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Everything posted by Snark

  1. Snark

    How does Doom sound to you?

    I replaced every wad music tracks with Mouldy's stuff. Everything else is boring.
  2. Snark

    Alex Jones has a video game.

    So we're not, apparently, living in a simulation, but in a simpsons episode. Personnaly, I find this hilarious.
  3. Snark


    Well...That was something. After a blind run and another one after with the "guides" and clues and stuff you just couldn't figure out yourself, this is still the most inspired and insane wad I've ever played. I am, however, afraid of this "style" becoming a trend. Considering how popular this wad has become, including to non doomers, specifically following high quality youtube videos discussing it thoroughly, I fear an age where it is emulated to a point where it loses its appeal as countless "copywads" drive it's uniqueness into the ground. This should be a magnicient, personal and standalone thing, and left to age gracefully in it's wonderful patina of cryptic intricasy, to be rediscoved by future generations, who would learn about it's very existence by the elder ones whispering legends around a campfire at midnight. Let's go back to blasting demons in cool places, still waiting for btsx3...
  4. Only way this could be good was if it was seven 50mn episodes, short and concise, AND was done by the same team that did the "Ash vs evil dead" series. Gore, action, respecting the original material, and humor. Otherwise it's dead in the water. (I just wanted a "good", fun 1h30 movie in 90's style...)
  5. Snark

    The Lost Magic - A Boom Mapset

    5 maps in and ...yeah. This is cool. Thanks man.
  6. Snark

    How do you celebrate Halloween?

    This year I'm rewatching all of these. So should you.
  7. Snark

    Worst job you've done?

    Flower picking... Sounds nice doesn't it? And easy, right? It's 42 degrees celsius, no shade wherever, you're alone in field that just stretches on past the frontiers of infinity trying to concentrate really hard to properly harvest one of the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 flowers you have to pick that day, surrounded by a tyranid legion of bees and bumblebees that don't take kindly to being interrupted in their business, for less money than you get flipping burgers. 12 hours and 18 bee stings later, I gave up and left without pay.
  8. "Man, I HATE running backwards..." Serious Sam
  9. Snark

    Worst movie remakes you seen

  10. Scythe 1, map 30. Especially the "fire" section, I'd just never seen anything like it before
  11. Snark

    John Wick and Doom

    So I'm drunk and bored and rewatched John Wick for the second time. I hadn't noticed that when he receives the dog at the beginning he looks at her dog tag and says :"Daisy... Of course..." Not wanting to brag but I have a rather large cinematographical culture and cannot think of ANY reference to explain this, apart from our favorite game. Anyway, someone had to pay for her death...
  12. Snark

    If DOOM Didn't exist, what would happen?

    This post wouldn't exist, neither would this answer
  13. Snark

    Favorite Beavis and butthead moment?

    -"Dude, everything on this TV sucks" -"Yeah! uhu... Let's go buy another one" That actually blew my mind
  14. Snark

    computer machines for the elderly?

    My granny, may she rest in peace, was very happy with a gameboy and tetris.
  15. Snark

    What are the worst kinds of Metal fans?

    I'm always, for some reason, wary of metalheads who wear the t-shirts of a band to the same bands concerts, and have often been right. That said, as someone who organises concerts and works in a (small) concert room, I still have to say that metalheads are the best audience you can get, we don't even hire security for metal concerts anymore
  16. Hey dude, had a great time with this, thanks a bunch, would love to see more, in a different environnement if possible, but you have a really good mapping head. Keep up the good work!
  17. I would really like a good Duke Nukem movie, which, although implausible, is not impossible at all. As long as it's sufficiently self-aware of the intrinsic cheesiness of the base material, like the game did, and focuses on humour and action, it could be really cool. And as far as video game movies go, I felt that Silent Hill did a really good job, even as a standalone movie. I saw it with some people who didn't even know it was a video gaming franchise and enjoyed it nevertheless, probably even more than the gamers since they didn't know what to expect.
  18. Yeah, this is cool. Not usually a fan of the whole "tight enclosed fights" thingy but thought it was well implemented here, on HMP anyway. Didn't find any softlocks or bugs, but hardly found any secrets, either they're VERY well hidden or I shouldn't have had 4 gin and tonics. Only nitpick I have is on the narratively aesthetic side, but I find it's a highly recurring trope in contemporary doom wads, which is that I feel I'm playing video game levels instead of "living" a story, but we all know what Carmack said... Good job anyway.
  19. Snark

    The worst movie you seen

    So... no one's gonna say Doom?
  20. Snark

    I don't enjoy Doom anymore.

    And I woke up to find I have a hemorroid. I'm not sure which one of us has the worst life right now.
  21. In Doom, things must go BOOM. And I just had a thought, what would you think about a custom enemy that'd be a mimic barrel? Like, it looks like a regular barrel but runs towards you if you get to close, leading to explosive and deadly hilarity?
  22. Snark

    Last Concert You Were At??

    Hey dude, glad to know I was at the same concert as a fellow Doomist. Yeah, setlist wasn't that good, too much of the latest album I'm not too fond of, but still well worth it. And that ending of Pushit... that was something else
  23. Snark

    Most disturbing film?

    I'm surprised how few people seem to have seen Brian Yuzna's "Society". Goes a lot further than the 90's body horror movie it's depicted as.