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Everything posted by philcul

  1. Everyone should take a look at... ...a fantastic little mapset (Boom format) which is strongly inspired by Crumpets with mostly smaller levels that contain weird landscapes, geometry that's interesting to look at and creative combat puzzles!
  2. philcul

    Monkey Business (One Map Demo)

    This was a lot of fun! Would love to see more of this!
  3. philcul

    Things about Doom you still don't understand

    Take a look at this! :)
  4. I mean, I would have fun visiting an art gallery in a Doom wad. Doesn't have to have combat. That's the cool thing about Doom: You can build all kinds of things, they don't have to be regular levels or maps!
  5. Cool, just saw that she's played through Anomaly Report recently, will watch that in parallel with my playthrough. Just subscribed.
  6. Sounds like a really cool project! Wanna post it here? :)
  7. philcul


    Is this Doom 3?
  8. It's simple: The room has a special damaging floor that ends the level when your health reaches below 11%. More infos on the different types of damaging floor can be found here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Damaging_floor You can also take a look here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/E1M8:_Phobos_Anomaly_(Doom)#Technical_information Yes, that room is part of the same map/level. Why wouldn't it? No, you can't do anything to stay there longer because the "God mode cheat is nullified", to quote the doomwiki. Sure, with a bit of luck and skill you can kill all the enemies and yes, they count to the kill count. Hope I didn't miss anything!
  9. philcul

    Have you guys ever had these moments?

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but do you know what an escape room is? This doesn't have anything to do (at least not necessarily) with escapism - it's just the comparism that in the same way you look for clues and key items in an escape room game to leave or proceed to the next room and have to puzzle out your way out of different scenarios. And I think that to a certain degree the analogy fits, although rather loosely: You look for keys, switches, sometimes well hidden triggers to proceed and - in comparison to some modern shooters - have to figure out the level as 3D-spaces which you kind of have to "solve". The main difference is that there is no combad in a normal escape room (and no demons in general :P)!
  10. Finally a community project that takes a stand against all these hyperdetailed wads with 100 lines or something! I'm in!
  11. @fai1025 thanks for organizing this community project, it was nice to be part of something like this for the first time! can't wait to play the project as a whole and see what the other mappers did create!
  12. There is surprisingly little fireblu in these screenshots!
  13. @dac Just a small question concerning the music: will non-midi music be okay, like stuff in ogg-format? As far as I know it should be the case that all ports that have mbf funcitonality also have the ability to play music in ogg-format.
  14. I'm not sure if I want to contribute to this project because I'm rather new to mapping and still preeetty slow, but holy sh*t - these resources look so damn cool! Will either changed my mind soon or wait for the resource pack after the project is done.
  15. Wow, that was really weird and cool! Liked the long tyson section in the beginning and the creative arch-vile usage in the red-blue-floor room. The new enemy sprites were also really cool, especially the demons from the original cover!
  16. I honestly do not have any intention to ever play this but I have to say that following your journey through your posts was something I really enjoyed! :)
  17. Wow, that definitely was an experience! Great atmosphere, cool vibes, felt really otherworldly. Don't know why, but it sometimes remembered me of the more spooky parts of Thief.
  18. Thank you very much for the playthrough! Hm... you might be right that it could be a little bit too hard for Slot 16 but maybe I could change place with someone-else? Or maybe it isn't such a big problem because community projects sometimes have sudden difficulty spikes? Your playthrough was definitely very helpful. It was good to see that nothing broke, that all monsters teleported in, etc. Difficulty levels are now mostly implemented with reduced arch-viles and reduced general enemy count on the lower difficulties as well as more power-ups - but I'm still working on it. I also put a supercharge on the column that lowers when you face the two arch-viles and spidermastermind, just to make sure that you don't have to encounter those on low health. The damaging floor at the end has also been removed and been replaced with a nice carpet instead: Regarding the first fight: I was surprised to see that you were able to kill all the revenants and all the archviles! I didn't even realize that there was enough ammo to do this. I honestly used the archviles as a way to deter the player from killing the revenants, because my idea for the fight was that you evade the revenant projectiles left and right and just killed the imps and hell knights. And then you run up, smash the button and the revenants and arch-viles get crushed. The pillars even close up again so that no revenant or arch-vile can hurt you while they get crushed. I hoped that the fact that every revenant gets replaced by an AV would lead the suspicion or idea that you probably have to do something else. I now have put one more arch-vile into each pillar-teleporter-closet, because if one saw that killing the AVs would lead to even more AVs, then one probably would try something else, right? Or should I do something else to convey this? I know that this leads to the fight being a little bit trial and error, and less straight-forward but I don't think that's too bad - I personally like having to try out a little bit before I "get" the fight. EDIT: I now have made a little "tutorial" room in the beginning that hopefully introduces the idea a little bit better. I also revamped the starting area visually, so now there is a lot more texture variety. It even has two little rooms / cells / whatever, one with blood and one with bones! doomium MAP16 blood & bones (final).rar
  19. That's quite a long deadline - I like that! I would be glad to be part of this!
  20. Sorry for not responding before - having a lot to do right now outside my Doom time. So, this is map 16, 'Blood & Bones'. This is only my third map I ever created and it's my first publicly released map, so I'm a bit excited/nervous. The midi is "Industrial" by Simon Judd, originally from Hellcore 2.0, although I took it from Sunder. It's a map that starts in a high tech location and takes you through a canyon with lots of, well, blood and bones. The map is not 100% finished, I still want to work a little bit on detailing and decoration, mainly in the starting area, but for now I'm happy with the gameplay and fights. So, now I would love some feedback, especially with regards to health and armor. Edit: Difficulties are not yet implemented. I will do this after getting some feedback on how the difficulty is now. Edit 2: removed the older version, see my next post
  21. philcul

    Why Soul Sphere?

    Isn't the powerup just called Soulsphere and the text message is just announcing what is happening, that is to say that you got supercharged with health by the Soulsphere, hence it is saying: "Supercharge!"?
  22. Oh, a new Bri WAD! Your last few WADs like Hydrosphere and Vow of Vengeance have been one of my new favourites. Can't wait to check this one out!
  23. philcul

    Abandon [final]

    Oh, wow, I'm so happy to see this released! I played some of these maps before but a few of them turned out to be just a tad bit too hard for me, so I can't wait to jump into this again on HMP!
  24. philcul

    Obscure, Hardly Known Bad Games/Guilty Pleasures.

    It's a shame that you seemed to have played Gothic with the English dub. I never listened to it but in my opinion the original voice acting is one of the best in western RPGs: it just feels really authentic and like real persons talking and so stilted like most RPGs of the time. The world feels authentic and I really like the controls, especially the fighting - they may be weird but I feel like once you get the hang of them you can really master them. I also really like how the character changes his animations and stance when you get more experienced with certain weapon types; for example how in the beginning the hero is holding a small sword with two hands because he has no idea how to fight, but when you learn more about one-handed sword fighting he only holds it in one hand and fights way smoother. Concerning "Gothic 2: Nacht des Raben": I'm surprised you found it that much more difficult, I never had that experience. If you do enough quests in the city and the other camps, a lot of which don't involve fighting at all, you will get enough experience to level your strength up more than enough. And yeah, the first area has orcs but only one or two. And you don't need to fight them, they even hide in caves. If you think that you have to fight the orc because you want the orc weapon for the smith, then think again: He only said that he wants an orc weapon not that you should kill one... and if you search enough you can find a dead orc with a weapon lying next to him! Sorry for the wall of text, haha, I just love those games. Also, I'm quite surprised to find them here, when we played them back in the day nobody of my friends considered them jank or anything (besides the graphics, those were already outdated when the game came out) but we preferred them over Morrowind and similiar games.