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Everything posted by Juza

  1. Juza

    Why don't people just use UDMF format?

    Well, the reason I like Doom is because of its simplicity. For me, UDMF is throwing all that simplicity in the trash bin and trying to make Doom just like any other modern FPS game, but with bad graphics... Like, it even allows the creation of cutscenes.
  2. Juza

    Why don't people just use UDMF format?

    I make my wads in Boom-format, but I'm considering leaving it and start using UDMF.
  3. Cyriak. You know, the cows, cows & cows guy. He's even made some REALLY amazing wads for Doom 2, such as "The Eye" and the megawad "Going Down" (one of my all time favorites).
  4. Juza

    Who wrote Imp Encounter?

    A true hero.
  5. Juza

    what is your favorite doom port

    GZDoom for most wads, PrBoom+ if I... Feel like it.
  6. Juza

    Favorite midis?

    All the ones from "Going Down", they are all just awesome.
  7. Reallty? It's the map I most hate. Must be because I HATE mazes.
  8. Juza

    Why are slaughter maps looked down upon?

    How do I know that I don't like that one specific wad if I don't play it? Even if I don't like most of the maps so far, I'll keep playing it, hoping there's something that'll make it stand out from the rest... or something. But really, most slaughtermaps are just the same thing, over and over again.
  9. Juza

    Why are slaughter maps looked down upon?

    That's because it's a dumb concept.
  10. Juza

    Why are slaughter maps looked down upon?

    okuplok in a nutshell?
  11. Juza

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Wad: Going Down - map 16 if anyone wants the high res image... https://imgur.com/gallery/BNIM3
  12. Juza

    What are your silly monster nicknames?

    Yeah, Brazilian Portuguese to be more exact.
  13. Juza

    Things about Doom you just found out

    In map05 of Plutonia, you can grab the blue key without triggering the trap.
  14. Juza

    The future of Doom...

    What about GZDoom Builder? It's a more up-to-date version of Doom Builder 2. Same with SladeĀ³, it is a more up-to-date version of XWE.
  15. Juza

    Do you map on a pc or laptop?

    PC, but I really hope some day I'll get a laptop to map anywhere I want. That'd be a dream come true...
  16. Juza

    What are your silly monster nicknames?

    I just call the Arch-vile "annoying cunt", and in my native language I call him "Filha da puta chato do caralho".
  17. Juza

    What do you hate the most about mapping?

    Thing placement and detailing. edit: and lightning
  18. Juza

    E2M2 is the best map that ever existed!

    I like E2M1 better, absolutely love the song.
  19. Complex Doom and High Noon Drifter. Also Smooth Doom.
  20. Juza

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    Checkout my channel, just made it yesterday.
  21. Juza

    Your dumb Doom habits

    ^ me
  22. That's one very original joke you got there mate, also very funny
  23. Juza

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Wads: Going Down by mouldy and also Smooth Doom.