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RaRu Des2122

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About RaRu Des2122

  • Rank
    UV-Maxer, totally not a speedrunner

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  1. RaRu Des2122

    Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

    Firstly, there are more than two thousand monsters and 15 secrets hidden on this map and I really wanted to find them all, to be honest. Secondly, I completed this map for the first time in my life only yesterday. So yes, almost two hours ;)) Another thing is a little scary - five maps of the remaining twelve are again inhabited by 1000+ monsters. Therefore, I think that this map is not the last one that will require such a time expenditure from me...
  2. RaRu Des2122

    Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

    I got to MAP20, couldn't complete it right away and took a break because it's not easy to go through so many large and densely populated maps in a row without getting tired on the way. This break has been delayed but today I came back and played through it in its entirety (though with two breaks xD) and I'm ready to go through the last two episodes with renewed strength! I played through it for more than 100 minutes (not counting the numerous deaths) of which I spent about half of them on searching for very well-hidden secrets. @eater29, you have created an outstanding map in all points of view - it is very herd, very confusing and replete with bloody and meat fights. Maps of this scale aren't amenable to conventional estimates))
  3. RaRu Des2122

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    *** *** Yeah, I finished it! It was UV-Max playthrough of the Voyage of Shadowman which is the collection of maps made by Shadowman from 2008 to 2023. Almost all of them subsequently became part of various community projects such as Heroes' Tales, both parts of Whitemare, Speed Master, Bloodspeed and RDC speedmappings. If you were interested in watching my videos and you want to play maps unfamiliar to you or even this megawad fully, then you can download it here.
  4. RaRu Des2122

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    @myolden, great news, I'm looking forward to it!
  5. I would also recommend to Anomaly Report, Solar Struggle, both parts of Nostalgia and one of the most recent megawads at the moment which names Road to Hades.
  6. RaRu Des2122

    Road To Hades [32 map megawad for TNT]

    @MtPain27, am I right that in the fourth season of Dean of Doom you won't be able to get past the analysis of this megawad?