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Everything posted by Yumheart

  1. Yumheart

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    *deleted to make some space . ^.* Nowhere near finished, but I like to think that I've got a pretty cool moon base sorta thing goin on here.
  2. Option 1: I sit in front of a blank piece of paper and then sketch up whatever comes to my mind. Option 2: I play doom or watch other people play doom. When I see a nice layout, I'll change it a bit and then look if it'd fit in. I've made one map that I would consider good, so you should prob take this with a grain of salt . w.
  3. What an awesome project, I'd like to participate!
  4. Yumheart

    What made you fall in love with Doom?

    I love how it doesn't play like modern shooters, which I could never get in to, also the complete ridiculousness of the setting. I also really like the focus on traps and light trolling, less so in the original games, more so in modern maps. I dunno, I just enjoy that kinda stuff.
  5. Yumheart

    yfrbtm - a techy map for GZDoom

    Wow, awesome! Thank you so much!
  6. I present to you my second ever finished map: yfrbtm (pronounced /ˌjɛfrəˈbɪʔm/) yfrbtm is short for "your friendly resident boring techbase map". Despite that name, it's not a jokewad or something like that, I'm just terrible at naming my maps properly. It's really nothing special compared to some of the other awesome shit you'll see from this community (it might even be bad, I worked too long on this, so I can't tell anymore), but hey, maybe it's fun. The ammo is a bit scarce, I intended the player to use the berserk more than one normally would. Enjoy your time if you can, looking forward to your feedback <3 Tested with GZ- and LZDoom with hardware rendering UDMF format Uses some custom textures & custom music Three difficulty levels implemented No crouching, jumping or freelook required or recommended. Screenshots, glorious screenshots: Deleted to make some space . ^. Here's the wad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_jrVHJ8mRhy-wQQLmfpAa0O_1aX4yV-3/view?usp=sharing
  7. Yumheart

    Issues when opening texture packs

    Yep, I'm stupid. Thanks a lot.
  8. I have problems using texture packs, cause whenever I try to open one in Slade, the textures just get completely messed up. It's probably just some stupid amateur mistake. As far as I know, that's supposed to be a brown brick wall: Does anybody have any ideas for troubleshooting? For reference, I'm using SLADE v3.1.12.
  9. Yumheart

    yfrbtm - a techy map for GZDoom

    Hey, thank you two for testing it! I really appreciate it! I actually intended it to be a more-berserk-heavy-experience, though I should've definetly mentioned that. You're right, that's a bit obtrusive, I'll change that right now.
  10. Yumheart

    Nirvana Midi Covers?

    I'll look them up, thanks a lot!
  11. Yumheart

    Nirvana Midi Covers?

    So, I was wondering if there exist (decent) doom-like midi covers of Nirvana songs? I've only ever seen Metallica, Iron Maiden, etc., probably because they translate better into Doom. Haven't really looked extensively yet, but maybe somebody knows some? 'd be especially interested in a potential Come As You Are Cover.
  12. Yumheart

    Any weapon packs that aren't overpowered?

    DoomReal is easier than vanilla Doom, but doesn't make you *that* op.
  13. Yumheart

    The more I play Heretic, the more it frustrates me

    I do really enjoy Heretic on Black Plaque. I can only play the first episode though, cause there's still no fucking way to buy it in Germany. Same problem with Hexen, Hexen II and Postal 2. Christ!
  14. Yumheart

    Bridgeburner's Playtesting Series (currently closed)

    Incredible, how your look on a map can change over time. Back when I made it, I thought it was great. Now I'm like "Jesus Christ, what were you thinking?" But that's just part of the learnig progress, I guess. Thanks for reviewing it anyway :)
  15. Yumheart

    Top favorite FPS games?

    Time to get some beloved zoomer opinions in here: Blood Doom 2 Quake 1 Heretic Ultrakill Mothergunship
  16. Yumheart

    Shooting a Rocket to death

    That would be pretty cool, but switching to another weapon fast enough could be an issue.
  17. Yumheart

    The BFG - is it a practical military weapon?

    If you define practical as "being able to commit 10 different warcrimes at the press of a button", then yes. It's just good that such a devistating weapon doesn't exist in real life.
  18. Yumheart

    What's Your Favorite Doom Enemy Ass?

    That got oddly sinister.
  19. Yumheart

    What kind of maps do you enjoy?

    Dumb, fun slaughtermaps without much thought required.
  20. Yumheart

    What songs do you think should NEVER be in a Doom wad?

    I might be wrong, but doesn't Swim With The Wales's map31 use a midified version of this one?
  21. Yumheart

    What songs do you think should NEVER be in a Doom wad?

    I can't imagine manufactured pop fitting with any theme, really.
  22. +++DISCLAIMER+++ This thread contains opinions and some non-constructive critisism. Please keep in mind that none of the mentioned wads can be called definitely bad, because opinions are, by nature, entirely subjective. This thread was also not made to send hate or negative energy to mappers, but just to see some other people's opinions on popular megawads. An exchange of views is, in my opinion, never a bad thing. ++++++++++++++ I'm talking about megawads like Scythe 2, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, you know, the big ones. I think that most popular megawads deserve the praise they get (though I guess some didn't age that well), but I'm curios to hear other people's opinions.
  23. Yumheart

    Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

    Pain Elemental is rarely difficult, but always annoying. It makes for a good priority enemy though.
  24. Yumheart

    Criticality [/idgames]

    I haven't beaten it yet, but it's fun and very pretty.