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About Executor666

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  1. Executor666

    You little creep...

    Linguica, I gave Kazooie a goatse link to discourage him from asking for WAREZ. My goal was to make Kazooie so P.O.'d that he'd never come back. I also give it to homework cheaters because I consider it a crime right up there with, oh, murder. BTW, I'll probably be switching to other links so people like Kazooie won't catch on. If you don't restore my title and post count: I will do the following things: 1. Make a profile with your name. 2. Give it the custom title "I am a moron". 3. Give it a post count of -100000000000. 4. Add insult to injury by making retarded posts with it.
  2. Executor666

    wait, wait, wait, wtmf

    The OTHER Kat. The new one. She hasn't posted. Yet.
  3. Executor666

    Forum Food (It's Frightning)

    You forgot the WAREZ-users that Mordeth has only partially eaten.
  4. Executor666

    Help Wanted...

    This site can help you with your homework.
  5. Executor666

    wait, wait, wait, wtmf

    No, the OTHER Kat. The one who hasn't posted. Yet. Maybe she's scared of coming...
  6. Executor666

    Master/Maximum levels for Doom 2?

    I'm not gross. Kazooie deserves the goatse link. If he wants his WAREZ, he will have to suffer for it. If my plan works, Kazooie will be traumatized for life and will never appear on these forums again.
  7. Executor666

    Master/Maximum levels for Doom 2?

    /me snickers.
  8. Executor666

    Master/Maximum levels for Doom 2?

    Get it here.
  9. Executor666

    I am plagiarized yet again...

    Message to Lüt: YOU, SIR, ARE A WRETCH.
  10. Executor666

    I am plagiarized yet again...

    By the way, this thread looks a little GREEN.
  11. Executor666

    I am plagiarized yet again...

    YOU, SIR, ARE A SOCIALIST PACIFIST RETARDED OAF. Now go away and die. GO to heck where you belong, you OAF.
  12. Executor666

    Favorite TC?

    *cough* WolfenDOOM *cough* --Edited by Executor666 to fix BB Code errors.--
  13. Executor666


    Boingo the Clown's TC. www.teamdeim.com
  14. Executor666

    i'm a retard...

    Of course you are.
  15. Executor666

    favorite monster in doom?

    Former humans. They are so fun to slaughter in mass quantities. /me BFGs 5000000000000000000000000 former humans and gibs them all at once.