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About ryiron

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  1. ryiron

    [MBF21] You Only Get One Shot

    As someone who fell off the towers in 15cc an embarrassing number of times (mostly trying to avoid getting blocked on the death animations) I feel this is a feature, not a bug :-)
  2. ryiron

    [MBF21] You Only Get One Shot

    Thanks Maribo, and cheers for the demo. I was trying to balance the size of the play area so that you didn't have to lure the cybers towards the edge, but still big enough to have some room to move without accidentally stepping back into the lava. I could probably make it ~32 units smaller or so. I haven't submitted to idgames yet.
  3. ryiron

    [MBF21] You Only Get One Shot

    Yeah, I mentioned this in the the txt file. I couldn't think of a way to prevent it, but it does make pacifist possible (though maybe a bit tedious). Thanks for the demo. I like the nudge on #13.
  4. A twist on the 15 Cyberdemon Challenge Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity To send a cyber flying with your BFG Would you capture it or take a rocket to the face? Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qn5Ff12BxPoEJUKYiIOlkG5JotEpyc_6/view?usp=sharing
  5. ryiron

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    15CC UV-Fast in 1:25.63: 15ccf12563.zip
  6. ryiron

    [Release] Fracture

    Very cool. Nice lighting and atmosphere. Combat is nice and tight with some sneaky traps. The music really adds to the experience too. Here's an fda, a cheaty exit with only one key, and a uv-max: frac-ryiron.zip
  7. Had fun with this so did a uv-max. Some random notes/thoughts: * Favourite fight was the hell-knights with the mancubi on either side. It's fun and well balanced. * The fight with the two perched cybers feels a bit rng. The hit-scanners can cut your health down really quickly, and the vile can be tricky to handle with everything else going on. * A bunch of monsters can get knocked off pillars. In boom you need monster block lines for turret enemies. * You can do a (fairly easy) glide to trigger the bfg early. * The two cybers that teleport into the central courtyard after getting the bfg are a bit obnoxious. You can safely stand and plasma them at a distance (especially given the abundance of cell ammo in the map), but that's pretty boring. Running past them is slightly risky though. * The final fight is some good fun bfg spam.
  8. Fun, but fairly easy slaughter. There's way more ammo and health than needed. The red key path is easy to get mass in-fighting going and you can just kick it off and leave, and then come back later for the cleanup. You could lock the player into the fight to make it more challenging. The ending is cool with the rising and lowering platforms, and ups the difficulty a bit by locking the player in and making health a bit more scarce. Here's a uv-max: gwe-ryiron.zip
  9. ryiron

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Her love just washed away: https://dsdarchive.com/wads/hljwa uv-fast in 8:13: hljwa01f813.zip
  10. Not sure which ones exactly. Your monster closet design only gives the enemies a single chance to teleport in though. Because you only have the one teleport line, and the scroll floor action, if the monster's teleport destination is blocked it won't teleport, and then it will be stuck at the end of the closet. A better design is to remove the scroll floor action and instead have a control sector attached to the closet which propagates sound from a sector the player is in so the monster in the closet wakes up when the player shoots. Also having multiple teleport lines helps if the destination is blocked the enemy can still teleport.
  11. Fun little map. I quite like the palette change and texturing work. Combat is pretty good, with some spicy encounters. The first cyber is pretty nasty (I didn't realise they are low health at firtst), however the cyber by the blue key doesn't really do much, and the one at the end in-fights for free with the spider mastermind. You can hang back at the ledge to give the mastermind a direct line of sight and be completely safe from the cyber's rockets. Here's an fda and a near max, which is mostly blind from where I died in the fda. A few monsters didn't teleport in for me, including the first cyber. You maybe need to change your monster closets to handle the teleport destinations being blocked. f2f2-ryiron.zip
  12. Is this "insanely hard troll slaughter map" in the room with us right now? Map is loads of fun, and pretty tame as far as slaughter goes. Love the clunky old school vibes mixed with some fun combat and loads of in-fighting opportunities. Here's a messy uv-max, not my first attempt, but I durdled around finding secrets, and I did not know about the arch-vile trap at the end. Not quite sure how I survived it: wwwy-ryiron-uvmax.zip
  13. ryiron

    [-cl9] Orca - now on idgames!

    Nice atmospheric little map with some fun combat. I found a slight cheese for the cyber fight by staying pacifist (though I think its fine as is). Also, it's possible to soft-locked behind a few of the column staircases if you fall behind them. The columns that raise up leading to the blue key for example. fda and uv-max: orca-ryiron.zip
  14. ryiron


    Very cool map. Love the detailing and atmosphere. Combat is enjoyable with a few spicy moments. My only complaint is that I got lost a couple of times. First time was in the outdoor area where the secret soulsphere is. The lift to progress looks identical to the one you enter from, so wasn't very obvious. I also got very lost after getting the red key because I went up the stairs to the red door. I was wandering around for a while wondering where I was meant to go before I even saw the *other* red door. I found 3/4 secrets, but missed 5 enemies (3 in the exit, not sure where the other 2 were). fda: crem-ryiron.zip
  15. ryiron

    Nostalgia 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    map26 uv-max in 2:31: no226m231.zip video: https://youtu.be/9OuqmlCY33U Sorry @Alvis :-). Your runs got me motivated to find some improved routes. I tried a bit for map22 also, but that one is fairly tight.