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About doomlayman

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  1. I have read in Wikipedia that Doom 2 initially came out in October 10, 1994 so maybe between that date to the end of 1995, there were a few Doom 2 mods available back then when the web just started to gain popularity. Is there someone here who played Doom 2 mods in 1994-1995? How were these mods like and would you recommend them today? Please share an example.
  2. A map mod about battles in space (Mars, Ganymede etc.) isn't techbase and isn't colorful enough. I need it techbase and colorful as in Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, Corridor 7, Apgee games, etc.
  3. doomlayman

    The Curse of Monkey Island in Doom

    @CBM out of curiosity, when did you start that particular project? I think that Pirate Doom covers mostly the first and second game but from playing about seven levels in Pirate Doom I don't recall any direct reference to COMI.
  4. A minority of mods just disable jumping and/or crouching. I never understood why it is. It continues to happen even when GZDOOM controls does have jump by SPACE key or crouch by C key, so I am quite don't know what to do to pass that problem. What to do if a mod disables jumping and/or crouching?
  5. W Well, speaking for myself, I agree with the general approach but not about graphic design: Unlike virtually any other program, image manipulation programs always felt to me very complex and dense and very not accessible with tons of functions in small windows with small text anywhere and too many ways to do the same thing. Graphics creativity is in my opinion something one borns with or develops very early in life, how to shape things, how to combine shapes with colors, not necessarily with an emphasis on UX and accessibility in the long term.
  6. I think you have seen a lot of posts like this and would know what to avoid if you develop a small economy model for this. I'll glad to see a post from you about this in the future ! Thank you for your positive approach to this general idea and about the royal Saudi bank account - salam aleikum !
  7. If I organize the tutorials for a printed book, then I don't need to translate them :) but I am no authority to label this tutorial or that tutorial as reasonable or good for start, a tutorial can be badly phrased or undidactic (I am not saying all or even most tutorials are, just that some could be). Anyway, I pretty much agree with you until it gets to graphic design. I Can tell you this, it's easier to develop skill in mathematics than in graphics design, that's at least, from my life experience. In my opinion, being graphics "gifted" is much more something one borns with then develops.
  8. You can believe me or not that it's not fear, but a reality of years of struggling with long complex niche English documentation online, mostly about graphic design; I am just one of this minority of people who needs a good thick book in English, going with it step by step with tutorials and if no such modern book exists, well, until there is one, I prefer to donate for an expert in some nice agreement we both respect.
  9. I basically pretty much agree with you. Sadly I have one major problem, I am not a native speaker of English, not even of a Germanic language, and it's quite hard for me to read lots of documentation scattered on the web in English on topics I even lack some level of "being gifted" with (if that's the right term in English), like graphic design, especially graphic design, I was always terrible in graphic design so I can't imagine myself doing sprites, especially not animations. However, it would be probably somewhat easier for me to learn other topics of doom modding from a good thick book in English because it's much much easier for me to read a good thick book in English then different long and probably complex articles from a computer in English but sadly from a quick search in amazon.com not even one book about Doom modding is available there. I would assume that I would be much better in level creation and sound design and maybe even some C tweaks then anything that has to do with graphic design.
  10. @Kinsie I didn't necessarily spoke of a full-on mod (whatever that means). I also meant for things like taking an existing mod, forking it, adding maps, backgrounds, trees, bosses and other possible gameplay elements, like simple quests. For example, I am hoping that someone will make a fork of Pirate Doom focusing on The Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3). How many Patreon-using modders do you know of approximately? My mere curiosity as I never came across one. Do you really compare working a few years (could be 5 years or more) for a large company with making a mod for 3-6 months? I mean come on man, I don't think you really do that comparison and by the way, other people could pay more than 100 USD, perhaps 250-500 USD, how's that sound to you?
  11. I tried to be somewhat flexible or metaphoric with the term but to prevent possible redundant philosophy about it I have just removed that part from the post altogether.
  12. I never had any training in graphic design or sound design and never programmed in C language and never even created a Doom map, so my only current way to mod is re-sorting maps, not a very contributing person to the Doom community, but I guess I could contribute 100 USD a month to a well skilled modder to enhance him working on a project, for say 3 months or 6 months. How do you think people should correctly donate to modders for developing what they think should be developed for the masses? How would you suggest to do this correctly so it will satisfy both parties (the doner and the modder), will cover all or most expectations, will ensure the general "deadlines", etc.
  13. doomlayman

    Why do people hate TNT Evilution so much?

    I don't recall coming across people who hate it. I like it more than Plutonia because it has a more "Techbase" level design.
  14. I had to click "See my activity", then click "Topics" (under "Forums").
  15. Hello there I can't see many posts I have created or replied on in my activity even if I follow them. What may cause this problem and what's worth to try to solve it? Thanks