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Mad Dal 85

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Everything posted by Mad Dal 85

  1. Thank you. Quick question: Do you know what is the point of this place in Afterglow?
  2. I'll wait until someone does a video for the launcher. i can't find what anyone is saying. it will be easier for me then. i have trouble understanding things in writing.
  3. No one at Sommerville Station can be killed
  4. I'm wondering if the woman in the red dress is Walker hallucinating his dead wife. You hear a woman's voice here and there, and when Walker is talking to Violet and Porcelain (the waitress) in Michonne something weird happens and the pictures go grey. Again, probably Walker's dead wife. Jimmy in Junction also says about Walker's dead wife and you can pick an option that says "Shut the f**k up or I'm putting a bullet in your head!"
  5. Grenade Launcher is available in the cheats, but not anywhere to be found in the episode itself.
  6. Map08 of Hard Reset has 4 secrets, but only 3 can found. To get the fourth secret you have to noclip through the wall as the hidden door to the fourth secret is NOT tagged. I checked it on Ultimate Doom Builder just to be sure. So on Map08, you can get only 75% of the secrets as they forget to tag the door to the last secret of that map.
  7. Ashes Hard Reset is a good episode, but in my opinion Ashes Afterglow is still by far the best episode in the entire series. Edit: Having played this a second time to really take it all in properly, I have come realise that this episode is not as good as I originally commented. The first map makes it feel more a Doom version of the TV show The Walking Dead instead of an Ashes episode as this starts in a high school full of zombies at night time whilst looking for chemicals without any reason or explanation for it just begs the question: why? Then after a few maps, the main story gets going and it's like an Ashes version of the film Suicide Squad. You are hired to guide some Army soldiers to the Spire Tower in the city of Atlanta so they can shut down Athena for good, but get this, you're doing all the work while the Army guys who have more powerful weapons just stand there and watch without doing a thing to help! Actually, they only help in one bit in one map. The only good points this episode has is that it does answer a few unexplained things in the previous two episodes as this is set 3 years before the events of 2063 and Afterglow but in all, this isn't all that great to be honest. Also the Apocalypse difficulty doesn't have enough ammo in the levels if you're going for 100% kills and secrets.
  8. Mad Dal 85

    Looking for Feedback on My First DOOM Map!

    Not bad for a first map. Being honest, it's a bit on the bland side, a lot of it looked the same. Maybe add some computer textures and some other decorations. Secrets were easy to find. Maybe check out some maps that other people have made or take a look in 'What wads are you working on? Let me see your work' thread on this site to get some ideas. But this was fun to play, nice and short but very little going on in it.
  9. Mad Dal 85

    Hell's Archies

    This is a single Doom II map wad using vanilla textures and monsters. Made using UBD (Ultimate Doom Builder) and tested on GZDoom. Made for GZDoom (v4 or higher) DoomII.IWAD needed Free-look is recommended but not necessary. Jumping and crouching allowed but not needed. One map (map01) It is quite challenging in terms of difficulty but not impossible to beat. Readme.txt file included. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a25iigmnxw40dv4et1oxu/HellsArchies.zip?rlkey=y97vtocwpbwzn4w1zba57svm7&st=4cijppsj&dl=0 Enjoy! * Admins, if i have missed anything out info wise, please let me know so I can add it on here. thanks
  10. Mad Dal 85

    Blood Amulet

    I do not know much about ZScript myself so I can't help. I never studied computer science like a lot of modders on here have done.
  11. Mad Dal 85

    Blood Amulet

    I'm having the same trouble mate. I was really hoping to use this item in my mod too.
  12. Mad Dal 85

    Kickback Error

    Flak Cannon in my mod is causing this error. Script error, "RPGMod.pk3:actors/weapons/explosives/flakcannon.txt" line 5: '@property@weapon.kickback' is an unknown actor property FlakCannon script in my mod. ACTOR FlakCannon : FlakCannonBase { Game Doom Radius 20 Weapon.Kickback 50 Weapon.SelectionOrder 400 Weapon.AmmoGive 5 Weapon.AmmoType "FlakAmmo" Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.KickBack 5 +WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE +FORCEXYBILLBOARD And it is on it's own. ACTOR FlakCannon : FlakCannonBase { Game Doom Radius 20 Weapon.Kickback 50 Weapon.SelectionOrder 400 Weapon.AmmoGive 5 Weapon.AmmoType "FlakAmmo" Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.KickBack 5 +WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE +FORCEXYBILLBOARD Inventory.PickupMessage "You found a flak cannon!" Obituary "%k caught %o in a flak attack" Inventory.PickupSound "Weapon/FLAKPKUP" Exactly the same as i do not change scripts in my mods unless i have to because it's conflicting with something else. So why all of a sudden is GZDoom detecting kickback errors in my mod for flak cannon but not when the flak cannon is on it's own? It should be working fine when the scripts are the same.
  13. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    The outside of the building is looking better now. Still a WIP but it's getting there.
  14. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    New map in the works. Hell themed. There are plenty of surprises (and annoyances) in this map. This is just a single map, it's not part of a wad or anything.
  15. i'll have to try this one soon
  16. i apologise. i was angry and wasn't thinking properly at the time i wrote that, and now i have calmed down i can see i was wrong to say that and for that i am sorry.
  17. Map16 can go and anal f**k itself with a cactus plant! I skipped it after spending nearly 6 hours on that BS map!
  18. Mad Dal 85

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    This isn't working on GZDoom. Just an error message about invalid parameter.
  19. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I've been busy learning and testing things to do with ACS Scripting in maps. And here, I recreated a part of the Catacombs level from TR4 in the Doom Builder. This would make a nice but pretty dangerous ambush as anything can be hiding behind these walls.
  20. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Just made my shops look a bit better with a few wall mounted lamps. It brightens them up. All the the items and weapons on display are fake item/weapon/ammo actors I made for (obviously) display purposes. They are just there to show what the shop has to offer. As for the little monitor below each of the item/weapon/ammo, when you press 'Use' it says what the item/weapon/ammo is, if it's in stock, and the price of it. Buying the items/weapons/ammo has to be done at the counter.
  21. Mad Dal 85

    Eternity Engine 4.02.00 Forseti

    I tried this and I think I'll stick with GZDoom. Each to their own, you know?
  22. Mad Dal 85

    Changing the font in Doom

    I've been looking into it myself by doing a bit of research, and the fonts that are available on Realm667 are there to create new menu images for like 'New Game', 'Options', and so on which you have to make yourself using those fonts. As for changing the font in the game like when it says "You have found a secret area", I'm still looking into that. So hopefully, my little bit of research into it will help.
  23. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Started making a couple of shops in the first map earlier. An item shop and a weapon shop. I know they don't look much like a shop at the moment, but i can always change them later on. This is just the start of the them. I can always look up how the shops worked in Strife later when I have finished them properly and added people behind the counters.
  24. Mad Dal 85

    Changing the font in Doom

    I've been wondering the exact same thing and I was about to ask this very same question too.
  25. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I did that with my very first serious map i made back in 2020. Everything looked grey, both inside and out. So i changed the inside of the buildings to the TEKGRN** textures but kept the outside grey and it looks so much better and more colourful.