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Everything posted by Blip

  1. DVII Map12 UV-Max in 5:03 dv212-503.zip
  2. Blip

    [cl9] [/idgames] Black Diamond

    Loved playing this wad, the maps were really short but pretty difficult, so you can't just breeze through them in a couple of minutes. The atmosphere and the music were on point. Can't wait for the final release!
  3. Blip

    Crusader [DSDHACKED+MBF21]

    Got to map04, these maps are really fun, and the new sprites look insane. Before I continue with the wad I want to point out a softlock in map03 before I forget :p
  4. Grosse pero el cyberdemon es un nik con lanzacohetes antivandalico y los commander keen son las estatuas del pijurro
  5. I really enjoyed this mapset, it was pretty fun
  6. It's amazing what one can achieve with vanilla textures and slightly different color palette. The levels were bite sized and really fun. Great mapset!
  7. Blip

    This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)

    Wouldn't this break mbf21 wads which use map00 like axolotl?
  8. It's fine, I was kind of expecting that, though I find rather odd that you wouldn't include map07 in that case. I wasn't aware of that, neat!
  9. The ones I felt the most tedious apart from map07 were map03, map08 and map11. But those were my only real issues with the wad, and apart from the ammo ones the others are pretty subjective
  10. These maps are great, I love this type of slaughter where you really need to fight for space and you can't just camp in one place and win. Can't wait to see more!
  11. Cool maps, I had a lot of fun playing them! I don't really have much to say, apart that some of the joke maps got old kind of fast and became a bit tedious, but since they aren't going to be included in the final release its not worth talking about. However, you should maybe include them on a separate wad in the final release as a nice bonus. Can't wait for the final release :)
  12. Blip

    DSDA-Doom isn't being captured by OBS, help?

    Did you try playing borderless? I always had the same issue recording with pr/dsda doom when playing fullscreen. If I'm not mistaken you have to enable the exclusive fullscreen/window mode and that should do the trick
  13. Blip

    dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

    I'm having issues with fluidsynth on the latest versions. It doensn't seem to be using my soundfont and it sounds very broken. I'm not sure if it is related with this error message that pops up on the startup log: fluidsynth: error: requested set value for 'synth.sample-rate' out of range fl_init: Couldn't set synth.sample-rate
  14. Blip

    [Boom/Idgames]Darkest Wave

    Cool maps! I agree the difficulty is really rough on uv, particularly on blind runs in a couple of fights. Demos for these maps are going to be interesting. I think there's a broken spawner on map03 (attached on spoiler), apart from that everything seemed to work fine.
  15. Finished the whole wad yesterday, including the secret map. Amazing mapset, really good use of the supercharge mod!
  16. I'm having the same issue. I'm testing with an rtx 3060 and a ryzen 7 2700 and it's using 12% cpu and 30% gpu tops with vsync disabled on sunder map15, and it isn't playing very smoothly which is rather odd, and getting a min fps of around 35-40. I'll also use this opportunity to recommend PUSS X: Summer of Slaughter (SOS_Boom.wad) map32 as a good benchmark for this port. This map in particular plays much better on this port than on dsda-doom and woof, all around being more stable in regards to performance.
  17. As always an amazing Bri release. Really fun maps!
  18. Holy crap there's almost 40 maps now, I need to catch up :P. Congrats on RC1 release!
  19. Blip


    Hi could you be more specific with ports and complevels and such?
  20. Just finished playing the whole wad. Played on UV with dsda doom, didn't seem to find any game-breaking or visual issues. The only map I ended up using saves was on the last one, but mostly because I got impatient with the whole "dance" you have to do to get a gun. That doesn't mean the maps were easy though, but being so short means it takes mere seconds to get back where you were. Amazing mapset, I really enjoyed the combat puzzles on these maps!
  21. Blip

    PUSS XVI: Pac-Man Doom - updated to Version 1.1 !!!

    Yep, it's working fine! Cool map, found all secrets and couldn't get all kills because the pinkies get resurrected, but it isn't a problem really. While replaying the secret maps I found a couple of sequence breaks:
  22. Blip

    PUSS XVI: Pac-Man Doom - updated to Version 1.1 !!!

    Just finished playing the beta, I played all maps except map05, because the pacdots were not working for some reason. The rest of the maps had pretty interesting gimmicks, and I believe they made really good use of the pacman mechanics. I really appreciate the inclusion of a tutorial map because I didn't know what some of the new sprites for the powerups were when playtesting. The only map I didn't quite enjoy was map07. I feel like either all pinkies should be released at once or some enemies should be placed on the lower floors, because the map felt really empty at some points. All around, pretty fun mapset!
  23. Really cool mapset! I only found a small issue in which the player can get stuck if they fall inside this small pit on map04 Apart from that, the maps were short and sweet!
  24. Blip

    PUSS XVI: Pac-Man Doom - updated to Version 1.1 !!!

    Ok just played the three submissions: Crashing Clyde's Castle: Cool map, it's simple but you can easily die at the end due to the cramped space if you are not careful. Could easily be a map01. Test Chamber: I enjoyed the portal mechanic and puzzles involved, though I had to play it two times because I missed the portal hint at the start and I broke the map by jumping :p. Couldn't figure out how to access the secret exit. The laser traps were cool but the instakill floors seemed kind of unnecessary in this map, as I never seemed to fall accidentally on them. Maybe they should be moved to some other location where it could make a fight trickier. The Arcade is a Lie: Pretty nice secret level, I enjoyed the final fight because it makes you watch your step, and the zombiemen shooting can make you eat a stray rocket from the cybers. However, the fight could be more dangerous as the cybers can be dealt with pretty quickly, leaving you with tons of bfg and a bunch of zombiemen standing around. Didn't seem to find any gamebreaking or visual glitches, but as I said I missed the secret exit in Test Chamber so I can't be 100% sure. I did mostly enjoy the mechanic in all three maps, it reminds me of skulldash, though I find that the Bonus doors in "Test" and "Arcade" are bit too late for them to matter unless you are kind of speedrunning the map and triggering everything all at once. All around, pretty interesting maps, can't wait to see new submissions!
  25. ++++ both of them. Absolutely banger wads with amazing combat and visuals