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About nightice

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  1. nightice

    Quake series

    Actually, Quake 2 got its name because all the others they proposed were taken or otherwise had some sort of legal issue, so as the release date drew near id settled on their development name for it, Quake 2. There's not really any continuity, nor is there supposed to be, since Q2 was intended to be out of the Quake franchise. As for remaking Quake in a modern engine, there was a discussion a while back at func_msgboard about such a thing, especially reinterpreting the game using the little given bits of story and, of course, the final product. It sounded really freaking cool.
  2. nightice

    Pick Sides

  3. nightice

    doom to real world heights

    Actually, my strategy for building real-world stuff it to get basic dimensions first. Build literally, i.e. 100 inches=100 units. Then resize by however much it takes to get that feeling right and not way too small (around 1.5 i think). Then build everything else so it feels right with that real-world scale, screw dimensions.
  4. nightice

    Story time!

    Real hackers are actually called crackers. They also don't use Windows. Probably BSD.
  5. nightice

    Idea for a Source Port

    Er...why not just record the game with FRAPS and edit it with Windows Movie Maker/iMovie?
  6. nightice

    New Family Guy episode

    From what I understand, they're on the last or second-to-last season.
  7. nightice

    C Code

    @synix - it probably wasn't such a bad idea to learn C++ first but use VC++ as your compiler, it's better to learn the language first then learn how to apply it.
  8. nightice

    Greatly speed up Doom3 performance

    Unzip the pk4s into the folder that they're in. Remember to preserve the directory structure. Then delete them. However, this is only going to speed up load times, actual ingame performance won't change much.
  9. nightice

    Meets requirements but runs like crap

    Intel Integrated Graphics are extreme. ...ly shitty.
  10. nightice

    xbox 360

    I call it the Xbox 420, since they were probably smoking something when they designed it.
  11. nightice

    Lung Cancer Enthusiasts, Vote!

    Smoking: EWW GROSS
  12. nightice

    BSP and determining subsector visibility

    Idea: For the sector the player is currently in, find all sectors that the REJECT says it can see, and render current sector and ones specified by the reject. I dunno if it would work, just a thought.
  13. nightice

    C Code

    *sigh* He said that it took like 7 weeks just to make a GUI with C++. Understandable if he coded his own, but since most places teach Visual C++, they should have done simple (console) applications first, then moved up to GUIs.
  14. nightice

    BSP and determining subsector visibility

    Is it just me, or do BSPs seem horribly complicated? Carmack said back when he released the Doom source that you wouldn't even need the BSP, just rendering the entire level should be fast enough. And that was in the days of a Voodoo1.
  15. nightice

    Refueling Base - D3 Sp map

    Gameplay/map - Doom2 Detail - Doom3 Overall - very nice.