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Everything posted by ineedadisplayname

  1. ineedadisplayname

    crispy doom deatthmatch anyone?

    ip is
  2. ineedadisplayname

    anyone wanna play a server?

    i didnt know i needed to lol, thanks
  3. ineedadisplayname

    anyone wanna play a server?

    ip is on crispy doom , just join whenever
  4. Just got crispy doom. its choc doom but better. I don't really see a reason for choc players not to get it, except maybe it's closer to vanilla than crispy, but crispy is still vanilla too.

    1. Gothic


      Crispy is limit removing

  5. Is there anyway to check how many kills and secrets have been found in chocolate doom?
  6. I honestly hate them. You have to kill them just in order to get a safe save.
  7. hmu if you wanna play a choc doom server.

  8. ineedadisplayname

    anyone wanna play a choc doom server?

    ip is
  9. ok, so i woke up this morning to go play doom, but my game lags if i move the mouse and crashes if i move it enough. im not getting a source port because i want to play vanilla. any help?