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w M w

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About w M w

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  1. w M w

    Creating music

    There's this really shitty program called modplug tracker. It's the only music program I ever use and it let's you play any wav in any pitch on the chromatic, uh, spectrum.. and then organize them via a visual pattern interface into a cacophony of crap. By the way, I suspect most of you are of the metallica/guitar etc musical taste like the John's.. but since you're into doom/videogames, you might appreciate music that is about the most computationally sophisticated around today: aphex twin is one of the most popular (try "come to daddy"). But a really weird and wicked album is "8000 bc" by otto von schirach. Eccentric, complex and insane in the extreme.
  2. I'm an idiot, but I once downloaded a program simply called "filesplitter" and I remember it working well, but don't know if you would benefit from it. Please note the starting clarification of my last run-on-sentence.
  3. I don't want any confusion over what's gunfire in gameplay or what's music and for this reason prefer percussion minimal music. I really like doom music. They did an excellent job with that I think, no complaints at all. I don't like hell revealed's music nearly as much... too busy and distracting.
  4. Great, I just downloaded doombuilder (gnu public license too which is good). That "++8" thing doesn't work in wadauthor (just tried it), so this'll be great... especially with that 3d view and stuff (I have to update direct x or something though.) I forgot about map 28 since I so rarely play it. Now that I think of it, all the bullet shooting enemies can kill like enemies, so now masterminds make more sense. That's a good idea, deathmatcher. (Just make sectors that don't belong with the rest of the map to influence the behavior sectors in the map...) I'll have to check out dehacked someday, although I suspect a somewhat steep learning curve. I didn't know a barrel exploding baron would make another baron fight him... I've been wanting to play a wad with new enemies for awhile actually. The only one with much modification I played is that weird one where the barrels are frogs... and the reverant mumbles some funny sentence, and you walk around in the sky etc. I'll see if I can get skulltag or something to work then.
  5. w M w

    Doom 1 or 2?

    What are you talking about? That's exactly what I wrote. Just read it again more carefully. ;)
  6. Yeah, I havn't used any of that software so maybe this topic is stupid. 4) why It wouldn't add to the gameplay, just to the feeling of being in hell. In level 23 of hell revealed for example, there are a ton of imps and when they kill you they sort of look silly just standing there... of course this is zdoom which zooms out from your body when you die, so you would see them feast on you from 3rd person, perhaps just until you turned into gibs or a skeleton, then they'd stop. A super reverant could be awesome. It'd be bigger, more decomposed and evil looking, slower perhaps, and do a sort of arch vile stance as it fires about 12 homing missiles at once. A super pain elemental would be awesome too, bigger, slower, more twisted looking but have about 8 mouths and be hard as hell to eventually kill. I suppose the total lost soul count/level would have to be limited to prevent insanity. bla bla.
  7. w M w

    How did Doom change gaming for you?

    It's the perfect blend of simplicity and complexity. It's so easily modifiable, and a non-linear (non movie like) design is very possible. It can really get you "in the zone"... each hand uses 4 keys (at least for me... most people play with a mouse probably) so you're pretty maximized in input digits (unless you start using your toes or tongue) coorelating them all into the correct complex input as quickly as your brain can transfer it through your fingers. It's fast paced. The whole concept and enemies are awesome. It can be difficult as FUCK. In some levels, like the graveyard (doom2), smash tv (snes) is sort of like a simplified 2d topview doom.
  8. w M w

    Heretic e1m6

    The first episode of heretic was awesome... but the others sort of sucked I think. As soon as they introduced that stupid slashing enemy, they used it way too much. That's supposed to be an advanced enemy but it's just like a demon or something. These episodes lack in difficulty too. I can beat them all with a wand start fairly easily.
  9. w M w

    Something I've always wondered.

    this sound was used in noise unit's "drill" album... or some front line assembly album.. I forget.
  10. w M w

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Plutonia... with pistol starts. I love the demos that play in that game too. They were the first I saw to inspire me to play differently... quicker, less methodical.
  11. It's hard to think of things that would actually make this game better, but here are a few I thought of, like, with my brain or something... 1)enemy life meters, somehow made not to be too distracting. This way, say, you shoot an arachnotron among many, then circle around a building and know which one you last shot. 2)cyberdemon = "super" baron... mastermind = "super" arachnotron... so maybe in this particular hell dimension, there should be a "super" imp, "super" mancabus, cacodemon, pain elemental etc. 3)Having 1 line def be able to trigger multiple actions. I always wanted to do this in wadauthor... say, have a switch make some grand complex thing happen. Say it makes stairs go up in front, pillars lower on the sides, ceiling raise revealing enemies, and lights turn on, all at the same time. (I tried putting 2 line defs really really close together on a switch, but you're only allowed to switch one at a time). 4)Just an extra little thing.. each enemy type has a new animation and sound effect of devouring you when you die. This way, you would really feel like you got owned rather than just see your dead body surrounded by a bunch of now bored, still and purposeless imps when you die. 5)Maybe there's a way to do this with other wad makers, but not in wadauthor... it'd be fantastic to be able to select a whole bunch of sectors and simply raise/lower ALL of their ceilings/floors by any specified ammount, at the same time. This way you could make some complex thing with varying heights and raise the entire thing up. Also, the ability to flip, not just rotate sectors would be great. I also find it irritating that some actions are only triggerable by exclusively walking, or switching etc. But as was said, other software probably takes care of this. x)I was just wondering how long it took id to decide that unlike monsters should kill eachother (actually in level 22 of hell revealed masterminds kill masterminds but I wonder if that's a bug). It's obviously a crucial decision that drastically altered gameplay. I ********ly like the decision they made. It adds extra strategy and chance. There are certain things that can't be done well due to it, such as approaching a huge room of chaingunners (they'll just kill eachother). I'm also glad they made arch viles not be able to resurrect cyberdemons, masterminds and other arch viles. Maybe the "super" arch vile could (#2 above).
  12. sweet, that run trick worked... and if I'm not completely retarded, it seems to have "woken up" that folder or something so they all work. upon further inspection though, another problem that I had to troubleshoot and fix was a bit odd. I was trying to get blacktwr.wad (of master) to work, but it appeared to only go to the original doom2 iwad instead. I figured out that blacktwr replaced map 25... so I had to warp to map 25 to get there. That's weird because the other master levels replace, say, map 7... but when you load that wad in zdoom, it AUTOMATICALLY warps you to 7. You don't have to do it manually. If that iwad method for plutonia works, I'll feel like an idiot. Thanks!
  13. I bought plutonia/tnt cd, and also the master/maximum cd. Both are excellent... but... is there some sort of protection on these wads that prevent them from being opened by zdoom? The only way I seem to be able to get them to play is through the original doom2 engine, or through that weird "doomit" interface. But of course, in addition to being of a lower resolution, there's those "you're not using dos so the whole game will be buggy, plus you don't have the right soundcard anyway bla bla" problems. Master comes with a folder and all the wads are listed there... so I drag and drop, say attack.wad from master, into zdoom... but it just opens the original normal doom2 32 level megawad instead. And I love the plutonia levels... they're some of my favorite. They have to be playable with zdoom somehow??
  14. w M w

    disable autosave (zdoom)?

    I think I figured it out. (just set it to 3) It was an "ini" extension file. This should work. Thanks.