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About watto3699

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    Tall and Handsome

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  1. Don't concern yourself too much with how your levels look, Doom's level editor is very limiting and it takes a lot of time before you're able to make things look pretty. Just keep making maps in the style that you like most and the kinks will work them selves out.
  2. I've played a lot of first maps, but this has to be the grandest. I like maps with an awesome scale, but the gameplay aspect is always very difficult to nail down in them. Spacing is key to Doom's gameplay and influences how the player interacts with each monster. Too much space makes much of the enemy roster toothless, but don't let that dissuade you from make huge maps because they're rare amongst new mappers. Music was very fitting.
  3. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    Thanks man, compliments like that mean a great deal more from veterans like you <3
  4. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    I know a lot of people complain about low light environments being hard to navigate, but I think they just look so cool in Doom, I really can't help it. I did add some light amplification goggles this time :)
  5. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    I am really struggling to balance my most recent maps. I want to use the excuse of focusing on other aspects, but it's just laziness. Appreciate it! I'm very happy with how my pen and paper scribbles translated into the editor. One thing that's giving me a lot of motivation at the moment is that I feel as if I'm finally making noticeable strides in my mapping quality, I never want to recommend anyone play anything but my most latest map. Thanks for recording a demo, it's very vindicating to watch specific encounters play out how I imagined they would, especially in regards to the monster infighting.
  6. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    Lmao, 3rd time's the charm. I've updated the file to fix that oversight...
  7. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    I feel like such an idiot right now... I reinstalled PRBoom+ recently and it defaulted off Boom compatibility and I just hadn't noticed somehow. Anyway, I've uploaded a fixed version. Sorry about that, hope you give it another go.
  8. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    Glad you enjoyed it <3 Your play style is exactly the stress test my maps need, the kind of player that just forces their way through the map. I tried to design the map to account for this approach so your play through was very vindicating to watch.
  9. watto3699

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    I obsessed over the enemy placement so I'm happy to hear the balancing is good.
  10. Wew Lad, Slow down! It's Friday, take a load off. Here, grab yourself a drink and kick your feet up, I have a surprise for you. Cliffside Combat is a single map made in the Boom format, compatible with PRBoom+, GzDoom, Zandronum. It is a short map taking place along a cliff-face, through caves and inside a tech base. You'll be made to feeling claustrophobic and agoraphobic through-out. It'll take you a little over 10 minutes to 100%, isn't very difficult and has a focus on inciting demon on demon violence. While infighting is encouraged, you're still more than capable of blasting your way through. Screenshots: [DOWNLOAD] MUSIC: Northern Hemispheres - DKC OST by David Wise Enjoy your weekend lads, and if you find and game breaking issues or, God forbid, any misaligned textures, let me know.
  11. Awesome style, man I'm gonna give it a go while I que for cs <3
  12. watto3699

    Zero Point (My first map)

    This is really well done, and is incredible work for a first map. A vanilla style Doom map with steady weapon and monster progression through-out, lots of secrets and good use of verticality. The first room is often a difficult aspect to nail and yours was solid, definitely a stand out part of the map and a good indicator for the quality of the level design to come. I do have a few gripes, the first is that many enemies do not have the ambush tag, and therefore cluster around chokepoints when the player first fires into a room. Second is that many rooms are that you enter greet you with a wall of enemies, forcing me back out of the room and to chip away from outside. This is very much akin to the vanilla Doom experience, but prevents the player from largely interacting with the level design. A good fix is to prevent first contact until the player is in the room then to shut the door behind him. Lastly, a lot of the Doom cuties get in the way, with chairs often blocking pinkies from approaching. You don't have to do away with then, just allow for space to pass around them, also, consider setting the boundaries of decorations to impassable. Other than that, maybe a little too easy but a genuinely quality first map. Well done!
  13. watto3699

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    Hi, congratulations on your first upload! I'm surprised by your grasp on the fundamentals, you seem to have a real inclination to level design. I played through your maps and I have some feedback that I hope you find helpful. Like I mentioned, you have a solid understanding on some key level design tenants; scale appropriate to gameplay, item and enemy placement, and okay arena design. I'll get my main criticism out of the way early, because it's relevant to everything else I'll say and is easily the hardest thing to learn, but your approach to gameplay is very basic. Most every room in the map pack had the same problem, they are hallways or box rooms to kill through. They had very little thought invested into the way the enemies interacted with the player, the level geometry and the other monsters in the room. Barring a few examples, every enemy was encountered the same, a wall of meat on the other side of a door. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but repeated instances can very quickly become tedious, especially when the enemies on the other side of that door are of very little threat to the player. (Eg. https://ibb.co/ZmCCXMC) This is a difficult point to articulate, so I apologise if I do a poor job. Doom is a sandbox driven game, it's monster and weapon line-up allow for a very diverse gameplay, but each of them, when isolated, are boring. Context is what makes each engagement in this game interesting, from the weapons, ammo and health available to the player, to how the monsters interact with each other and with the environment, even the proximity of the monsters to the player. These variables combine to create unique interactions, it's why the Doom mapping scene has endured for as long as it has. There are instances in this map pack that have fun interactions, the fight with the Baron of Hell on map 3 is a good example of level design being appropriate for the monster type. The Baron is a projectile based enemy which forces the player to move, coupling this with a damage dealing pit and you've got a fun encounter. (Eg. https://ibb.co/w7YCNJ4) I cannot stress enough the importance of thinking this way when creating your levels, it took me many years to slowly understand this. I highly recommend you play levels from other map makers, as they will very quickly improve your ability to design fun interactions... As for how your levels look. It's an aspect I personally value less, but it's always an added bonus for the player when you create visually appealing maps. These are my favourite bits: (Eg. https://ibb.co/KhbXRs0 / https://ibb.co/mFdyfWd) Sorry for the long response, but I really hope there's something for you to take away from my late night ramblings. I look forward to playing what you make next.
  14. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    I didn't realise until you mentioned it, but you're right, there are a lot of monster closets. Which I find odd because I generally try to avoid them. Glad you had fun. :)
  15. watto3699

    [Release] Fracture

    That's awesome, love getting people's thoughts on my maps. I appreciate the time you put into the review. You have a great writing style, keep it up <3