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Posts posted by inkoalawetrust

  1. What version of GZDoom are you using ? Like the wiki says, I added those XF_ flags like XF_THRUSTLESS in 4.11.0, if you are targeting an older version, you can also just not use the flag, but the explosion will push actors away. As for the player not being affected, you can also try changing the explosion radius from Radius*2 to something a bit higher. That's just because of how explosions work (The victims' origin must be in radius in particular). You could set the radius to something like Radius*3 instead, and that should be enough to keep human-sized monsters like Imps inside the damage radius.

  2. The simplest way you could do it in DECORATE is by having the cactus repeatedly call A_Explode with a small radius. And also maybe with the XF_THRUSTLESS flag (Which I added myself) too, so that the radius damage doesn't push away actors near the cactus. A set of parameters like these should work:

    A_Explode (2,Radius*2,XF_NOTMISSILE|XF_THRUSTLESS,False,Radius*2)


    These parameters will do 2 damage every time the function is called, any actor in the cactus' radius time 2 (i.e 50 map units in this case) will be caught by the "contact"/blast damage, the XF_ flags make sure that the attack won't be credited to the cactus' target (Like projectile damage is), and that the blast won't push away victims. The false bool is so the explosion doesn't alert anything. And the second radius*2 parameter is to make sure that there is no damage falloff with distance from the cactus.

  3. 2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

    Spinning hologram based on the one from Real667 (That doesn't spin)


    I think there's a few things I can do to improve my technique. I also forgot I could double-bill spiretes for reverse.


    The UAC hologram from Realm667 doesn't spin ? That's news to me, I was the one that updated it, and one of the features I particularly had in mind when I wanted to update it, was to make it possible to make the holograms able to be changed into spinning flatsprites (Before adding other stuff like consolidating the different hologram actors into one actor).

    The .zip file the resource comes in (And the PK3 inside it) have a small text file that explains all the user variables that can be used to customize the singular hologram actor. For example, you can have a red modern UAC logo that spins at exactly 2.2 degrees per tic, with no dynamic lighting and particles. Also, the spinning effect needs User_2DSprite (To turn the actor into a +FLATSPRITE). 



  4. On 3/15/2024 at 4:13 PM, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

    Could it be possible (in theory) to create a generative AI in a fixed enviroment that acts like an NPC?

    Like take for an example a generative AI that has to function as an enemy soldier. It has a simple task to locate player character and kill him. You then give this AI limited resources like a weapon and an enviroment to train in.

    Is such a tech possible and if so, how would it differ from current game AI?

    Well not generative AI, that's AI that creates media like text and images. But yes, there's lots of cases of hobbyists training machine learning algorithms to navigate video game environments and play games, though nothing as complex as training an AI (Or perhaps multiple AI's handling different things, like one for moving and another for shooting, working in unison) to play a whole FPS game. Here's an example of an AI trained on Trackmania courses.

    Edit: Lol, I forgot to actually write the rest of the text, so I never even specified what's "As complex as training an AI", training an AI to do what ?

  5. You don't even need a script to do this. If you give an item a special in the editor, like a Door_Open special to open a monster closet, it'll automatically be triggered when the item is picked up. But like plums said, you should make sure it's something that the player can always pick up, or has to, like a key.




    Alternatively, you can also attach a special to one of the actors available on the "Sector Actions" category in the Edit Thing menu - and make a teleport trap without using a classic teleport room at all. For example, you can set up a teleport trap with these steps:

    1. Put a bunch of monsters in an out of bounds room and give them a specific tag in the Action/Tag/Misc tab (e.g tag 123).
    2. Add a teleport destination with its' own tag. (e.g 666) And another destination at the spot in the map you want them to teleport at, like outside the room the player triggered the trap in. Give that a tag too like 667. 
    3. Now, attach the "Teleport Group" special on an "Actor enters sector" and turn on the "Activate once only" flag. Pass the tag of the monsters to teleport, the tag of the starting teleport destination that they'll teleport relative to, and the ending destination. Then you can also fiddle with other settings like if each monster should spawn the teleporter effect or teleport silently.
    4. When you enter the sector the Sector Action special is in, it'll trigger the teleport special and teleport all the monsters (Or any actor tagged) will teleport in the room outside, relative to the teleport destination. This method also allows for more fine control than classic teleport traps (But those are still useful if you want an enemies pouring in effect), like how it allows you to teleport the monsters in with a specific formation.

    Of course, this can also be done with lines too if you want.




  6. If you are going to be making monster models too, and want the chaingun to be a bit more realistic. Then it might be better to just redesign it into more of an actual minigun, maybe something with a top handle that the chaingunner and player grab it from and put it under their arm, firing it with an ammo pack they're carrying instead of a comically tiny magazine, which is visually how the chaingunner does it too anyway. Basically something like this, but with a much slower fire rate.

  7. Most of the ways to actually crash the game are very esoteric, in GZDoom at least, the game isn't meant to actually hard crash at all, so most crashes are the result of something in the actual engine breaking instead of the result of a mod, so the two easiest ways to "Crash" the game are to spawn an actor that goes to a state with a duration of 0 tics, like this.

    Class Freeze : Actor
    			TNT1 A 0;

    This creates an infinite recursion, and should work on any ZDoom-based engine. That being said, it might caused unwanted behavior like lag potentially, though from my experience infinite recursions just clog up and stop the game, and don't cause anything else to lag. Either way, this won't actually crash, it'll just close eventually, either on its' own or by the user closing it themselves.


    An alternate GZDoom only method would be to just call ThrowAbortException(), this is also even more guaranteed to do what you want, it'll just cause a VM abort, which is not a crash, it just stops the level. Normally this is used to add custom VM aborts with custom messages and logs for mods, but you can also use it for this purpose. 

  8. Most of the behavior you are describing, like drivable vehicles, custom weapons etc, is done in ZDoom and GZDoom mods with DECORATE (And usually ACS too for engines like Zandronum) and ZScript. The latter is GZDoom only and should be used over DECORATE for GZDoom mods.


    Assets are just added as part of the WAD or PK3 file, either made entirely by the modder, ripped from something else, or edited from another source etc. The ZDoom wiki also has a page on how to set up WAD and PK3 files. Vanilla Doom PWADS could only carry assets and not code, but pretty much every other source port allows for at the very least being able to ship mods with DEHACKED patches, which can do at least a few of the basic effects ZScript and DECORATE can - with much more difficulty that is.


    As for how the game knows how to do stuff like render voxels instead of sprites, that's because ZDoom is actually made with that being possible in mind.


    38 minutes ago, ARMCoder said:

    (yes, I know about ACS scripting, but some changes look too "deep"  to be implemented just by calling pre-made API functions).


    Yes, in the case of DECORATE, especially 2014 DECORATE like what you need to have a Zandronum mod, you are very much limited to only pre-existing functions in the engine, but ACS and especially ZScript allow you to code your own custom behavior and systems from scratch.

  9. 2 hours ago, roadworx said:

    tbh this is still much closer to actually running doom than some of the other "ports" that have made the news, like the bacteria or the pregnancy test. at least it's rendering the game inside notepad.


    having the code be run inside of notepad itself would be running doom. this isn't that, but having doom be playable in ascii is still pretty neat.


    Don't the bacteria and pregnancy tests ones also use those things as display devices though, so this use of turning the Notepad into a display device is still the same type of port.

  10. 8 hours ago, Xaser said:

    Unique death state for enemies killed by a certain weapon (e.g. enemy explodes, or catches fire, dealing AoE damage, or leaves behind a frozen corpse, etc.)


    I don't think I'd categorize that as being as much of a feature of the weapon itself as it is of the monster. For example having monsters catch fire could also be something triggered when they step in lava for long enough.


    The overall sentiment is pretty correct though, generally you'd just want a few weapon types, say 10, that are different enough from each other to not overlap and make other weapons unnecessary and only something you switch to for the sake of variety. Like having 4 automatic rifles that do basically the same thing. Probably also helps if the weapons are unique in general to. Like the BFG 9000.


    For example I have an idea for a mapset/partial conversion I want to eventually make with somewhat more realistic weapons, and my ideas for the weapons are something along these lines so far (The fifth one is the most relevant to the point):

    1. A pistol, pretty generic and uses low caliber rounds, perhaps it could be optionally suppressed to significantly reduce the range in which enemies can hear you firing. As opposed to movie suppressors like whatever the fuck is happening here.
    2. An SMG, fire faster, maybe like the vanilla chaingun. And can be used to eat up pistol ammo if you have to much.
    3. An assault rifle, probably the standard weapon for most situations, fires high caliber ammo it shares with the minigun, does more damage, allows for aiming down. And can be loaded with special saboted flechette magazines, which will do less damage than the rifle rounds, but more than the pistol, and be able to penetrate through 1-2 monsters, along with being able to be fired in swimmable 3D floors (Most of the other bullet firing weapons will have their bullets break after like 5 meters, except maybe the pistol in case you have little rifle ammo). Might also be useful for crowds of weak enemies as well.
    4. A rocket/missile launcher, can fire normal dumb rockets, homing missiles, and can also be fired manually guided like the rocket launcher in Half-Life 1 and 2. It is noticeably slower, but much more powerful than the vanilla rocket launcher, to not overlap with the below weapon. It takes maybe like, 4-5 explosive rounds.
    5. A semi-automatic grenade launcher sniper rifle with a drum magazine. Kinda like the Cobra assault cannon from Robocop, it fires faster than the missile launcher, and does similar damage to the vanilla rocket launcher, but with much faster, arcing grenades. Might also have different grenade types like shorter range airburst and incendiary rounds. Basically, a ballistic BFG. But because it already fills the role of a sniper rifle, and also does so in a manner more unique than most snipers in games. I will probably not be making a standard sniper rifle, to avoid redundancy.


    All of these largely avoid overlapping in function with each other, and even the ones that do, like the pistol, have situations where they can be a better option, like working better underwater and being suppressible. And there's also a few weapons here that are fairly unique among FPS arsenals, like a flechette gun that penetrates enemies and works underwater unlike most other bullet firing weapons, and doing away with a generic sniper rifle in favor of a grenade launcher sniper rifle instead.

  11. I don't think the Pain Elemental is poorly designed, but it certainly sucks, especially if you are playing in GZDoom and don't have the lost soul limit enabled, in part because they just shit out additional monsters nonstop, which nothing else does. But IMO that's not the part that makes them annoying.



    The worst part is probably how large and tanky the lost souls they shit out in the first place are, not to mention their tendency to lock unto your face like laser guided missiles the moment you get the rocket launcher out. It's not even neccesarily that there's a demon that shits out more demons, after all, the Archvile kinda does that and it's nowhere near as annoying. It's that the demons it shits out are already absurdly durable for their appearance, not to mention that IMO they are too big too.



    And no I don't think that an enemy being annoying is good, not in this really grating manner anyway, unless of course you'd also like a Cyberdemon that fires homing rockets (Ironically, that itself would be better depending on the environment), or a monster like the Archvile but that has a distance limit to its' instant damage attack instead of a sight limit, so you need to get as far away as possible to not die instead, mix that with a maze and it becomes a very annoying enemy indeed.

  12. On 12/24/2023 at 10:44 PM, ShallowB said:

    I've been really unsatisfied with the quality of some of the frankensprites I've been making, not to mention how long they take.


    So like a fucking idiot I went and learned Blender.


    Here's the results of about three days of effort. Still pretty rough, but I'm pretty chuffed with this as the first thing I've ever modeled, rigged, and rendered. And this is straight out of Blender without any cleanup or anything!  Pretty sure this is gonna be a game changer with just a little more work.






    Okay, I tinkered with the export settings and the model a little and now he's looking much nicer, and comes out scaled almost perfectly for Doom. Still have to adjust things a little because I think Blender's lighting is screwing with Doom's palette a bit, and the texture could really use some work.  Not to mention I've clearly got his helmet all wrong, or at least it looks wrong after scaling.


    Here is a screenshot of the raw model in Blender:


    Pretty basic, but it's about all I'm capable of at the moment. Luckily that's about all you need for sprites this small!

    This is really great news ! Hopefully once you finish it you'll make it public so making new Doomguy sprites doesn't require drawing everything.


    On 12/26/2023 at 7:44 AM, ThrashFanbert94 said:

    so it be like strife style but doom leaning?

    I'm pretty sure the intention is for it to be fully Doom styled.


    12 minutes ago, Grieferus said:

    Does your model have rig? If not, add it ASAP.

    He said it does have a skeleton, he just doesn't know how to animate it. I did link him a video guide on basic keyframe animation though on the ZDoom Discord.

  13. I wouldn't even bother trying to convert a standard final sound file into a MIDI. There are tools online to do it like this one. But the results always range from earrape to hilarious like this infamous Vinesauce mom ent


    And here is what another MP3 converted to MIDI sounds like too below, and here is the original song for reference.



    If you really need to convert a non-MIDI song to MIDI, then your only option is to manually remake the song as a MIDI.

  14. Yes, this is real, I tried out the full list of steps to get the easter egg (Can't say them otherwise the Doomworld illuminati will JFK me), and after I did every step right at 2 AM, I went to the bathroom to take a shit, and a hyper-realistic John Carmack appeared out of my haunted mirror.


    He just went to my kitchen and made a sandwich before crawling back through the haunted mirror, which then melted into a puddle of UN-realistic blood. But it did help me with my constipation by making me shit myself, so thanks post-singularity human ancestral simulation colloquially known as "John Carmack".

  15. 22 hours ago, Rudolph said:

    With all the talks these days about whether ChatGPT and other algorithm-based stuff are not actual AI because it is not intelligence and yada yada, I have to ask: is it still appropriate to refer to the monster behaviours in Doom as "AI"? I admit that for the longest time, I have been using "enemy AI" to refer to them myself, but now, I am having doubts.


    It's all AI, yes even Doom's, but like others have said it's just very primitive AI, and of course has no form of machine learning, so it doesn't self improve in any capacity. Video game AI in general is definitely AI, but it's just (Mostly, depending on implementation) hardcoded, and pretty much always made to only work in the extremely narrow scope of the game, for example Doom's AI wouldn't work in Duke Nukem because of how different the two programs are.

    Essentially, Doom's AI (And all monster behavior, including actions you wouldn't consider AI like dying animations) are handled by a state machine, where two main AI functions are called (A_Chase() and A_Look()) in the monsters' Spawn: and See: states.


    The major difference between video game AI like Doom's basic AI functions being ran by a state machine, and more advanced modern approaches to AI like behavior trees. Is that they don't learn at all, they have to be pretty much purely hand crafted, having manually written heuristics to check for conditions like when the NPC is in danger etc.


    While the AI that's in the news so much nowadays like GPT-4 is ran by neural networks, basically an approximation of the brain itself, and it allows them to learn (Machine learning), so using ChatGPT as an example. It can converse by having actually read god knows how much text to be able to form associations with it (e.g water makes things wet), know written descriptions of what things in the real world look like (e.g a car) etc. But unlike a chat bot from say, 5 years ago, it doesn't know those things because it was hardcoded with that knowledge, or how to recognize objects. It knows them because a very large neural network was given terabytes of text to read through and learn to write from. That being said, the knowledge is still actually kinda hardcoded, since so far these models CANNOT learn after their initial training period. For example IIRC ChatGPT doesn't know about world events past like 2021 (When GPT-3 was probably trained, or the dataset acquired), though I think it is allowed to access the internet now, but it can still only memorize and recall things within a local conversation, and only a very limited about of it. Like a computer with gigabytes worth of stored ROM, and only like 8 kilobytes of RAM.


    TL;DR Video game AI is hardcoded like every other aspect of a game. The AI models in the news are a big deal because they actually teach themselves through machine learning using an approximation of how the brain works, as a result though they are also black boxes, like planting a seed, we know how to train them but not how or why the fully grown models think or act the way they do, guess that just makes them a bit TOO similar to the brain lol.


    21 hours ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

    AI, in the modern sense, doesnt really mean anything and is just a buzzword for investors and consumers to get hyped over the same things we've had already 


    That's just flat out fucking wrong and it's frankly getting annoying to keep seeing this shit. This type of machine learning is absolutely fucking new, this kind of approach of using GANs and transformers for AI and machine learning didn't exist until literally the 2010s, the only parts of these we have had before are basically just that machine learning in particular (As opposed to trying to hard-code an AI) isn't a brand new concept, and that transformers technically date back to the 90s due to like 2-4 experimental projects. You might as well argue that electric cars aren't that big of a deal or anything new because technically they've existed since the start of the 20th century.

  16. I'm sorry but all the complaints and whining about how terrible it is that GTA 6 is going to be a parody and/or portrayal of modern day America fall a little flat on their ass when most fucking entries since GTA 3 have literally taken place in the present day of the time.


    Like, it seems that social media will play too big of a role in the game ? Really ? I get that this is a forum about a 30 year old game and most people here probably think it's still 2003, but I can guarantee to you that if you go outside and look over someone's' shoulders while they're on their phone, there is like a 50/50 chance they are looking at TikTok. It focuses so much on that aspect (At least in the trailer anyway) because making a game in the modern day with no social media would be like a movie taking place in victorian England somehow not having a single sign of industrialization.


    That being said, yeah the game will be overmonetized to hell and back and the singleplayer campaign and sandbox will be immediately shafted in favor of online, now that Rockstar and Take Two have seen just how lucrative online is. No like 2 year delay for multiplayer like with GTA V.

  17. As others have pointed out, you clearly don't know even the basics of programming yet. In fact, your lack of awareness integers even existing kind of reminds me of how I was only able to truly learn at least some coding after I was literally walking down the street one day, and came to the eureka moment of realizing that a variable is a value that stores a number. Before that no number of tutorials, examples, and explanations by others were able to help me at all. Your situation sounds pretty similar to mine.


    So to join the dogpile, I'd also recommend that you try to listen to the help everyone else is trying to give you here. And don't bother using LLMs like ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) to either give you instructions on writing ACS, or straight up writing actual ACS. The amount of information on the internet on these obscure Doom scripting languages is very little for any LLM to have any proper info on them. You could perhaps use ChatGPT to get the basics from a language people actually use like C or something, but first of all, the free ChatGPT is 3.5 and it's pretty shit, while the actually functional GPT-4 is paywalled, and every other LLM is currently pretty dogshit in comparison*, second, you'd still probably just be better off just reading a premade guide, there's literally decades of them for normal programming languages, and for ACS you can find an entire playlist guide here.



    *Frankly I'm not interested in any of these AI models until they can actually run locally as open source software, not as proprietary black boxes on some data center somewhere. Until then they are as good as useless, especially with how much these companies lobotomize them.

  18. On 10/28/2023 at 12:52 AM, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

    someone who knows how to make games make this pls 

    I can do it myself, there's already crewmate sprites and the hardest part will just be making a system for catching keyboard presses to make custom vanilla style cheats, but I'm currently busy with other stuff.
