter. (Eg. https://ibb.co/w7YCNJ4) I cannot stress enough the importance of thinking this way when creating your levels, it took me many years to slowly understand this. I highly recommend you play levels from other map makers, as they will very quickly improve your ability to design fun interactions... As for how your levels look. It's an aspect I personally value less, but it's always an added bonus for the player when you create visually appealing maps. These are my favourite bits: (Eg. https://ibb.co/KhbXRs0 / https://ibb.co/mFdyfWd) Sorry for the long response, but I really hope there's something for you to take away from my late night ramblings. I look forward to playing what you make next.
  4. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    Congratulations! You made it to the weekend!!! 🎉🥳 As a reward, I've made a Doom map especially for YOU! That's right, your very own, hand crafted Friday evening entertainment. Fracture is a single map made in the BOOM format. A short close quarters focused map, it hasn't been made to stress you out, it is the weekend after all. This map will take you roughly 5-10 minutes to beat. Tested on PRboom+, GZDoom and Zandronum, without issue. MUSIC: Treetop Rock - DKC OST by David Wise If you find or encounter any bugs or issues (especially texture misalignments), let me know and I'll make an amendment immediately. [DOWNLOAD] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DHv9FU3v77isWFvyjrbKYv0NiLJqpjWz/view?usp=sharing
  5. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    I didn't realise until you mentioned it, but you're right, there are a lot of monster closets. Which I find odd because I generally try to avoid them. Glad you had fun. :)
  6. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    That's awesome, love getting people's thoughts on my maps. I appreciate the time you put into the review. You have a great writing style, keep it up <3
  7. watto3699

    The Bone Furnace | My Second Doom 2 Map

    Its more in reference to how the player is exposed to enemies. Having a wall drop down to reveal a new batch of monsters comes with a few cons; it gets old quick, and as you become a better mapper, you'll notice it's an ineffective way to realise encounter ideas. Same applies, but to a lesser extent with teleporting enemies in. Noticed pinky demons getting stuck at random points throughout the level, don't remember exactly where. This is important, a lot of newer mappers make this mistake, and it's good that you've recognised this yourself. Best advice I can give is, try to do more with less. It isn't always the case that more enemies means a more difficult map, depending on what weapons the player has and what monsters he's fighting, there is the possibility it just makes things tedious. This is fine, nothing inherently wrong with this. However, you run the risk of your map becoming repetitive, especially if you're fighting scores of bullet sponge enemies. Take into consideration the monster's health and attack type when deciding what weapons you're giving to the player. As an aside, I'd recommend you use the BOOM format while learning level design. I know there isn't as many options, and scripting is boiled down to what you can do with a voodoo doll, but I recommend it for a couple of reasons. First one, and the biggest, the more widely compatible your map is with different source ports, the more people will play it and while learning, you'll need as much feedback as possible. For this reason I'd also recommend joining Doom Mapping discords and when possible, asking for demos. Secondly, your sole focus will be map design. It's easy to get distracted by scripting and superfluous additions to lighting when your first priority should be making an enjoyable map. I'm not saying, never use UDMF again, but to come back to it when you've got a better grasp on level design. Sorry for blog posting again. I'll follow you account to see what else you get up to in the future, have a good night <3
  8. watto3699

    The Bone Furnace | My Second Doom 2 Map

    One of the better "first maps" I've played in a long time. You've got a solid grasp of the editor and scripting features, though an excessive use of 3D floors which lead to interruptions with the gameplay at times. My only gripe is the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Large areas with easily out maneuvered melee enemies, mostly "meat wall" monster closets and a stark lack of weapon variation. These are all common areas that newer mappers struggle with, and are flaws that are slowly cut away with practise. Best part, gameplay-wise, was the boss room. The layout was designed with the monsters in mind, which made it a lot more fun. Good stuff! Sorry for blog posting
  9. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    Thanks! Had been a while since I've actually released something. DKC OST fits surprisingly well a lot of the time.
  10. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    Pretty positive reception, happy to see it <3 :) No lie, the rocket launcher start idea came to me in a dream Noted, from the demos I've watched, seems other people had a similar problem I'm always tempted to add difficulty spikes to my maps. But I've found that if I, the map maker, am finding it hard, what chance does someone coming in blind have? Something I focused on with this map was to use as few monsters as possible to create difficult encounters. Tight corridors and pinky demon ambushes seemed to work, while mostly avoiding starving the player of ammo. I fixed the sequence breaks you found, no more wriggling through bars for you >:)
  11. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    one key exit?! Bruh, you're a wriggly man
  12. That's such a refreshing take. Just don't forget about how the monsters interact with the level and the player, and you'll be making genuinely top tier levels in no time. Many mappers completely forget about how to design arenas around specific monsters and usually go for something that just accommodates the gameplay rather than directly influencing it. It's why so often the Archvile is misused.
  13. Good fun! Not usually a big fan of slaughter maps, most have very little room for error. Yours' wasn't like that, plenty of ammo and health. I have some feedback, the smaller side rooms to open yellow and blue doors were a little underwhelming. The Revenant room could be cheesed by backing out and spamming the door, but the Archvile room was pretty good. I'd say 4 out of 5 Archviles placed by this community are pure evil. The red key door was fun until killed the front layer of imps only to realize I had another 100 Revenants to go. Maybe create two more openings either side of the red door to make it little more fun. Also, there is a misaligned texture by the red door. Overall, pretty good! Keep it up <3
  14. watto3699

    Blood Deathmatch Maps VOLUME 1

    Don't think I've done Doom deathmatch in over a decade, is there a dedicated discord for setting up matches?
  15. watto3699

    Ossuary - 1 Level WAD

    Good fun, a bit rough design wise after the blue door, but not too bad. Main feedback would be to test the maps as if you were playing it for the first time. It can be hard to empathize with a first time player when you know every intricate detail of the map you're making, but it's important to not expect the poor fella playing your map to know every move necessary to escape a trap. Big fan of directional lighting, there were a few spots you did it to a good effect. Bloody door was cute. Good stuff, keep it up!
  16. Good map! I've played a few of your previous maps you're progressing quite well. You're best room was the red key room, something about corner walls that open into the larger room has always appealed to me. The other screenshot shows the teleported door with no door track texture and unpegged sides. I know you're already aware, but the map doesn't have enough ammo to kill everything. I'd make that a priority when testing your maps as people (me) like to be able to 100% levels. Other than nit-picky texture work, very well done.
  17. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Construction Worker - Pistol Zombieman
  18. It's inspired and well made. The starting room fight can feel very frustrating as a result of the limited space to manoeuvre. I liked the idea of multitasking the door switches to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed, but it was poorly implemented. The custom textures and sounds are well done. Funnily enough, the wall textures fit very well into Doom's style Keep it up, I really enjoy these style of maps.
  19. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    [Edit] Added attack frames
  20. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Pistol zombieman edits
  21. watto3699

    My First Map

    Post some screenshots, my friend
  22. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Another zombieman edit, construction worker
  23. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Two Zombieman edits
  24. Looks fantastic! I've added it to my wads to play this weekend