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About TheRedTide

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  1. Absolutely not. I'd rather this game have an option to play as Crash as well, besides Doomguy. With the specific dialogue lines properly modified to suit her gender. Hell, I'd love to play a Doom game as Crash, she'd be referred to as Doomgal instead of Doomguy.
  2. I wouldn't have destroyed Samuel Hayden's cyborg body straight away, I'd have kept him intact right up until the point when the Doomslayer destroys the Father's soulsphere, then I'd make Hayden's cyborg body deatomize itself in a blinding flash of light, which then would dim itself to reveal Samur The Seraphim, while still wearing the Maykr armor. I would make the boss fight against him resemble more the fight against the Hell Guards in Doom 2016 and I wouldn't have him summoning demons, because that is completely anachronistic and out of character, since Samur sequestered the Father away specifically because he foresaw that the Khan Maykr would become corrupt and strike a deal with Hell for immortality. So it wouldn't make sense for him to be willing to summon demons.
  3. TheRedTide

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    Are they juicy, saucy leaks?
  4. TheRedTide

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    Multiplayer is extremely easy to get right. All ID needs to do is repeat the gameplay mechanics from Doom 2016 but without the loadout system, allowing everyone to carry as many weapons they wish to, as long as they can find the lying around in the map. Boom. Problem solved. It bears mentioning that this colossal fuck up of a decision that cursed Doom 2016's MP mode was made by Certain Affinity trying to copy what they had already done for Halo in the past, not by ID who was entirely focused on the campaign and snapmap.
  5. Nope. They haven't ruined Doom 2016, neither Doom Eternal. They ain't gonna do a thing that could harm Doom The Dark Ages sales.
  6. TheRedTide

    which doom 2016 monster would you want to be

    Definitely the Cybermoose.
  7. TheRedTide

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    Well, Doom Eternal's DLC had a lot of fantasy twists to it if you recall levels like the World Spear and that swamp in hell, plus the whole medieval aesthetics of Argenta buildings.
  8. TheRedTide

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Fucking hell. This is the most beautiful screenshot I've ever seen on the Doom engine. Your map?
  9. I have mostly made peace with TAG2's final boss battle, but after his armor is destroyed, I would love to have seen a lengthy custcene in where Doomguy and Davoth just beat the shit out of each other, like Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot in MGS4, this time to the tune of "The Only One they Fear is You".
  10. TheRedTide

    What do you think of midnight

    lmao, bro
  11. TheRedTide

    How will DOOM 6 work?

    Valen is the Sentinel General who betrayed Argent D'Nur's forces in exchange for his son's resurrection, but the demons, in their eternal treachery revived his son as the Icon of Sin. But I gotta say that having Crash would be fucking awesome too.
  12. TheRedTide

    How will DOOM 6 work?

    I know everyone is in love with the Doomguy but I keep thinking it would be really cool if Vallen was the main character of the next Doom game, I don't it's gonna happen tho, but still. Also, one thing I believe it pretty much a given is the shotgun's meathook being used with much more prominence in the platforming sections, and ID will probably bind a button that immediately deploys the meathook, like with what you have in Halo Infinite's campaign with the grappling hook.
  13. TheRedTide

    The dark lord of the 4th age?

    It could be that Davoth isn't counted amongst the dark lords of the 4 ages because he's creator god of hell, so the 4 Dark Lords were actually powerful demons who were supposed to have succeeded them after The Father imprisoned him. I recall reading some lore blurbs in Doom 2016 stating that the Aranea Imperatrix was supposed to have become the Dark Lord of the 4th Age.
  14. TheRedTide

    What's your favourite Doom Slayer skin?

    The white one with the red visor. I forgot its name. Astro Slayer maybe?
  15. TheRedTide

    [Plot hole?] Did Earth get invaded twice...?

    There's nothing wrong with using the multiverse theory in your game. Just because Ultimate Doom, Doom II and Doom 64 took place on another universe don't make them any less important or relevant. But it's pretty clear tho that Hugo has zero ideas about he's doing and is just winging it by now.