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About DoomGuy2077

  • Rank
    mancubus vore survivor

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  1. Fun little mapset. Sometimes I want to play a map with a chaingun near the start next to a crowd of hitscanners and this hits the spot. Visually, the levels are really good looking for using only stock textures. No area is too empty or too busy and they follow the Episode 1 style guide (I don't know what else to call it). Putting player starts outside a building entrance like Romero's maps in Doom and Quake is a nice touch. It gives the levels authenticity.
  2. DoomGuy2077

    CEDE - Boom Compatible Episode for Doom I

    Was the MIDI for map 5 composed for this wad? There's a part with a groovy bass line and a pedal melody with a minor 7th that sounds like if Roger Waters and GY!BE collaborated.
  3. Just a tiny bit influenced by map05 of No Rest for the Living?
  4. DoomGuy2077

    You ever feel like life is pointless

    You and me, bud. I just had to block my mom's phone number and all socials because she wouldn't stop calling me a drug addict. The hardest drug I use is nicotine. She wakes up every day and smokes weed until she can't form sentences.
  5. I was rudely interrupted by a power outage before I got a chance to finish the map but I like it so far. I got to the obligatory fountain square full of imps in need of a rocketing at least.
  6. I don't think I've ever been so eager to play a .wad after only seeing a couple of screenshots.
  7. DoomGuy2077

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    Oh, weird. I was just scrolling through my .wad folder thinking "I should finish Interception 2." Then I started looking for new maps to play an ended up here. I guess it's a sign.
  8. I got a concussion a few weeks back and one of the consequences of that was that I had to stop playing video games during my recovery. Up until last week I would get a panic attack trying to play KDitD. I'm well enough now and I've missed weeks worth of maps and WADs that I would have played had I not given myself semi-permanent brain damage. What have I missed around doomworld? Is there anything that's been released that I shouldn't miss?
  9. Yeah this is an instant download for sure
  10. Pretty good little mapset you got.
  11. DoomGuy2077

    A.T.O.M. v1.5

    I assume freelook is allowed, but what aboutt jumping and/or crouching?
  12. DoomGuy2077

    Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last

    I'm sure somebody has already made the joke but while we're on the topic of Pink Floyd-themed community projects, when are we going to get the "Careful with that gun, Marine"?
  13. Good to hear because I dig the screens and I'd love to play the maps.
  14. Maybe I'm cranky because just got over the flu and I've had a headache for days but those invisible walls in map03 irked me like none other. Not to say it's a bad map. They're all top-notch. But, man, invisible walls... ...I'm glad I have a backup keyboard, just in case. Probably just a "me thing," though.